Wisconsin "Cheeseheads"

A play day for me too! Surprised the kids this morning when they came down and I was still here! It is sooooooo nice to NOT get up at 4:30.

Ducks are doing well but they are not earning their keep! Suckers are on a laying strike! I was getting an egg or two every day before we moved them..... maybe the stress of moving has gotten to them. My in-laws think they are pretty cute though.

I am going to RELAX today.... I deserve it. Then tomorrow back to the grind, it will be the youngest DD's 13th birthday!

Later all!
Good morning all. Wondering if it is ok that the run for the chickens is really wet and muddy. Does that hurt their feet to be moist all the time?
Made corn on the cob last night from the farmers market. Funny that ours isn't even ready, and some people have really old, gross corn, lol.
Made my first fried green tomatoes of the season too. Sooo good

Still really random on the eggs. Sometimes one sometimes two eggs. They will not lay in the boxes though, and wouldn't you know she had to lay one in the mud far from my reach? I'm sure if anyone would have seen me try to get that egg without getting mud on my feet they would have seen a pretty funny sight!
Hope you all have a great weekend
good morning, not much going on around this homestead.. You all know that I am absorbed in getting my tractor stripped down and ready for a major overhaul.. I have just two pins to take out and the loader will be free.. I just have to figure a way to raise the rear end of it to clear the front axle when I back the tractor out from under it.. It has to be suspended.. I am thinking of just going ahead and building a frame like a child's swingset.. I had an actual swingset years ago, but like a dope, I got rid of it..

well, the poults and keets outsmarted me,, again ,,, they managed to wedge themselves under the frame of the brooder and 3 of them died.. why they would crawl into a 1 inch crack is way beyond my comprehension..

today the lady who wants the puppy (puppies) is supposed to come.. she also wants a dozen laying hens and geese..
we left everything locked up this AM.. I hope she gets here before it gets real hot .. she mentioned guineas also.. I am going to try to talk her into taking babies.. the older ones might not hang around her place..

that's if for now..........jiminwisc............
For the last couple of months I've been trying to break some of my broody hens. Had way too many. During the day I would continually throw them out of the coop. Their nights were spent in a large trap outside the coop. Worked on most of them.
I was looking at my game cam pics, that I haven't checked in a long time, and came across this one. Nice to know she had some company.

Cool picture! Looks like they were just saying hello!

Hi All.... I'll pop on later but I just wanted To spout my "good news/ bad news"... went out to close up and one of my New Hampshire Reds was dead under the roost
Another one of those no apparent cause.... just dead.
However the circle of life keeps turning and my broody I gave the guinea eggs to hatched 5 little keets so far.
one more was pipping but I took the risk and moved them to the brooder pen. Too many other hens kept trying to lay in her nest and I was afraid the keets would get get hurt. She seemed to be relived about the move, no fight about it at all!

CU later.

Sorry about your NHR but glad the guineas are hatching for you!


Thanks for the laugh this morning!
Jim it sounds like you have a funfilled day planned! Me too...I am working! LOL! Actually I think I am going to take mu computer along and see if they have a wireless connection there...then I can show my guy some pics of the farm etc.

I am starting to feel kinda warm here already...I thought it was supposed to be cool today? Just got a message from a friend that has a friend wanting to get rid of their goat. And she wants to get rid of some ducklings that are 4 weeks...doesnt know the breed...
Sheesh, I am starting to feel like animal rescue here...arain. Did I tell you about the fuy that drove up from thenext town and said, "I have my chickens in the car; the landlord said I couldnt have them in the trailer court. Can I leave them here?" One is a nice layer...sold 2 the next day and the other one is turning into a roo I think. Speaking of...I guess I better get outside to get stuff fed befor I have to leave.
Have a great day everyone! Terri O

(PS) Carol, did you say you have excess banties to rehome? I had a call this morning looking for some.

Thanks for the laugh this morning!
Jim it sounds like you have a funfilled day planned! Me too...I am working! LOL! Actually I think I am going to take mu computer along and see if they have a wireless connection there...then I can show my guy some pics of the farm etc.

I am starting to feel kinda warm here already...I thought it was supposed to be cool today? Just got a message from a friend that has a friend wanting to get rid of their goat. And she wants to get rid of some ducklings that are 4 weeks...doesnt know the breed...
Sheesh, I am starting to feel like animal rescue here...arain. Did I tell you about the fuy that drove up from thenext town and said, "I have my chickens in the car; the landlord said I couldnt have them in the trailer court. Can I leave them here?" One is a nice layer...sold 2 the next day and the other one is turning into a roo I think. Speaking of...I guess I better get outside to get stuff fed befor I have to leave.
Have a great day everyone! Terri O

(PS) Carol, did you say you have excess banties to rehome? I had a call this morning looking for some.
We have some bantam leghorns
I had 2 solid eggs today (solid shelled that is) DH put in the grower feed and I switched it out, added Oyster shells, etc. Must have done the trick!

I know its only 80 out, but I've been standing in the sun for 4 hours doing a fundraiser at Wal-Mart and I am over heated.

Taking a nap!
Afternoon all!
Holy moley I had a busy day! Got up at 5 then decided 5 was to early and went back to bed. Got up at 6 and got the day started. Cleaned, went to the dump, cleaned some more, sat down for lunch and watched Cars. That is the best movie ever. I love Route 66! Someday I'll drive the whole route. Get to Barstow and come back. The rest of Rte 66 in Cali I can go with out.
Then cleaned some more while DH went to the movies. I called Dyson to figure out what was wrong with the vacuum and they were as nice as could be. Figured out my problem, and it was a "Duh!" type. I have a giant hair ball stuck in the wand thingie.
Well, wish I had more interesting stuff to say like I won the lottery but nope. Any one catch the Opening Ceremonies last night?
MLH~yep, I always watch the Olympics, USA! However, altho I totally appreciate all the planning, work, etc. put into the opening ceremony, and the kids were great, I still haven't decided yet if I liked it. Maybe you needed to be a Brit to fully appreciate the story line.

FT~how's your hubby doing? any more word about test results, etc.?

Had a nice time at the kentuck Days but a little disappointed. Many of the true crafters were missing and some of the regular food booths too. Probably the economy I guess. Oh well, got to sit and listen for a bit to a very good Bluegrass band.

I love this weather! Beautiful today and got cold enough last night (mid 40's here) to thin out the blood suckers. Supposed to be just as nice tonight and again tomorrow. No more hooky. Gave all the beans in the fridge to a friend so I have to get out and pick the last of our patch in the morning. Tomatoes are all coming in at once so it's going to be salsa and tom sauce time soon. I give up on the Zucchini! I have cricket bats!
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