Winter incubation set, anyone else!!

I fixed that uncertainty by having about 4 thermometers in the incubator at a time (cheap ones for fishtanks at Walmart.) What you're looking for is an average..... also, keep in mind that the thermometers that are closest to the heating element will read higher. You could also go to a Walgreens and get a human thermometer, as those are calibrated to be as accurate as possible for obvious reasons. Use that to compare against your own, and it'll give you a good idea.

Happy hatching!
I am working with a early to mid fifties Leahy Redwood 600 egg incubator. So far we have 3 thermometers and 2 hygrometers. They are running at a average temp of 99.3 and humidity of 53%. This seemed to do well for our other hatch. The only thing different we are trying is setting at different times (only because all of our eggs did not arrive at the same time.) The first set was Saturday 1/7 at 1:30 PM 49 chicken, 20 turkey. Now our last set of eggs has finally arrived. These will go in Monday 1/9 at 10:45PM. Looks like we will have a long week of hatching around 1/28-2/4.
I took the batteries out of the hygrometer and put them back in and voila it's displaying the temperature more accurately again!

My eggs are on day 5 so I'm going to candle tonight to see if I can see anything :D
I also got some BBS Orpington eggs & BBS Marans in the mail yesterday .... Don't know how that happened ;) hoping my friend can lend me their bator for my silkie hatch in 2 weeks!
Hi guys... I set my 11 eggs Sat at 9:30 pm. I haven't been able to wait and candled. NOTHING. I am worried my first attempt at hatching, and starting a flock, will be an epic failure! :-( I really want some chicks at the end of the month...
To make things harder on me, 5 are EE eggs, 3 are black copper Marans both of which are dark and hard to see anyway. Any advice on howto get those to candle?
I basically need a pep talk I guess...
Hi guys... I set my 11 eggs Sat at 9:30 pm. I haven't been able to wait and candled. NOTHING. I am worried my first attempt at hatching, and starting a flock, will be an epic failure! :-( I really want some chicks at the end of the month...
To make things harder on me, 5 are EE eggs, 3 are black copper Marans both of which are dark and hard to see anyway. Any advice on howto get those to candle?
I basically need a pep talk I guess...

Don't panic... it really is too early. Try again on saturday or sunday... you should see some little something, but not much veins mostly. You will not be able to see much in the Marans and some EE eggs. You will see veins in the begining if you have a good candler. Later you will only see darkness and that will be a good thing. Since you are new... my advise... DON"T TOSS ANYTHING unless it stinks haha. You might be surprised. Mark the ones you think are not doing anything and when the hatch is done look at it again and crack it open so you know what you saw or didn't see.

I have a 120 lumens flashlight and can't see in the Marans and thick EE eggs, I have ordered a 400 lumens flashlight so we will see what that does if anything. Good luck!

Yesterday I had 13 new babies 1 Lav Am 5 lav splits and 6 EE x Leghorn and 1 Blue Rock
Don't panic... it really is too early. Try again on saturday or sunday... you should see some little something, but not much veins mostly. You will not be able to see much in the Marans and some EE eggs. You will see veins in the begining if you have a good candler. Later you will only see darkness and that will be a good thing. Since you are new... my advise... DON"T TOSS ANYTHING unless it stinks haha. You might be surprised. Mark the ones you think are not doing anything and when the hatch is done look at it again and crack it open so you know what you saw or didn't see.

I have a 120 lumens flashlight and can't see in the Marans and thick EE eggs, I have ordered a 400 lumens flashlight so we will see what that does if anything. Good luck!

Yesterday I had 13 new babies 1 Lav Am 5 lav splits and 6 EE x Leghorn and 1 Blue Rock
Thanks. I keep hearing how hatch rates are terrible with shipped eggs, and me such a beginner too... I'm hoping with all my heart I get some chicks!

Congrats on your new chicks! I would love to see pics
It was so difficult for me to see anything when I candled during my first hatch. I had dark eggs as well and when you dont know what your looking for, it is difficult. Look for the veins, it is still pretty amazing to see that and know something is growing inside that tiny egg :)
Yay hatching buddies! I'm in! I set my homegrown mutts (and a few pure americaunas) for my first ever hatch. Home made bator. I set the 8th so babies due feb 1st! candeled last night and saw the "spider"! Anyone have tips for candeling dark maran eggs?those are tricky!

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