Wing Clipping Flight


Feb 3, 2012
I am looking into moving my flock. I have mainly medium to heavy breed chickens. The place that I am moving them to has a 48" fence. I have to keep them in, in order to keep them from wandering. I need to know how high they can fly with their wing clipped. Any correct responses would be nice.
I work on a farm. We clip the wings of our birds as they are all ranging. We only clip one side to make them uneven "flyers". All are medium/large breeds. They can get up to 4 feet with effort but not much higher than that. Most of them don't even attempt it after a few lopsided tries. All of them can easily reach nest boxes 2-3 feet off the ground and a roost bar 2-3 feet off the ground.

We move our birds to save the grassy areas. The temporary fencing is 5 foot. The only bird that has ever taken off was our roo and he couldn't get back in... (we had to put him back)
My 5-week-old pullets are in a 5-foot pen. They are not clipped, but I am thinking about doing it seeing how high they can "fly" right now.

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