Wisconsin "Cheeseheads"

Good Morning Cheeseheads and all newbies!!!!

I actually have a minute or two to sit and say hi!

It has been a very busy week and the weekend isn't going to be any better. We've got soccer practice, basketball game, a performance at work tonight with my DD's, tomorrow I'm taking DD's to a pageant dress resale to get DD10 her dress for this years pageant and we are heading to a friends for dinner. It could be worse! It is all mostly fun stuff, except the dress resale. I hate shopping!

Well, I have to blame all of you for spreading the "chicken math" disease to me!!! Luckily my DH is just as crazy as I am (at this point). I'll be getting Lav & Black Orps plus sl & blr wyandottes. I blame you all! I am gonna cull the 3 I have unless anyone wants 3 (really) 2 year-old layers????? They are red stars and production red. I don't show, so I have no idea if the are show quality. Otherwise, they are soup!

Mr. Gibs is doing great! He will get a space of his own once the ground thaws and we can add on to the coop...actually it'll wait until after we find out if we can buy our home (I want the coop to pose as a "rabbit house" when the inspector comes). He hasn't dug the ground in a while (but I probably just jinxed myself). I'll post pictures soon for your daughter (CUTIES).

I best get off of hear and get DD12 up and get ready for soccer practice...ugh the day starts!!!!
hey CC, when are your lazy birds gonna start laying again? I've got debt collecting to do in the form of eggs you know.
Soon, I hope. I only have 2 lavs laying right now, and 1 is a pullet egg.
I only have 1 breeding pen and they're in it.

Terri, I'm sure I'll be late. Sorry!
Good morning! It is OK if you are late CC. We are just starting to move here. Hoping you can come in for a bit? I have the sled ready!

Can I be at the home birth then???
Are you getting the "itch" BigFam? I thought the puppy was supposed to take care of that for ya? You'd better watch out, I bet Amy packs quite the punch!

I am putting my corned beef briskets in the slow cooker today. This way I will be able to smell the deliciousness for two days instead of just one! Any body else make red flannel hash the next day? I think that is my favorite part! Unfortunately I will have to hit the store today and pick up some more red potatoes...for some reason my cats LOVE them! I have them in a basket in the back room and they will chew right threw the bag to get at them! Weird cats...

Cind--that was a good funny that you made about the camo eggs!
Sorry you arent feeling well...I hope tonight is better! My turkeys do that "back massage" thing too. They are waiting for the hen to lay down and say OK. They are much more gentle than chickens I think.

Time for another cuppa...I might be perking up.

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