Wire Wrap and Weave Jewelry

If I find something that doesn't cost an absolute fortune and speaks to me (sadly the 2 don't seem to go together often) I'll be sure to get it and get with you to get it wrapped.
I can get fossels they are not too expensive... bulk purchase 14.OO


ammonite that Opalized during fossilization

another but with red hues

this one is more expensive but I really like it this one would make a stunning pendant.


This last one is 9.00

The others are sold in lots the green stones are 11.00 and the red stones are 25.00
so for the green 11 divided by three is about 3. 70.

And for the red 25 divided by three is about 8.34.

These examples all came from Etsy. All descriptions cover size but in millimeters make sure you convert to inches to really get an idea of what you are looking at.

We have found some sanity in Michigan and cannabis products are now legal here, and increasingly easier for sufferers to get hold of. Hope your doctor is willing to get it for you by prescription.

I tried to get my Mom to try it for nausea when she was having Chemo, but she said a big NO to dangerous illegal drugs! (even though legal, and certainly less toxic than her chemo meds :rolleyes: )
All I want is permission to get it on my own. Cannibus was a big business before it was legalized. I am certain my insurance would not pay for it, and I am ok with that. I just want the docs to ok it and know that I am using it. They should be able to tell me if there are drug interactions with it.

Have you tried any of the CBD products? Since they don't have THC they are legal everywhere without needing permission. I have to be careful because they can have TRACE amounts of THC and as it builds up in fatty tissue I COULD potentially build up enough to fail a drug test at work, but as you don't work (I don't believe) and presumably aren't subject to random drug tests, there would be nothing to lose.

We have a CBD + Essential oil blend that I dilute in coconut oil and use on my husbands back and knees when they get bad and it does help some. It seems to knock my migraines out pretty quick as well, and the essential oil is just citrus oils (mostly orange oil) so it's not those that are helping.
I dont know the ramifications of using it while working. But I want to be able to consume it rather than smoke it. so I am sure I will get a very strong dose.

I will reserve my thoughts of growing my own at my house. CBD for me does nothing. Mom has it for her hands. She prefers her Narcotics the doctor prescribes. I will not go that rout. My cousin was hooked on Morphine for her Fibro Myalgia. I just want to take the edge off the pain without dmaging my kidneys or liver. Pain is a good thing it tells you to stop doing what you are doing.

But in order to take a walk or go grocery shopping would be an awesome thing. Plus build up my core strength in order to stand more than half a minute.

yep its that bad. Thank goodness doing wire weaving is done in a seated position.

Hello! I just wanted to pop in and say that you have incredible talent, perchie.girl! Your jewelry is gorgeous!
Thank you. I took a break for about a year and a half maybe more. Health issues. But I am back up and running with some new input from YouTube.

Following a Russian artist and Got a new idea for a weave cant wait to use it on a piece.
Following a Gal by the Name of Kelly Jones. Her stuff is AmAzing. I like her concepts and the back structure behind the stones. Though because of copy Write issues I cannot use her designs without mentioning her name and giving her credit and a link to her tutuorials.. But I will take the design and make it mine because I like certain things more than others.

Oh and I am going to add soldered pieces to improve the structure. Basically soldering Jump rings and making little balls on the ends of the wires. That makes for an interesting design.
I also want to try my hand at making bezels for Cabochons. I saw a demo and it was awesome.


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