Will we see our pets again?

I dont believe in God, or the God you are speaking of. I believe in my own set of gods, however, that is a story for another time.
I believe I will see my animals again. I believe they're still right here with me, I just cant nessicarily see them yet. I cant fathom the idea of never seeing them again, and I don't believe the gods would punish us like that, dont you? I mean, animals are like family, why would that want us to suffer without them after life?

Actually, even if we don't see then in heaven....we won't miss them. I know it's hard to understand here on earth...but that is how it will be. You won't be sad in heaven.

But that is only if you believe the stuff I mentioned earlier... 😬 I recommend you think about the question "Where will you be in a million years?" (Not publicly if you don't want to)
I'm so sorry! I didn't mean for my post to come across as rude! I consider myself agnostic, even though I follow Wiccan religion, and am very curious about other religons.
I'm so sorry if I came across as offensive. It was never my intention.
Not offended at all!!
I understand lots of people have lots of different beliefs, and that's quite alright.
Since converting I've had all sorts of people go out of their way to send messages that would make your jaw drop.
Actually, even if we don't see then in heaven....we won't miss them. I know it's hard to understand here on earth...but that is how it will be. You won't be sad in heaven.

But that is only if you believe the stuff I mentioned earlier... 😬 I recommend you think about the question "Where will you be in a million years?" (Not publicly if you don't want to)
However, longing and sadness are two different things. You can want something without nessicarily being sad, no?

Yes, I'm agnostic/Wiccan tendencies, so my version of afterlife is different from yours, but that's fine! I understand where you are coming from.
Not offended at all!!
I understand lots of people have lots of different beliefs, and that's quite alright.
Since converting I've had all sorts of people go out of their way to send messages that would make your jaw drop.
That's terrible. People can be so cruel and so stuck to their religion. That's why I dont really share my beliefs with others, because they automatically mistake it for Satanism. It's not, they're two very different things 😆
However, longing and sadness are two different things. You can want something without nessicarily being sad, no?

Yes, I'm agnostic/Wiccan tendencies, so my version of afterlife is different from yours, but that's fine! I understand where you are coming from.

That's terrible. People can be so cruel and so stuck to their religion. That's why I dont really share my beliefs with others, because they automatically mistake it for Satanism. It's not, they're two very different things 😆
Oh, I know being Wiccan =/= Satanism. But that might be because I'm a reader and love learning about new things.
I normally keep it quiet too but this was something I had been thinking about myself and found myself quite sad.
I, to, understand that people have different beliefs. But actually....there is really only one path to heaven. Please make sure you're on the right path everyone!
But there are multiple places you can go in the afterlife, dont you think? Why does there have to just one heaven? I know I'm on the right path, its not to heaven but I know I'm going to be happy.
Oh, I know being Wiccan =/= Satanism. But that might be because I'm a reader and love learning about new things.
I normally keep it quiet too but this was something I had been thinking about myself and found myself quite sad.
Reading is the greatest way to learn! It's how I learned about Wiccan.
It is kind of sad to think about. Life forever with out our beloved pets is quite sad to think about.
But there are multiple places you can go in the afterlife, dont you think? Why does there have to just one heaven? I know I'm on the right path, its not to heaven but I know I'm going to be happy.

Reading is the greatest way to learn! It's how I learned about Wiccan.
It is kind of sad to think about. Life forever with out our beloved pets is quite sad to think about.
If you want we can PM and talk! In Islam there are actually several "layers" of Jannah and several "layers" of Jahannam.
But there are multiple places you can go in the afterlife, dont you think? Why does there have to just one heaven? I know I'm on the right path, its not to heaven but I know I'm going to be happy. im not going to get into religion right now , I couldn't handle it .

Reading is the greatest way to learn! It's how I learned about Wiccan.
It is kind of sad to think about. Life forever with out our beloved pets is quite sad to think about.
why would you care more about your pets than being in heaven? just a question I thought of !
But there are multiple places you can go in the afterlife, dont you think? Why does there have to just one heaven? I know I'm on the right path, its not to heaven but I know I'm going to be happy.

Every person who believes the right stuff, etc. goes to heaven to wait until the earth is destroyed and the new earth begins. It is a very happy place in heaven. Then they go live on the new earth.....

The people who don't believe the right thing go to hell.
But there are multiple places you can go in the afterlife, dont you think? Why does there have to just one heaven? I know I'm on the right path, its not to heaven but I know I'm going to be happy.

Reading is the greatest way to learn! It's how I learned about Wiccan.
It is kind of sad to think about. Life forever with out our beloved pets is quite sad to think about.
I highly suggest you explore all religions and find one that you think is right ! Wiccan sounds ..... Ummm ....a little odd for me as I believe alot of stuff Wiccan probably goes against ! But I think God will help you see whats truly right .

Also these are just my thoughts. I do not mean to offend you in any way , so if your offended I'm VERY sorry !

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