Will this be ok?


In the Brooder
6 Years
Apr 2, 2013
I live in Pa. where we are still getting Night time temps in the low 30s. I have a small enclosed coop where I would like to put my 4 week old Black Giants. I would hang a heat lamp that the chicks could get under to keep warm. My concern is with temps that low would the lamp be enough? They are feathered pretty well.

Hi Betsy. If they're warm and don't have any drafts, they're fine. Just fix it like you would a brooder. I just got my butt chewed out today because I put my 4 1/2 week old chicks out in a little chicken yard during the 70° afternoons. Their is a wind barrier along with sun, semi-shade, and shade. They look a little more feathered out than yours, but they've been out about 6 times in two weeks. They love it!
They run all over the place having a good old time. Anyway, this lady told me they were way too young: not for another month. You can tell if they're hot or cold. Close them in a little more if you have to to keep them warm. Even if you have to hang a blanket or something to keep a little heat in. Are they driving you nuts? I've got my 10 in the house. I know I'll be sort of glad to see them go to the coop, but have some separation anxiety, as well.
Thanks to you both........ I think they are going out then. They are making a mess of their food and water and of course there is dust all over. I don't have a basement so they are in a small room where my son keeps his weight bench. He will be glad to see them go. :)

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