Wisconsin "Cheeseheads"

Hi all... today is a day of rest. I can sure use it!

Pics of the break in... i just dont know how a racoon could have gotten in through such a small space?

I haven't a clue what might have done that!
Great job Bigfam! I love it! So can you do a 12' one on my barn??? LOL! I really think you should add some little lady bugs....maybe a bee or two?
Yup Bigfam called me and we were chatting when DH came home...WHAT AN AZZ! Good grief, you would have thought that it was just bending him right out of shape that he stopped at the mill to pick up my 4 bags of feed and a bag of dog food! Cripes! I am sorry but I think I am eating dinner and then I am GONE! Yup---I think I will go to my client's house that I need to check on and SPEND THE NIGHT! Not that anyone will care around here....(not you guys--the people that live here!)
SO I read on my son's FB accound that he got a tattoo of WI on his side. *sigh* another one that uses his student loan $$$ to do stuff that is superfluous!
Bigfam and RAIM and any others that have kids under the teen years...all I can say is LOOK OUT! You are right now in the easiest time of your life!
OK I am going now...before the waterworks start....later everyone-have a great night...Terri O

Super nice job, Bf4!

I agree with Terri that a coon probably ripped that board off your little coop. They sure are strong little critters. They could have probably squeezed through there too. Might have possibly been a younger-ish one? I have an old biddy of a coon around here. She is an absolute monster in size. Teaches her babies every year how to raid my bird feeders.
Better that than the chicken coop, though. We planted lots & lots & lots of plants/trees/bushes that provide food for wildlife all year round, away from the coop, hoping that they would pick the easy meals over my birds.
Just hope I didn't jinx myself. I've had enough bummers for a while. A long while.

We just got home not too long ago. Took one of our cats up to the vet because he seemed to be breathing hard. Turns out his lungs were filling up with fluid. They drained as much as they could & sent us up to the emergency clinic in Waukesha. Just got off the phone with them. He has weakened heart tissue & "smoke" appearing in his heart ultrasound which could lead to blood clots. They said even with medications, he probably only has 2 to 4 months.
It doesn't help that he is one of DHs favorite cats. He's only 8. I just don't get it: he isn't old or overweight, doesn't eat table scraps, doesn't go outside, plays & exercises like crazy. Just a perfect cat in every way.
Hey everybody. We spent the last two days on college tours with my son who is a hs junior. We did Whitewater and Madison. It is so so cool to see him so excited and engaged in this next step of his life.

My two girls are doing well. I came in last night and told my dh - I just love having chickens! I go out in the evening and just watch them. I've been picking dandelion greens for them and they just love them.
BF4 - Awesome mural, very cute. And thats crazy something tore into your coop like that. I hope you catch it.

TO - I'm sorry
things arn't going well tonight.

CC - I'm sorry about the cat, it's never good when older pets get sick.

Earth lady - cute DD, my youngest is 3 and would love shoes like that :)

Mugs - I've never given my chicks dandalion greens before, I'll have to try it.

Well, I got most of what I wanted to get done, done today. I now have 2 stumps I want to remove before I rototill the garden. I tried using my truck but our property is mostly sand so of course my tires spun and dug into the sand lol. Oh well, it was the first time I ever tried doing something like that so I figured it wouldnt work. It would help if I didnt have almost bald tires too. I let the chicks and ducks free all day and its so cool to watch them wander. The youngest ducklings are now following one of the 4 week old mallard females around. Po my Pekin is the watch duck of the group, there was a hawk or something flying over head and she started Quacking and ran everyone into the coop. Oh and I cant remember if I said earlier, but I have my 4 replacement chicks coming June 4th. I am getting 1 Silver Lakenvelder, 2 Golden Lakenvelders, and another White Cochin.

Ok so in 3 days the chicks will be 7 weeks old, and so far no one is crowing. I figured they would by now. When do chicks usually start.
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BigFam; excellent Mural! Your chickens will never appreciate it as much as we do.

For anyone who just plain has kids..... yeah they all do stupid things we do not want them to do. My oldest DD decided to pierce the upper part of her ear this past weekend.... by herself! I told her I would take her in to have it done but of course she has to do things on her schedule.... I got my revenge though. When I noticed it the next morning I made her poke a stud earring through the hole; now THAT hurt! Then I asked her if she had any tattoos I needed to know about....

Soap questions: yes I make cold-process soap with lye, I use 100% Sodium Hydroxide. In all the books and classes they make it sound like the SLIGHTEST amount on your skin will burn clear through in nano-seconds... YES it can burn you, YES it can be dangerous to use but so can a stove. If you follow all the directions and use all of the appropriate personal protective gear you will be FINE. Wherever you use the NaOH, if it gets on your skin just rinse with plenty of water. When mixing the lye and water together do NOT BREATHE in the fumes (you WILL burn your lungs) and make sure you put the water (or milk) and lye mix someplace where children and animals will not get into it and it will not accidently get spilled or somebody drinks it ( I mix the lye and water outside so there is plenty of ventilation). When you get a very strong caustic (or acid) on your skin it starts to itch first... then burn. When you feel the itch start running a lot of water over the area. I have had a LOT of lye 'burns' on my skin making soap, it is really not that bad. The ONLY PPE I am an@l about using are my safety glasses.... the last thing I need after having Lasik is a caustic burn on my eye! When you make your soap, the water/lye mix is only a 27% concentration of lye..... where I work we get tankers of 50% NaOH, so dealing with the soap solution is no big deal. I would rather get that stuff on me than the 99% Sulfuric acid..... OUCH!

I cut the 'ricola' soap tonight. It is a beautiful shade of pale green and no longer smells so much like cough drops. My DH said it smells like toothpaste.
In 4 weeks it will smell completely different I bet.

I have 3 eggs out there with the ducks..... I hope they start sitting SOON!
Evening All....Thanks for all the Congrats, You guys are the best.

I hunt with a gun TO....I skin my Turkeys. I cut the thighs and drumsticks off and freeze one thigh and leg for a batch of soup...the breast I cut in half with the meat saw and it makes two meals...If slow roasted it gets fall off the bones tender and i consider it delicious.....the neck, liver, heart, gizzard and back we slow roasted all afternoon...deboned the meat, placed the meat back in the roaster juices....added enough layer mash to thicken and fed to the chickens....it was a medium roaster full....the chickens went crazy for it, like always....no wasting here.

The Naked Necks have a dominant gene for featherless necks, with no feather follicles. They also are a foundation breed.

Nice sunflower bf4....sure brightens up the coop!

Love the soap bl4....suzies glad your bringing more to the bash! I'am too.

I think your OM is crabby from starving himself TO...tell him to eat a decent meal with lots of fat! I think that would help.

Sorry about the losses. Part of poultry for sure....sorry about your kitty CC, that's a bummer for sure.

Having coffe this morming and a lone tom turkey was 30 feet from the house...he's lucky, I was lucky for sure....it could of been out the front door and sneak around the house...wouldn't be the first tag I filled that way.

Monthly meeting at camp tonight....sure is peaceful back in the woods there. Had the fireplace going, and it was quite nice.


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