Winter is Coming! Checklists, tips, advice for a newbie

How bad are negative (F) temps inside the coop?

This morning my remote temp sensor from the coop was reading -2 F.
Is this getting too cold? We are having a particularly cold December- we don't usually see extended negatives until the peak of January.

A few eggs now have been laid from the roosts, and smash (and freeze) to the floor of the coop. I have a couple of new layers so I'm not sure if it's just the learning curve to use the boxes, or if they are roosting so early (due to the dark) that they don't have proper time to lay.

Only four eggs yesterday from eight laying hens. (And one was a weird mutant egg) One smashed this morning frozen to the floor, and several smashed the past few days.
I'm no expert on that kind of cold but it seems to me that if the eggs can freeze then so can any moisture that gets on their combs and wattles they can get frostbite.
I worry about my birds particularly the bantam who are in a open coop that has been wrapped in plastic except for the door and a 10x36 inch area at the top of one side. I'm in the south and don't get any where near that cold but it was 18*f this morning and 70 last week. I wonder if the up and down temps are not hard on them. I have debated putting a heat lamp in for these really cold nights. I do have a 75 watt light in there now. Some of the d'Uccle were huddled up with the Silkies last night in their shavings bed.
My d'uccle do fine in the cold.

However, the skinny thin points on the rooster combs freeze off.

-2 in the coop will be fine, but do make sure that the perches are wide 4inch.
My d'uccle do fine in the cold.

However, the skinny thin points on the rooster combs freeze off.

-2 in the coop will be fine, but do make sure that the perches are wide 4inch.
Do you think I should take some precautions because of the temperature fluctuations we have here.
I worry about my birds particularly the bantam who are in a open coop that has been wrapped in plastic except for the door and a 10x36 inch area at the top of one side.   I'm in the south and don't get any where near that cold but it was 18*f this morning and 70 last week.  I wonder if the up and down temps are not hard on them.  I have debated putting a heat lamp in for these really cold nights. I do have a 75 watt light in there now.  Some of the d'Uccle were huddled up with the Silkies last night in their shavings bed.

I wouldn't even consider using a heat lamp due to the fire risk. Even a 75 watt bulb may get to hot if it is close to anything. As long as the wind does not blow thru you will be fine. Still need some open vents.
In Canada I am subject to -40º cold snaps. I do NOT heat my coop. Murphy's law says my birds will find out what -40 is all about when my hydro goes out. Regardless what you decide feed extra Corn over the winter you will not be sorry. Or something like this may help also; You could even knit a hoodie for those extra cold days..
Mine gave stopped laying..l think because of the this true???
I was getting 7 eggs each day..7 hens...4 leghorns..3 Isa Brown..yesterday 1 brown nothjng.

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