Will this work?


8 Years
Dec 7, 2011
For the winter I am going to house my 2 pair of yearling peas. The pen will be circular 35' diameter with a 12 x 12 run in shed attached. I would like to have either 1.) a pair of spotted australian ducks 2.) 5 or 6 guineas or 3.)some chickens share their space. Will this work? Which would be the best fit?
I think guineas would get along best with the peacocks.
No they do not. I had my guineas and the males attack the peafowl, actually they attacked everything in the pen except Jackson the blind peacock. I have chickens and ducks in my peapen and have no issues. The peas and ducks do not bother each other, but the peas will bother the chickens esp roosters.
I guess it depends on the birds... My adult peas live with adult guineas and there are no issues.

This is true.. mine free range together no problems but I had one male that decided that he wanted to terrorize my Master.P when he was a baby so every time he would harass Master I would catch him and put him in jail. after two time in lockup the jail bird finely learned.

The pics are great. Thanks for sharing your experiences. Everybody free ranges together with no/little problem, I am just a little concerned with them being forced in close quarters. So I guess I'll try the ducks first and just keep an eye out for any problems. I'll have to have a water source up high so the peas have access to clean water.

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