Wisconsin "Cheeseheads"

soooo many crossed fingers !! must make it difficult to type..

I just finished the first round of Miller time.. I think a couple more rounds are called for..

Did I mention that I have all the walls ready to stand up for the GH ? well, I am saying it again, then..

My guinea hatch turned out not as badly as I first thought.. I forgot that I had some eggs in that tray due on June 2.. I should read my record book once in awhile..eh?

Annie put the gosling out to meet all his relatives.. he was kept in a cage ,, at that age, they do not recognize real geese as companions and just run wildly away.. He did not appreciate the outing at all.. I told her that she should have put one of the chicks with him.. he spent the whole time just running back and forth and crying.. just plain lonely.. he shut right up as soon as I gave him a chick to play with..

I used to play golf.. I gave it up when I reached perfection and shot a perfect 300 game ..

Hey Bigz
I finally got all the trees put in the ground,,, that took a little longer than i thought it would [like 2 weeks longer] They still looked real good,,, Kept them damp and cool in the milkhouse,,, Some off them had 1-2 in. of growth already. No worries ,, I m sure they will take off with this great tree growing weather we are having thanks again for the help,,, had a nice afternoon,,,

Tomorrow,, thurs I go pick-up my bee hives,, Sure hope I have some good luck with this project,

10:15 Just started to rain

All my new little chicks r doing well Hope to add a few more nice birds from another hatch coming up...
3 yr old grandson coming to visit in 3 wks, should have new chicks while he s here... I would post a picture of him if I new how,,, I have 2 grandsons and they r the best lookin little fella's,,,,, Might have to recruit a little help from #1 son to get a couple of pics up. done rainin 4 now,,, I type s l o w ,

hey Deli are you gettin to the bash on Friday night or Sat,
I can see everyone is getting excited for the bash.. I think it is so neat that all of you try so hard to help each other and find time to go and meet new people as well as old freinds common thread being chickens and good hearts! As I have shared a story or two with my oldest son, he is so impressed by the whole thing..
Well thats enough out of me for tonight,, looked a little slow so I thought I could jump in,, Heres hoping you all have a safe trip in,,,,can't wait to meet you all!!!!!
Zeke gointohitthehay

Good luck with the bees! We must have pictures and updates! Try your best to avoid the stings - my cousin had to give up his bees as he was stung enough times that he developed an allergic reaction to them. I'm looking for honey for my store! Might see you on Saturday at the bash - my niece is getting married (yet again) on Friday evening - after I close up I plan to head up there. If I can I'll bring the hubs (He's usually still writing his sermon on Saturday evening).
Hi all-
All your talk about the bash this weekend makes me wish I was coming... Next year for sure!
Not much new here today. I got the fence up around the garden. Fingers crossed it keeps the ladies out.
I "lost" my two 6wk old chicks today for awhile. Somehow the coop door they were in got opened and when I looked one of my BSL was in there, and no chicks! I looked everywhere, asked DH and one of the milkers but no one saw them. Looked under the truck on my way back up to the house and saw them huddled together under there. poor things!
Learned a very painful lesson tonight- never wear sandals when working with a pony. OUCH!
Hope you all stay safe in this weather.
Good night all!
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Good luck with the bees! We must have pictures and updates! Try your best to avoid the stings - my cousin had to give up his bees as he was stung enough times that he developed an allergic reaction to them. I'm looking for honey for my store! Might see you on Saturday at the bash - my niece is getting married (yet again) on Friday evening - after I close up I plan to head up there. If I can I'll bring the hubs (He's usually still writing his sermon on Saturday evening).
Thanks for the luck!!
Maybe Jim could help write the sermon,,,,He's pretty clever,,, might turn a head or two... all the way around..
LOL Jim sounds like my golfing ;-) Taking lessons the next few weeks to see if they can figure out my issues.

Just finsihed watching the Animal Planet documentray on "Mermaids".....watching the second one tomrrow night..pretty interesting stuff. There was a video taken and DD13 and DD19 jumped and screamed so bad they took 10 yrs off my life I swear......wonder if I will get a knock on the bedroom door with them asking to sleep with us.

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