Wisconsin "Cheeseheads"

CC... Are you gonna make me lav chicks too???

oh and I am being ignored on the 2 dz eggs owed me as a prize. But I did have a swap coming and that lovely lady is sending me some lavs. I told her I wanted to add some new blood to a friends line. She is sending 6. They have Robin all over them. Swap chicks for chicks?
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DH and I got tons of work done..We emptied out the garage and swept the floor. Tomorrow we put up shelves and put all the crap that was on the floor ..on the shelves.
It was such a beautiful day. The chicks loved being out in the sun. I look forward to getting all 60 of these chicks out. I am really moving tons of things around.
CC-on the snuggle situation, I am trying not to snuggle with this set of chicks. Delisha has very calm birds that will let just about anyone hold them and she doesn't hold them frequently. Whereas my first set of birds, I tried to hold a lot. I wonder whether this created a fear of being held or if I just had some weird birds. Anyways, these birds are learning that food comes from me and I do pick them up to inspect them, check their ties, etc. As far as the lav orps, we are ready for them. Do you want me to pick them up as soon as possible after hatch or a week after? Some people prefer to wait a bit. Either way we are looking at this weekend or next, right?
CC-on the snuggle situation, I am trying not to snuggle with this set of chicks. Delisha has very calm birds that will let just about anyone hold them and she doesn't hold them frequently. Whereas my first set of birds, I tried to hold a lot. I wonder whether this created a fear of being held or if I just had some weird birds. Anyways, these birds are learning that food comes from me and I do pick them up to inspect them, check their ties, etc. As far as the lav orps, we are ready for them. Do you want me to pick them up as soon as possible after hatch or a week after? Some people prefer to wait a bit. Either way we are looking at this weekend or next, right?

If it is this weekend..can I come too? I can bring CC's Black Orp male if she wants..the following Saturday weekend is the class in Madison
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Evening To Everyone....the meal was a hit at camp. I didn't bring alot of leftovers home. They loved the ho-made food....no frickin chips!

Said a prayer for your mom bigfam.

In regards to venzun..it's the best red meat....If you folks never used "kitchen bouquet" in your roasts, stews and soups, you don't know what your missing. It even makes stinky beef taste edible. Now that's saying something. It's a liquid you add to the water when cooking. We buy it online by the quart for $28. They sell it in little bottles at grocery stores. most supper clubs that have that wonderful tasting soup, use it. You will become a hero if you use it....just dump some in.

Great pics, thanks for sharing.

Fleet Farm doesn't get chicks....sounds like farm and fleet does. I get chicks all the time, aint that right CC!

The roo's get pretty nasty this time of year. They don't want to share their women. That would be fun to have 10 or 12, and beat up the boyfriend!

Great idea with the egg bribe Cind. I always share eggs with neighbors on both sides. it just seems like the right thing to do. Most folks don't even know their neighbors anymore. Favors seem to work both ways well then.

Stay safe... bigz
Brent, I'm a wuss when it comes to eating wild game. But just hearing about your meal and all the time that went into it would make me appreciate it, even without eating it!!!

Thanks for prayers. Mom can still use them. She may be hospitalized through Mon now. They took 5 cultures from her knee to grow out Tues. only one has grown out enough to identify. The other 4 are to slow to identify. They don't know WHAT drugs to use on her until they know what they're dealing with. Apparently they put in a pic line near her heart to get the different antibiotics in faster. Hoping the good Lord puts some healing hands on her soon I tell you!

Vicky sorry I didn't congratulate you on your remission sooner. That's the greatest news!
Good evening. Dog class was good tonight; I think Magic is starting to understand!
SHe wasnt so scared and actually did all the obstacles without freaking so much. My friend Judi came along to watch the kids and they were good too. Came home and fed them some supper, jammies, stories and now they are asleep. We werent too far behind. I sure wish I could go to sleep though...early one tomorrow! I have to leave for Oconomowoc at 6:15. Maybe I should get off the computer and shut my eyes until Faith gets here for the kids? Maybe that might be a good idea...I am pretty tired!

BL4--here I was going to congratulate you for eating the stew and you made a SEPARATE dinner! Shame on you! LOL!

Well...shutting my eyes now! TerriO

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