Wisconsin "Cheeseheads"

CC I can just see TO and Tommy with his brandy......

The whole pig thing is really quite funny, the rules that are in place would crack you up...... they have to stay under 100 lbs. So all you pigs at 101 better start running!

Gotta fly, running late AGAIN.

Good Job BigFam!!!!!!!!! You did better than I would have!
Good Damp Morning All! Bf4me that is so funny about the runaway! I would have loved to be the uncle. Just driving down the road and notice a little kid walking with a suitcase. I would have busted out laughing! Good to know that are people watching out too! BBP your story is just as funny! Think it would have killed me to try and suppress laughing too. Can just see your terrified eyes as you explained what happened. MP
hope you find all the info your looking for! MXM I agree we missed you! Cool Video! Getting 2-3 qts of cuc's a day now think I'll pick them for 3 days and make a phone call to give them to some people that have been waiting. Picked the first batch of freezer bound beans last night and this morning so will be blanching those shortly. Think I'll clean up one of the crocks and get the kraut going this weekend.
For you job encumbered people. IT'S FRIDAY!
Morning all!

I woke up to gas in the house again! I think it may be the stove. Maybe the pilot is taking to long to light or maybe there is a leak in the gas line or a loose nut.

I got a text from the real estate agent on that one house we liked. She said that the owner may be interested in a contract situation. I had never heard of someone selling a house on contract, so I looked it up and from what I've found there are land contracts and contingent contracts.

Have any of you ever bought or sold a home under a contract? If not, do you know anything about them? Thanks!
Good morning! Nice this AM--I think it might be going to warm up significantly however.
THe only thing I have heard about land contracts is that if you can get one it is a good deal! Not much help here I am afraid...good luck and do your research!

Great job on the corn roast Bigz! I sure wish I coulda been there...bet everything was delish. Yes the salsa was in quarts...only way I can it cause we eat it up so fast. I do a few pints for gifts...really nice in a basket with some HM chips and some Mexi-print towels etc. I sure hope I can find that recipe again this year...my box had a catastrophe and all the recipes are living in bags...not a good situation for sure. (I know where to find it though
DrH--I winged it and divided down the brine for two quarts and did 2 quarts of pickles last night. They look good...sure hope they stay crisp and keep that sparkling clear brine!

Cind--when I checked the post it looked like it would work. Turned blue and came up for me...it was a picture of a hen sitting on a car and under the hood where the windshield wipers hide there were about 8 eggs! Now that is a "good" hiding place; dontcha think? Until it rains that is....

There is a chipmunk outside chirping it's fool head off! I would rather have a rooster crowing outside the window for sure. Speaking of windows, the pillpw came out of the window next to the AC unit and we had 3 cats out this morning! DD26 was freaking out! We got them all back in--only one was a bit stubborn. He was terrified and wouldnt come to us. He finally went up on the porch and wedged himself behind a cabinet where I could reach him. DS23 left the basement door open so they went out that way too; I bet they were all out sometime during the early morning...I heard him come in at 4! Gee Cind, he headed to bed just when you were going!

I have to cook this morning and I am not looking forward to it. My back is aching and so is my shoulder. I was trying to lead another horse along on our ride the other night but he pulled back rather violently and gave me a pretty good jerk. Nice and sore today for sure!

I seem to be having a chick problem with this second batch. They get to be about 2-3 weeks old and get an eye stuck shut and stop eating...then they are lethargic and die. By the time I see them with the eye shut I havent been able to save them...any ideas?

Well, off to work soon--have a great day everyone! Terri O
Morning everyone!

just been kind of "lurking"
for a bit. Been having a bit of a heart/lung issue recently so it's been a lot of running (um driving~I'm definitely NOT BF4 !) back and forth to my onc in GreenBay. Doing better now, LOVE new drugs!

Down side is now I have to get my "sitter downer" up and moving and get outside! I forgot to tell my gardens to stop growing and chooks to stop pooping while I was under the weather so now I have to sputter my way out the door and try to get caught up before it rains AGAIN tomorrow
. Oh well, glad to hear some of you further south got bit of the liquid gold this week. Hope their hasn't been too much damage.

Think I have a hen (my best layer of course) is starting her molt. She's stopped laying (hasn't for the past week) I keep checking her on the roost but she doesn't seem egg bound, etc. and is still eating well. Noticed yesterday her tail feathers (only one that has any
yet) are starting to look awful raggy.

Hi to all the new folks! and welcome back MX. Haven't met you yet. LOVED your video
but sooo jealous that you have a wonderful old farm! We basically started from scratch in 96 when we moved onto the acreage of an old farm. Someone else bought the farm part and sold us the land. They got the cute old (very old but still very usable) small barn and then neglected it til the roof went even tho they were keeping a horse in it!
. Not like they didn't have the money. They did enough remodeling on the house. New buyers tried to save it before it collapsed but it was too late.

WOW! BIGFAM~ sounds like you're the one running away from home
My son ran away at about that age. He was heading to his grandpa's in Michigan. I let him get a mile or so down the road til I got the car, pulled up beside him and let him know he was going the wrong way
Didn't appreciate my sense of humor but he just gave me the stink eye and climbed in the car. We laughed about it later.

Ok, now I have to take drugs and go wade out into the jungle that used to be my gardens, sigh.
Let's see, I know the onions need to be harvested, should have at least a bucket of cukes, my oregano, terragon, sage, basil, thyme, etc. look like bushes and we are not going to even discuss what my zukes, swiss chard, collards, cauliflower, pumpkins, squash look like! Hmmm, maybe I'll just open up the south fence of run where the beans were (the last of those are in the fridge) and still have the salad cukes and some collards and let the girls have at it!
Just took a walk to survey our 4 gardens and what I have to do as soon as it dries off a little. Garden 1, pie pumpkins, lookin' good
, herb garden, great! more toms to pick and herbs to dry. Garden 3, yep the girls are definitely having at that one today, greenhouse, peppers ok, hot weather has them doing more bush than fruit but still flowering so I should continue to harvest them and a couple toms planted in there well into fall

Garden 4..............

Just sent my hubby out to burn our potato crop. Oh well. We didn't put in that many this year. Just have to re-think what I was planning on putting in there next year. At least they were planted in our east "field" garden which is far from the tomatoes and the only other plants in that garden are the onions, brussel sprouts and cauliflower. I came back with a nice big head of cheddar cauliflower for supper
We've bought two pieces of property on a land contract. It sure is easier and cheaper than dealing with the bank. ours are full 30 year contacts. Some have like 5 years and then you need to pay off the balance.
good AM, I made the guinea trade comment to anyone interested.. I have whites and lavenders.
whoever want to trade will have to do the traveling, though.. I have to stay with the "gramma watch" quite a bit..

I get a kick out of ordinances.. they are written by people who are ignorant of the facts in the first place.. who is going to come around and weigh all those PB pigs? If dogs and cats are allowed, which have the tendency to stink worse than any ..

wbb someone is here to pick up 4 chickens.. getting rid of 2 roosters.. just have to know how, I guess..

Oh Heather.. it is always an adventure with you! I remember "running away" as a kid. Hid under my sisters bed with a backpack of snacks until Mom called the police... then decided I better come out...Hope you are not too traumatized as a parent!

Ok, I am just in a thinking mode, but does anyone have a friendly roo, preferably bantam sized they might part with. One that people or kids can hold... one that does not attack the sweet 6 year old girl that loves to pick up and snuggle her hens all day long. Currently I have a gorgeous splash silkie roo. Has proven his studdliness. But he hates my daughter picking up the birds and goes after her. He has no problem with me, but does not work well with her. But I like the fact of the rooster that keeps the peace with the girls. Prefer one without a huge crow. For my neighbors sake...

Gee Carol, maybe I should take your seramas and see how they do in the mix... I love handsomes little croak of a crow. My DH would laugh at them they are so tiny. But the LF birds might godzilla them.

Anyway- thought I would put the word out to see if anyone had thoughts. I hate to get rid of silver surfer because we were hoping to stud him out with the girls... but I cant risk dd...

I have a buff brahma (mixed with silkie) and a pure Bantam Wyandotte, 2.5 months old. The Buff is a rooster for sure, thinking the wyandotte is a rooster also, if that is the case I would give them both to you, they were raised together and hang tight away from rest of flock yet, just started coming out of the coop together. Terri from Iola


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