Will we see our pets again?

Actually, the term gay was never in the bible until 1946. And what it translated from was actually pedophile. "Man shall not lay with boy" is speaking of pedophilia, not being gay. It's actually not against God at all. And what happened to "Love thy neighbor" and "God loves all"? It sounds like your words are kind of contradicting.
Did you know that Satan's name, Lucifer, actually means light-bringer? Satan actually isn't bad at all, Christianity warped him to be like that. He has been around longer then Christianity, and so has Wiccan and Paganism. Halloween and Easter are Pagan holidays. The Christmas tree is actually a Pagan tradition. Christianity stole it all from us.
I was looking around and it looks like the satanisim symbol is just an upside down version of wiccas !
There are a lot of different pagan/witchcraft and wiccan and satanism symbols that go hand in hand and look very similar/are the same. Even though the religons and practices are different.
So while they may look similar, they do have different meanings. The Wicca symbol is actually a protection Pentagram.
This is what how long life is right now:


This is how long life will be after we die. (In heaven and in the new world)

____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________....AND IT WILL GO ON FOR EVER!!!

So you would rather live the short life being happy and carefree, then not be able to have the long life after you die?

Serve God while you live on this earth, then live happily in the new world after you die!
Well I dont believe in the new world.
I will be reincarnated until eventually the earth comes to an end, and when it does end I will simply become an energy in the universe just like I am as a human, just without a body.
I will serve no God. I will give my offerings and respect and learn from my gods, but I serve no one.
That is because the Church of Satan, a relatively recent organization, decided to make their symbol an inverted version of a Wiccan pentagram. It's like how some anarchists identify with a symbol of an inverted US flag. It doesn't mean Wicca and "satanism" are anything to do with each other.
Yep! I forgot to mention that. Thank you! My brain is a little tired today lol
I am happy to respect Christian religions and other religions but I would prefer to make up my own mind. I have a lot of things I believe in but I don’t believe in just one religion

I was like that for a while. Not saying it's bad at all. Those years were what I needed to find where I was happiest. I hope you're happy with what you believe in
I 100% agree. I’m atheist, so I don’t have a religion but I agree with you in all these points you have made
I see your point! I used to be atheist until I found Wicca, so i understand.
I agree too. I am a Christian and yet I don't follow every single rule. I can't without being miserable.
Thank you! You can be Christian and not follow every "rule".
I agree too. I am a Christian and yet I don't follow every single rule. I can't without being miserable.
Christianity should not be about rules, it should be about a relationship with a person - Jesus, the Christ. Religion is about rules. There's a difference. 😉
Actually, the term gay was never in the bible until 1946. And what it translated from was actually pedophile. "Man shall not lay with boy" is speaking of pedophilia, not being gay. It's actually not against God at all. And what happened to "Love thy neighbor" and "God loves all"? It sounds like your words are kind of contradicting.
Did you know that Satan's name, Lucifer, actually means light-bringer? Satan actually isn't bad at all, Christianity warped him to be like that. He has been around longer then Christianity, and so has Wiccan and Paganism. Halloween and Easter are Pagan holidays. The Christmas tree is actually a Pagan tradition. Christianity stole it all from us.

There are a lot of different pagan/witchcraft and wiccan and satanism symbols that go hand in hand and look very similar/are the same. Even though the religons and practices are different.
So while they may look similar, they do have different meanings. The Wicca symbol is actually a protection Pentagram.

Well I dont believe in the new world.
I will be reincarnated until eventually the earth comes to an end, and when it does end I will simply become an energy in the universe just like I am as a human, just without a body.
I will serve no God. I will give my offerings and respect and learn from my gods, but I serve no one.
Well said!
I just want to take a moment to give a big shout out to my fellow polytheists in the coop! 🤗
Actually, the term gay was never in the bible until 1946. And what it translated from was actually pedophile. "Man shall not lay with boy" is speaking of pedophilia, not being gay. It's actually not against God at all. And what happened to "Love thy neighbor" and "God loves all"? It sounds like your words are kind of contradicting.
Did you know that Satan's name, Lucifer, actually means light-bringer? Satan actually isn't bad at all, Christianity warped him to be like that. He has been around longer then Christianity, and so has Wiccan and Paganism. Halloween and Easter are Pagan holidays. The Christmas tree is actually a Pagan tradition. Christianity stole it all from us.

There are a lot of different pagan/witchcraft and wiccan and satanism symbols that go hand in hand and look very similar/are the same. Even though the religons and practices are different.
So while they may look similar, they do have different meanings. The Wicca symbol is actually a protection Pentagram.

Well I dont believe in the new world.
I will be reincarnated until eventually the earth comes to an end, and when it does end I will simply become an energy in the universe just like I am as a human, just without a body.
I will serve no God. I will give my offerings and respect and learn from my gods, but I serve no one.
Actually, I really can't believe any of that.
I firmly believe that being gay is against God.
God made the arrangement of one man and one woman. I like to respect that.
And Satan. He was an angel that wanted more power. He caused the suffering. He warped himself.

I don't celebrate Christmas. I'm aware it's pagan. Which makes me less likely to celebrate it.

I'm not disrespecting your beliefs. Just stating mine. No offense intended.

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