Wisconsin "Cheeseheads"

good morning, DrH, I was worried that a tree fell on you or something..FT, I wasn't worried about you because only the good die young..

I talked to a friend of Ricks' about peahens and cockatiels.. they belong to the exotic bird club together.. those are the guys who are sponsering most of the swaps lately..

Annie found a few eggs in with the lean-to quail.. I have quail in 3 different cages.. adults (10), and now some more adults (40), and some slightly younger ones (18).. I see that you (TerriO) are combining yours.. do you think I could put all of mine into one big cage ? (68 total)
I have one cage that is 3ft x 10ft.. that is where I have about 40 of them.. then I have 18 younger ones and 10 of the original breeders.. If that is too many, I have no qualms about butchering some.. I just don't want them to pick on each other..

I put 6 young turkeys in the chicken coop cage.. that is not working out too well.. they are next to ducks when it comes to messy.. If I can free the big pen of quails, then the turks can go back outside into that pen.. that pen can handle a dozen turks easily..

Well, the new cockatiels have put a crimp in our lifestyle.. Annie wants to get a perm, but she can't have it done here because the fumes will kill the birds.. So she decided to have her hair done at her sister's house..

I think I will go out and see what I can do about pens..

I have a trailer that could handle this coop if anybody wants to borrow it.. It requires a 2" ball hitch.. and I have the 2" receiver if it will fit your hitch..

that coop will take several strong people to lift it.. You could jack it and block it to back the trailer under.. you would also have to brace the walls with boards to hold the bottom in square.. not a big deal.. My trailer is about 30 inches tall.. 8ft x 16ft.. double axle..

Morning All....yep quite the lucky win for the Pack. The Chargers actually scored more points on offense than we did. Good thing the defense made those picks!

Ken did you know Robin is in superior too. Just wanted to mention you have a cheesehead friend close by! In regards to the timer and the light, it works well to add all the time in the morning. Light on at 3am and off at 8am. That would provide 14 hours af light and a normal natural roost time. Later in winter one can turn the light on at 2am and off at 8am....just a thought for a happy not lost in the dark flock.

I know how you feel FT....I missed your banter!

I need to get going with the outside stuff too. I can't decide how many young cockerals to keep. Sure would be nice to have a seperate coop for them. I might just keep 2 and work them into the flocks....and I just know how that is gonna turn out before trying it. Maybe let them out today with everyone and see how much fighting goes on. Decisions, decisions.

We have our annual Broasted Chicken Dinner at church Thursday. I'm treasurer and have been selling tickets for weeks now. We usually serve close to 500 folks. It takes 160 chickens to get the job done. One of the guys at church sells broasters and services supper clubs all over Wi. He sets up a trailer with 2 broasters and cooks all the chicken and potato wedges. Alot of work to put this on every year with a total profit of prolly $400.

Time to go out and get something done.... bigz
Howdy to all from the Badger State! Linn B. is my tag, but most folks know me as Linnae.

Have/had cousins in rural Wausau, Green Bay, Green Lake, Kenosha, Milwaukee area, and probably through most of the the state. (Like rabbits, they were, on Mom's side.) Relatives mostly all started in and around Oconto and drifted(?) out and away. Of course that was nigh unto 50-60 years ago. . . . .

Me? I've been pretty much stuck here in south-est, central-est Wisconsin. Born (in '48) and raised in this south-est, central-est Wisconsin city. Married (in '71) and moved out into the sticks, but still in city postal route. This, the second house we built, will be my last - God willing.

Good to meet y'all. I like the idea of meets but probably wouldn't travel a great distance from Rock County for one.

Having retired from teaching at my local grade school after 30+ years, I am free to spend my time doing my favorite things with family, gardening, basket weaving, building with HFH, and now, my chickens.

Love, Linn B (aka Smart Red) Gardening zone 5a - 4b in south-est, central-est Wisconsin
Linn B!!

I still post, but i've been posting a lot on a frugal thread over in family life lately. Like hearing the tips and telling others what Im changing. Keeps me on track.

eh not much else to say....
I was born and raised south of Superior and still have family there, I usually go there at least once a month. I was looking at Kens picture thinking I probably knew him but it was hard to tell lol If he dont know me he probably knows of one of my family memebers. Im still not to far away, go to Ashland to stay weekly until I get into court on the 29th.
Ok got to scoot making late breakfast/lunch for the guys (bacon, potatos with cheese and eggs of course lol

That broasted chicken dinner sounds YUMMY!

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Hello all...it's been awhile, but I finally have a new computer so can hop on to do more frivolous/fun type browsing!

If anyone can help me out--I'm trying to sex my Speckled Sussex straight runs (they're four months old next week) and I started a thread in the breed/gender section here . Help appreciated!

I've missed you guys!!!
good day, welcome Linnae,, I am from rural wausau.. I might know some of your kin folks.. we are not too far apart in age, I prolly went to high school with some of them..
"building with HFH" ? you left me behind with that .

OK, I am as ready for winter as I ever was..got the last stuff cleaned out from in front of the garage. another trip to the burn pile.. all I have left are 6 dead car batteries.. I will haul them to one of the salvage yards..

Annie has all the potatoes sorted according to size.. we hauled them all down into the fruit room..

decided to combine the 7 young turkeys with the adult quail. seems to be working out OK.. In about a month I will be able to take the turkeys out of there and let them free-range..

the sebastopol geese are making signs like they are ready to mate.. I suppose we will find another nest around Thanksgiving. we will have to start keeping watch for where they will lay their eggs.. last year it was in the raspberry patch..

I knew that "watching my language around the pastor" thing wouldn't last very long.
Of course we wondered where you were, FT.

Robin, glad to hear you're still alive.

Hope your guinea heals up fast, Cind.

Wow, TO, you've been busting your butt. You go, girl! Then please let me borrow some of that ambition.

Thank you for your concern for Myrtle, Tiki. She has no discharges of any kind, just been a little listless lately. I put ACV in their water every day, but I think I'll switch to some vitamins instead for a few days. I gave her some Polyvisol today, so hopefully that will help some. And I agree with TO. Feel free to post problems any time. Maybe someone will have a suggestion that may help. If it makes you feel better to get it off your chest, it's better than keeping it in & going crazy over.
Ken, check Craig's List. For a while, there were a lot of people giving away free barns. You just had to dismantle & move them yourself.
But you have parishioners (sp?) that would help you, right?

I think the Pack is 8-0. And it is wayyyyyy too early to know who'll be in the playoffs yet. The Lions are only 2 games behind us, and that could change at any time. But for the moment, I'm savoring every win we get, no matter how ugly some of those games look. I was not impressed at all with the defense on Sunday. They look great when they're on offense (getting INTs & scoring), but otherwise, I wasn't too thrilled with their performance. The Chargers offense just marched up & down the field like nothing.
Right, TO?

Carol, hope both you & your DH are feeling better soon.

Linn B!!! Always happy to hear a new voice around here.

We've missed you too, Kee!

Hope I didn't miss too many of you! Gotta get dinner going. I sure wish my procrastination would take a hike for a while so I could get more done in a day. Have a great evening, all!

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