Winter... :0


In the Brooder
7 Years
Oct 14, 2012
So winter is coming... How do I best prepare?? I have a gallon water feeder, so how can I keep that from freezing? What do I do to keep the chickens safe? Are there going to be behavior changes I should be prepared for?..
It would really help to know where you live since precautions in the south are way different then the north.

they do sell water heaters to keep you water from freezing or you can look up an homemade heater.
As for behavior, most chickens slow down egg laying during the shorter days of winter. My chickens took this time last year to molt too.
I live in tn, they are already molting, and a water heater wouldn't work for this type of water thing. I know of water heaters cause that's how we keep our horse troughs and dog water unfrozen.
I take it your water-er is plastic. Here is what I used last winter (an idea that I got from someone else on here) and it worked great. Just sit your waterer on top and plug in.

I used a Lamp fixture and a terracotta flower pot. I didn't seal the pot so that any water that might get in would go out the bottom but I did seal any possible opening to the wiring. I used bricks to level it and to also add a little height so water couldn't enter or stay inside. I also used a low wattage bulb so it didn't melt the plastic. And I used a power switch that would turn off in case of a surge.

Next time I'm going to build a wooden frame to make absolutely sure that it is level and that it can't tilt over (which it never did).
If you're already keeping water unfrozen for other animals you're ahead of the game. I've used a plastic heated water bowl (they usually sell them for dogs) with great success for about 3 years now. They don't HAVE to have the typical chicken waterer, you can use just about anyting that will keep the water liquid and that they can slurp out of. Actually, my girls seem to prefer puddles over anything else
. Don't stress out too much about it. I'm sure you'll find what works best for you. Good luck.

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