Wisconsin "Cheeseheads"

Good White Morning Everybody! Started snowing about 6 and within 2 minutes the ground was white. TO I hear ya on the tired yesterday. Think the weather and the time change has me messed up. Congrats to Elaine and TO!
to 1purplehorse! And to KNA for the lil miracles. Jim there isn't enough left of that chain to try and save it, was thinking that I might get one or two more sharpenings out of it. I looked and found out of all the spare chains I have I only have one for that saw and it needs sharpening. It's practically brand new but think I'll loose about a third of the tooth length when I sharpen it. Someone was too lazy to sharpen it or change when they should have. When I find out who did that I'm gonna fire him! The hen that's been laying missed a day but got one yesterday, had a dream last night that I went out this morning and there was a nest with 11 eggs in it. Hope that dream comes true!
I put on Facebook on Monday that I smelled snow. And BL4 yelled at me about that blastphemy....
and told me to stop dancing. But I just couldn't help myself. I did a little dance....."The Futterwacken" and see...

Jim, you sound tiiiiiiiiiiiiirrrrrrrrrrRRRRRRRrrrrrrred !! After more thought, I pay $1.75 but mine aren't 60lbs. More like 45 maybe 50lbs tops. But always looking for another hay source. I hate not having a supplier (for hay

Just starting to snow here. Windows are all steamy all the time, must be to many critters breathing inside !!

Well, just got up for a bread (if you know what I mean) I might just have to go back to bed, it'that kind of weather.

FordMommy, that looks like the people dancing at a wedding recption........ they all think they are dancing to the same song !!!! And there are always those few "dirty dancers" shaking their booty buns !!!

Good morning! Just wet here...the weather guy said that if all this rain woulda been snow we would have over 2 feet of the stuff! With all the mud and muck I almost wish for the snow....my huge maple decided to finally drop it's leaves. The yard is completely golden...it is quite a site. I just wish it was dry so I could rake them into a tarp and put them in the coops. The hens really love that! Usually the tree drops after the snow though and I miss out on that good (free) bedding.

I was looking out the window and the Phoenix roo looks so bedraggled! He is sopping wet and his tail is dragging on the ground. I sure hope those horses are being nice to each other and letting the bottom of the herd inside! I have two places for them to go in and the top horses will stand in the doorway of each one and keep the others out...

Jim I cant believe you went out after all! At least you had a ride there and back, Did you win anything? So are you planning on going into cockatiel breeding now? Not much $$ there either but at least you dont have to go too far to feed and water them!

Well, seeing as it is almost 9 I guess I'd better hop over to fly lady bingo and see if I can get in on a game. It works really well when you have no motivation to do anything! I have got to work some on the inside of this place! Talk later...on the break! Have a great morning and stay dry! Terri O
fm I knew you were dancing, I just knew it! Are the trails open yet?
Jim forgot to say that I have the dirt [small] bucket on wish the ground was frozen just to play with the snow [big] bucket. I know I should sell that Case but I don't wanna.
I keep coming up with reasons not to
Like the blade on it is really nice for cleaning up branches out of the yard it doesn't dig in as bad as a bucket can. And my favorite, it's easier to use in the woods. I should just resign myself to the fact that I'm keeping it. It's just killing me that it's sittin outside with the engine covered. I could put the Ford in the garage and the Case in the shed but then I'd have to scrape L's windows in the morning and really hate doing that.
hi, just checking in.. planning on sleeping in util the snow stops , even if it takes two days..

well I did go to play poker after all.. I didn't really want to, but dd#1 drove all the way out here to get me , so I went..

Sandi, I don't think he has any more hay, but I know of another guy who might.. I don't know his prices or how much he might have left.. I put 20 bales on the trailer, that was just one layer ..
You could easily fit 60 bales on.. I don't know what weight the trailer is rated for.. there are no tiedown rings along the sides and there are no side racks either..

tired, need sleeeeeeeeeeeeppppp .. nite !!

good morning, sorry for another duplicate post.. at 3:3oAM my putor hug up and wouldn't send the post.. so I shut just the screen off and went to bed. when I just turned on the screen my post was still on it.. so I assumed it did not send, so I hit submit .. and the rest is history..

started snowing around 7am here.. have about 1/2 inch on the ground.. tiny flakes right now.. so it will prolly stay awhile.. big flakes melt..
I don't want to plow this first snow.. I like to pack it down so that I don't scrape all the granite off the driveway..

No, we do not plan on breeding and selling cockatiels.. however if they want to hatch a batch, we will let them.. at least that is the impression I get from Annie..

the one that bit me is taming down.. I give her a cheerio each day.. at first she was reluctant to take it from me, but this morning she walked right over and ate it.. I hold on to it so she can nibble it away..

DrH., keep both tractors.. I have a Farmal A in reserve.. each tractor has some advantages over the other.. the Farmal will idle along and is real super for planting with the horse 2-row corn planter.. shouldn't go too fast with horse machinery, ya know ?

I had a chance at some cultivators for the A.. They were in Michigan so I passed on them.. Now I am kicking myself..

I have a 1 bottom trailer plow that I reconditioned, but never tested.. I think the A will handle it very well..If this snow melts and the ground dries a bit and doesn't freeze, I might still try a few furrows along the edge of the garden.. I want a dead furrow along there anyhow so the water from the road doesn't wash across the garden.. I couldn't do it earlier because the potato row was in the way..

Hi again, snowing yet.. I was surprised when I went out.. there is a good 2 inches of the slippery white stuff.. wet and heavy.. Our lights have been flickering a bit and they went completely off twice.. must be some snow heavy branches brushing the wires somewhere..

I brought all four of the 1 gallon waterers in and gave them a good washing.. mainly stalling so I wouldn't have to rush back outside right away. I am going to keep two in the house and rotate them each time I have to water..

the turkeys are taking advantage of the temporary hay shelter.
The chickens are staying in the coop, the guineas are running from one coop to the next.. and the geese are taking baths with the falling snow..

I am waiting for a call back from a lady wanting 2 pullets and 2 turkeys.. her dog got loose and killed all but one of her birds.. even the turkey she was going to have for Thanksgiving.. I have little sympathy for people whose own dogs kill their birds.. dogs can be taught to leave the birds alone.. It doesn't take long to teach them.. just take the time to do it..

I have to repair the guages on my compressor,, the wood hauling trailer came down on it and broke the nipple off flush with the mounting hole.. I hope it is threaded.. after Annie goes to work today, I will bring it in on the kitchen table.. the best work bench ever invented.. Annie never gets excited about it, but Ken thinks it is barbaric.. He has never had to repair anything, so he just doesn't understand..

I learned one thing a long time ago.. Never wash a VAC tractor head off in the dishwasher.. the head comes out super clean, but all the grease sticks to the inside of the washer.. It took several hours of hand washing, and several cycles to get the grease out..

Sandi, do you have 9 peahens ? You trying to corner the market ?

found a dead quail in the coop with the young turkeys.. It didn't look like it was picked on.. just dead..

there are at least two male quail in the guinea pen brooder.. there are about 40 quail in that pen.. that is where they just started laying eggs this week...
Snowy Day To Everyone. We are in the dump zone here. Prolly a good 6" on the picnic tables. We are suppose to receive a inch a hour here
Fordmommy....stop that dang dancing.... what the heck!

I have to run some fresh waterers out to the flocks too. I'm glad it's gonna melt this weekend. It's way to early for this stuff. Remember the never ending Winter last year?

Like someone else said. Is it Spring yet?

Later.... bigz

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