Winter Hatch Along!

Here is day one! So far in the egg a small amount of tissue has developed. This you can’t see through a normal candle light because it is so small.
Just candled. Thank goodness I did. Apparently I missed an egg that was cracked due to the cold and set it. It has a vertical crack top to bottom, but the dang thing is growing!! My husband helped me and we dripped wax on the crack to see if we could save the baby. Hopefully it doesn't explode

As for the rest of the eggs. only the four in the first picture don't seem to be developing. The rest are looking red and I can see the beginnings of veining starting. Excited to see what hatches.
Officially in lockdown at 4:00pm today but since I'm at work I put the 4 eggs that made it to lockdown in the hatcher last night. Running without increasing humidity at first because I think the eggs still need to lose more weight. Sadly the little cracked egg passed around day 11 but I have four lively babies in the hatcher. Fingers crossed they hatch okay. If you want to check on them my live feed is here:

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