Will Trade Platypus Eggs

Speaking of trees, I happen to have the perfect soil for growing money trees!! You should see all the money I harvest from my trees daily.

As it seems a bit unfair for me to be the only one who prospers from my amazing soil, so I am more than willing to grow a money tree for anyone who wants one. Just PM me and let me know you're interested, and I'll send you my address. Then all you have to do is send me a five dollar bill, and wait for your money harvest to come rolling in!! I'll plant your $5, and as soon as your tree begins to bear fruit, I'll pick it, and mail it back to you.

Why would I be so willing to go to all this trouble for you? Well, that's just the kind of person that I am. $5 is a small investment for all the money your tree will grow in return!
I get spam mail like that!
Hey you,
I actually got to take a 'dear precious church lady' on a "snipe" hunt, a coupla years ago!

We had a church camping trip, way back in the boonies, on the buffalo river, and she fell for it!
You could hear her hollering once she figured out it was a joke! Course, there she was in the dark....he he he...
(We rushed right back to her, of course!)
Dose anyone have Snipe eggs to trade? I've been looking all over for snipe eggs.

I'll trade a dozen possum hatching eggs for a few fertile snipe eggs.


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