Wisconsin "Cheeseheads"

ugh... did my not smart thing again... have had bad back pain for last two days and then yesterday got a bug up my bum with ds about cleaning out the coop from the winter mess so we climbed in and shoveled that gross mess out. Chickens are thrilled but back went from bad to worse.. have not been to a chiropracter in about 5 years because I felt they just did not do enough good for me, but going to try again today. i have probably taken too much meds already and it still hurts.

As one who has been to chiropractors... A good one is worth their weight in gold! There are so many that are not so good out there. Through trial and error as I moved over the years, I found the good ones had something in common. They were schooled in the Palmer Method. That's where I start and the search for a good one is shortened considerably - I ask if they use the Palmer method when I call to make an appointment. Works for me anyway!! Good Luck!
Quote: Thank you- that is just what I was looking for. A few questions though- can a chicken fit on a roost inside the cage or is it too short of a space for them to jump up without hitting their heads? And what about the food? They have to eat grower food for quite awhile yet right? They are 9weeks old...
Judge....don't know the total height of your cage nor distance from roost to top of cage, but just remember your birds will adapt to their surroundings very quick. I normally buy a bag of starter and feed it until it is gone. I then buy grower to feed until they (pullets) go into the hen house (these girls are on layer ,a mix of grain, and FF). I always use up the feed i.e. starter so I don't have to store it separate. Hope this helps....just an opinion.
Terri thanks for the address,,,

JJ the coon should be there tomorrow for you to work your magic

judge do what I do,,,keep building coops and pens,,,never have that problem

seriously you could use one of those calf crates, some temporary fencing,,set this up next to that cute coop you have the birds will see each other, feed out your chicks/juveniles until they are well feathered then you can co-mingle the age groups and go with one feed (you'll be surprised how high even a 4 week old can jump)

Thank you- that is just what I was looking for. A few questions though- can a chicken fit on a roost inside the cage or is it too short of a space for them to jump up without hitting their heads? And what about the food? They have to eat grower food for quite awhile yet right? They are 9weeks old...

The cage is about 2 ft tall. I put the perch a couple inches off the floor. They do good. When I put them in the cage, I start mixing the food with the layers food. This way I watch for funny poop. Never had an issue with switching them at that age. I figured if they arent getting the proper nutrition from their food, they get what they need out of all the treats. Also, last year wwhen we had bug n grass n such, I only fed the girls when they went in at night. And their treats of coarse lol!
Im fairly new also. But dont mind sharing what has worked for me so far :) and im also open to other opinions!
Add... I do the perch so they get used to roosting. I also have perches in the brooder. A friend got a chx and raised it in her house wout any perch. When she gave it to me, the dod bird couldnt figure how to roost no matter how many nights we put her up. The poor bird just sat on the floor. The pup went in the coop 1 day and pulled a bunch of feathers off her back. She never thought to jump up on the roost :-( the dodo just sat there. I swear, maybe she was inbred... she died :-(
I looked at that one the same way delish feels. That girl just wasnt quite right...
Terri thanks for the address,,,

JJ the coon should be there tomorrow for you to work your magic

judge do what I do,,,keep building coops and pens,,,never have that problem

seriously you could use one of those calf crates, some temporary fencing,,set this up next to that cute coop you have the birds will see each other, feed out your chicks/juveniles until they are well feathered then you can co-mingle the age groups and go with one feed (you'll be surprised how high even a 4 week old can jump)

CRAP! I was just gonna post that we were fresh outa coon here.

Besides it needs to alive to feed it the marshmallows.
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I do not feed layer for the reason I have a mixed age flock and ducks. I feed *all flock*. I have calcium out for the layers. I save all of my shells from my eggs and give them back to the birds, by tossing them crushed up in the grass..or snow, or use the excess in the garden. Even the eggs from hatching. Layer feed can harm males and chicks in a flock, it has been known to drop an other wise healthy male from the excessive calcium and all flock does not have it.


*Don’t feed adult layer rations to other types of chickens, because the higher mineral content may damage the kidneys of birds that aren’t laying.
Also, don’t force extra calcium and minerals on hens by adding things to a properly formulated feed. Too much calcium can cause kidney failure. If you’re getting a lot of thin eggshells or soft-shelled eggs, give your hens some calcium in the form of crushed oyster shells in a feeder where they can choose the amount.*
Morning all!!!
BigZ yep, love the new Escape. So fun playing with all the geek toys in it!!!
TerriO- I like chicken chick too, BUT, she has had some criticism by some pros for some of her "medical" advice (disease worms etc) doesn't do her research I think.
Sunshine- agree with Unka, the best for the chick and you.
JUDGE- I feed Nutrena starter/grower so there is no switch and keep them on it till the "merge" but I'm a newbie too, sooooo.
Kristi--sorry to hear about your back, ouch.
CInd- I hope you feel better soon!!!!

Picked up the new chicks this morning and they look great and are very happy in their new nursery. Pictures to come of course!
Went to my oncologist on Monday and, drumroll, REMISSION. :celebrate. Finally!!!!
:D Sun is shining, critters doing well, all, Is right with the world :D
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Quote: Ironically enough he went to a Palmer school and lives in my community(which is 25 miles away) but was a crazy fast talker. But my back feels a bit better. Worth the co-pay today! cant imagine hitting museums for next two days with a bad back.
Now to deal with a court of law tonight... yup we were stupid. DIdnt get the postcard last year to renew plates on my minivan and thought nothing about it... busted. So registered it, and going to court to see if they will waive the fine. first time for me in court. Had two speeding tickets otherwise in my lifeime... one a few weeks after my 16th birthday.oh well

hope everyone is enjoying the sun! I sure am

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