Will the government take away your chickens?


8 Years
Jul 5, 2011
Mostly Here
the president signed a new executive order
the National Defense Resourses Preparedness order

he claims the right for the federal government to take control of anything the government determines it needs
"during peace times and during times of national emergency"

better hide your chickens
don't say I didn't warn you
Of course they can, then we can all go down to the government food distribution center with our hat in our hand and say; "I'd like some more please. Along with that you will be handed a hammer and sickle.
Our founders thought Da' Gummint was to be our servant.... not our master..... WAKE UP AND FIGHT BACK!!!

"Among the natural rights of the colonists are these: First a right to life, secondly to liberty, and thirdly to property; together with the right to defend them in the best manner they can."
Samuel Adams
You can read what Snopes said about it if you wish.


This references something passed by congress and signed into law by Harry Truman in 1950 to deal with national emergencies. Presidents over the last 60 years have been dealing with this. George W. Bush revised the existing executive Order not once but twice.

The big difference in this and the one in effect from Bush 43 is that FEMA and Homeland Securities duties have been revised to reflect current realities. It’s a little harder for the heads of the departments to say “Not my job” when the responsibilities are written down.
Actually, the very real National Animal Identification System (NAIS) that the USDA has been trying to pull over on us for years now, is something we shouldn't let slip under the radar. States have to "buy" into it, but some already have and are under its thumb.
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