Wisconsin "Cheeseheads"

Hey Robin,

I just moved to Superior in 2007 and have been hanging out at Northern Lights Elementary with my kids. I was heavily involved with PTA and other busy stuff in Superior. I agree I want some Chicken!!!

I am willing to meet up with anyone in the area to talk chickens any time. I do have a wish list though of Hens... Splash Maran, Welsummer, and others, so next spring when you start hatching save me a peep or two and I will come to visit one Saturday.

Time for a couple beers before dinner then bed. 8 hours straight of 12 teenagers BSing me is enough.

Meatloaf and Potatoes tonight.


I was born and raised south of Superior and still have family there, I usually go there at least once a month. I was looking at Kens picture thinking I probably knew him but it was hard to tell lol If he dont know me he probably knows of one of my family memebers. Im still not to far away, go to Ashland to stay weekly until I get into court on the 29th.
Ok got to scoot making late breakfast/lunch for the guys (bacon, potatos with cheese and eggs of course lol

That broasted chicken dinner sounds YUMMY!

I'm really glad I finished eating dinner before I read the recent pages--way too much good food that would, under ordinary circumstances, have made me starving. I almost feel like saying 'neener neener!!'
Evening All....
It truly is funny....I would never get a passing grade...
I din't get much done today. Helped my son put up a ladder stand for hunting. Pulled the last of the onions, and tomorrow I'll pull the last beets and carrots. Plenty of gardedn clean-up to do.

Welcome Linn B....glad you found us. Just chime in anytime you like. Good to hear from you Robin, your bfast/lunch sounds tasty too!

Hope the puter stays running Kee and you can visit often. I can't see the saddle feathers on your sussex, but by the combs I'd say 4 and 4 too. Pretty birds for sure.

Be Safe... bigz
Hi I missed all of you. I haven't been on another site just busy with life. Sounds like your all doing well and getting ready for the cooler weather.
Sure had a nice Fall. We are getting things in the camper coop finished up for winter weather. Hanging the water jug and hopefully they won't poo all over it. The girls have been laying really good for us
I sell eggs to people at work and give the kids and family eggs whenever they come to visit. It's fun to have them go out to collect the eggs. Welcome to the new cheeeseheads
Sorry that certain people are still getting picked on
somethings never change
WOW the Packers sure are fun to watch, just when you think it's over
! Knitting slippers for as many kids and Grandkids as I can before Christmas, some have requested another pair of comfy pants like last year, so will be sewing also. I had off today and what a beauty it was. Sounds like we will be getting wet here soon no snow here just rain.

Take care, Susie
Good evening everyone! Loooong day at work! But I talked chickens to the woman in the Dr's office and she was registering with BYC as we were leaving! So hopefully she will come on here and introduce herself. GLad you came by too Linn! I have to ask...were you on the Flygarden site too? I seem to remember someone that was on there and she said she lived in the southest most central city or something like what you call yours...would be a pretty big co-incidence!

Glad to see "the lost ones" are back! What's going on with chickens in the big city Kee? Do you still have any of those that you hatched from my and Hurley's eggs? I love the Speckled Sussex...such interesting colors! I also really like the way you have IDed your birds. I have used different colored zip ties--doubled and tripled up like hor H&R does it...but I like the bead idea...of course mine would be so covered with mud I probably wouldnt be able to tell them apart anyhow.

THrew a pot roast in the slowcooker this morning along with carrots, celery, mushrooms and potatoes. It was very ordinary but hte people said they liked it. My tongue is so sore from poking at my broken tooth that nothing tastes good to me right now. I hope it gets better soon...or I might go crazy!
The peppers I had in the 5 gal bucket are ready to go into the freezer tomorrow. I kept them in the dark and they ripened up nicely. I have orange, red and green now...some are blush too...kind of a neat color! I also picked a couple of tomatoes in the garden today! The plants next to the dog kennel are still alive! I was shocked to see red ones on there...I have to save some of those seeds...they are heritage cherries. The nice bigger size like if you make a circle with your thumb and 1st finger...you can pop that into your mouth AND use it in stuff! (not like those tiny ones...)

The time change sure is tough on the animals! I went out at my usual time today and everyone was starving! Now tonight the cats keep asking for their dinner and it is over an hour early yet...I am ready for bed myself but will stay up so i can get adjusted...I have the next 3 days off and I am hoping to get everything done on the "to do before winter" list. I should be able to do it...much is already done!

Well, I think I am going out to lock up...DH is crabbing cause the checking account has only 7 bucks in it and he just got paid on Friday...good thing I got a small check today. I hate living paycheck to paycheck....you would think that after being married as long as we have we wouldnt have to do this any more! I am going to need feed soon again and my guy wants $$ for hay (that is also almost gone!) I think I need to find some more clients... *sigh*

Hey Jim---I put 49 quail in my downstairs room. Planning on adding another 8 tomorrow. (the old ones) The room is about 7x8. They have not really been fighting at all. I have been finding that the quail are way better at overcrowding than the chickens are...oh yeah, I have two chicks in there too...the ones that didnt seem to have any Mom from the rafter nest...I do seem to have a disproportionate number of roos though. I am thinking that I will have quail on my table before ya know it! Anyone know how long the useful laying life of a couturnix quail is? It is very quiet her in my LR with no chicks in the TV! I miss them. Guess I will go down and sit in the room with them a bit. They are a blast to watch now that they are out of the dog kennel and have more space! THere is one roo that walks with his head thrust out. He growls as he walks...maybe he thinks he is a dinosaur?

Good night friends...sweet dreams! Terri O
Terri--I HAD three of the birds left from the hatch that I kept as my own...and I did a swap where I took care of someone else's birds for them as chicks (the SS's, actually) because they were small enough to walk out of the run, and they had my big ones. I just got a call three days ago that ALL of mine died from one predator. They apparently didn't lock up at night and THERE WAS NO COVER ON THE RUN. I'm a little ticked. And really hurt--they were my babies and I hatched them out! My first hatches! *sigh of frustration* I'm keeping the SS's, now, but that means I have to wait a lot longer for eggs, which is quite annoying, and I don't get MY babies back. I also had a gorgeous Golden Campine (there's a picture of her on my user page) that was gone, too.

But...anyone remember these guys? I still have them!


Awww, Kee, that just stinks. Sorry to hear about your losses.

So glad to hear from you again, Susie!

Gotta get to bed. Another long day tomorrow. Looks to be a wet one down here. Hope you northerners won't have to dig out.
Well I keep coming on when everyone else is gone ...
I will try to get on tomorrow when more folks are here.
Chickens are good, horses are good and work is going, although it seems my bosses don't pay attention to some of my emails..
They have asked me for 1 or 2 that I sent, over 3 weeks ago... and then its Panic on their part and they need it ASAP!!!.
really... grrr... rrrr

So I hope to go to bed and actually sleep.. my carpal tunnel is acting up badly!
Good Morning All! Welcome Linn! Kee good to hear from you! And Susie too! Kee that sucks about your babies! But I do like the SS's too! Bigz think you better get your butt movin, it's comin.
KNA sounds like you have a good case of chickensIwanna.
Nothin wrong with that! TO I get that phantom chick syndrome too for a day or 2 after moving them out of the house. I swear I can hear them talking after their outside. CC hope Myrtle makes a full recovery
Jim I finally loaded some block into the barrel on the 3pt and it helped a lot but darn near buried the Ford trying to pull a stump end. Hooked the Case up to it and pulled it right out. Still think the bucket and framework affect it's pulling ability.
Was cutting up the butt end yesterday and hit a piece of imbedded wire.
Went in to sharpen it and found 3 bent teeth and 2 missing. Guess when I pinched it the other day I did it good. There wasn't much left of the teeth just nubs so I guess I got my moneys worth. That does explain why it wanted to cut crooked though
Now down to my last spare chain. Went and got a gallon of bar oil yesterday the guy said you better stock up it was going up $3 a gallon
Thinking about putting the kids in jail again to see if their weed layers. Think I'll do it tomorrow and let them out for as much grass as they can get while they can. Looks like the worst is gonna miss us for a change

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