Wind Chill advisory


12 Years
Jan 8, 2008
Milaca, MN
Just received a wind chill advisory for our area -25 to -35 below tonight. I will have to make sure my girls are extra warm tonight. I can't wait for warmer weather.
Move down to southern Oklahoma or Texas and you won't have that problem.
Gives me chills just to think about it. Brrr....
Sure glad I live in California. Moved here from upstate NY, so I kinda remember that kind of cold. We think 42 degrees is cold!!!
I hear you lilshadow. It's supposed to be -30 wind chills tonight here too. I may have to put more straw in their coop tonight after I get home. I think they should be entitled to a wood stove in their coop. LOL Just to keep them warm.
We have "only" had overnight temps in the high teens and low 20's. We put a heat lamp in with the special needs ducks, brought the two most crippled ones in the house (pee-yoo) and everyone else did fine.

(I used to visit Santa Rosa a lot. Very lovely area)
Our windchill is -14 tonight NOT bad considering what we've had to put up with the last few days.....

Saturday will be GREAT - we're going up to 38!!
I'm from Alaska, and I went to college in Minnesota. The first time it snowed in May I swore I was never coming back. Man, I don't miss those January days in Minnesota. This is time of year when I stand in my yard and say "God, I love Texas"; knowing that everyone else in my family is freezing their cajones off.

Sorry you're suffering but neaner, neaner, neaner.

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