Windows 7 Anyone using it?

Nope, I still have a dinosaur running XP. I will be watching this though so that I know what to expect. Hope to replace this one soon.
We skipped Vista entirely.
I have it and it seems okay. I did have to buy new printer and camera. Mine were antiques though, so that was okay. There is a "slickness" about it that I don't like. I was 100% completely happy with XP, and if they were to continue to support it I would continue to use it. Built in obsolescence guarantees the consumer public will continue to buy new product, simply because they must. We MUST!!! And THAT is why I don't like 7. Bill Gates and his kind are rich beyond comprehension, and then they arbitrarily kill off the usefullness of what we already bought, so they can wrench more $ from our threadbare pockets, AGAIN! And they do it every three or four years... They should be forced by law to support, indefinitely, any product they sell. Period. End of rant.
Was anyone able to install MS Office 2000 without problems on Windows 7. I sure don't want to get Office 2007.
Also, it automatically picked up the network card on my desktop with XP downstairs. Then it proceeded to install a home network system on its own... its way, again.. ; when it finished, it said it would find the other computers in my home that were using Windows 7. WHAT!? It would not use my computer with XP; surely, there's some way of connecting my computer with XP to the home network.
ive had every windows environment since 98se. i have 7 on this laptop and it is something to get used to. i am a self proclaimed computer whiz and it does bug me. i think they are aiming to please the people who really don't know what they are doing. the control freak in me doesn't necessarily appreciate most of the changes, but i just deal with it.
I have Windows 7 and I like it quite a bit. It definitely took some getting used to, it's so much different than XP, which is what I was running before. But it's light years better than Vista. I didn't like that it pushed certain programs on me, like Skype and Norton, but that was easily taken care of, uninstall anything you don't want and download free software from Runs like a charm now.

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