wing amputation


7 Years
Aug 15, 2012
burley, idaho
My neighbors cat attacked my leghorn. The bone is shattered. All the skin and mussel is torn clear through. The wing was hanging on by about an inch of skin at the top of the wing. I cut it off. The chicken didn't fight or make a sound. But now there is about a quarter inch of bone sticking through the skin. I think I should probably cut it off even with the skin but with what? Or can this hel the way it is. The bird is doing ok. It's up walking around and drinking a little water. But kinda lethargic after loosing so much blood and being attacked. The wound isn't bleeding now. It's covered in gause with neosporin. So what would you do???
If she were mine:
1st. Isolate her in a very controlled, small, quiet and warm environment.
2nd. I'd initiate Penecillin G, probably ~0.05cc 1x/day for 4 days
3rd. I'd clean the wound twice daily with Chlorhexidine soap, the rinse (both available from my vet)
4th. SLATHER wound with antibiotic ointment (NOT the pain control type); Walmart has triple-abx cheap.
5th. Probably not cut the bone unless I was sure I could sever it at the next proximal joint - - without vomiting.
6th. Probably not use a dressing, not sure because I haven't dealt with exposed bone but I definitely wouldn't want it to dry out.
7th. Add electrolyte solution to water, adjust diet.

Yes, it can heal, the skin grows incredibly well. Keep it moist. Good luck.
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If resection to the nearest joint isn't possible and you're forced to "cut" it, I would recommend a brand new, clean pair of heavy-duty tin snips. I used to fur trap many years ago and used tin snips to cut off small critter (muskrats, mink, coon) legs to facilitate skinning. Sounds archaic but it worked with minimal effort (one and done).
CGW gave many of the things I would do. I would give her some (cooked) egg with a small amount of whiskey a couple times a day and add some plain regular yogurt with her reg feed. I have used this to help rehab. wounded animals for years. I just talked to a Poultry Vet yesterday to get info on npip. I asked him about my old farmers first 48 hours recipe and he told me it's good but he would also add a little karo syrup in with the egg and whiskey - for energy.
I hope your hen recovers fast.
well she lived through the night. she tried to lay an egg this morning but the shell was really thin. i dont imagine ill be getting any more eggs from her for a while. we cut the bone off at the skin, i guess we will see how she does
She spent all day in the coop. Hasn't made any noise and not moving. Just standing in the same spot if front of the waterer. Still not eating but atleast the other birds are leaving her alone.

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