Wisconsin "Cheeseheads"

Morning Everyone. Sorry to have to inform you that we won't attending this years gala event. Took Taz in on Tues had a tumor removed from her mouth it was all the way down her throat. The vet said it's the fast growing kind and just to keep her comfortable until she's gone. Also my idiot neighbor dug a ditch circumventing the dike and pump that sucks the water out of the ditch that causes us so many problems. I'm riding the fence as to sueing his stupid A@@! The farm that owns the ditch had the field surveyed yesterday and found that he dug on about 6 feet of their property. They will fill it in today and start pumping. Hope you all have a great time and you stay dry!
Quote: yeah, that's what I say too,, a gray what ? I do not have pure bred geese.. I have no idea which one layed the egg nor which one laid her..

My grays are African-looking.. but one of them throws buff babies once in awhile.. the gray babies lean toward looking like Africans..

there are coffee pots aplenty , Kim.. electric ones,, small and large.

DrH, sooo sorry you can't make it.. Bummer about Taz..

Does anybody want month old Buff Orpington chicks ? $3/each.. supposed to be all pullets from Stromberg's ..

don't forget to bring cages for taking your prizes home..

and remember folks,, my eyesight and memory both suck.. so you will have to re-introduce yourselves to me.. some of you won't have to, but,, just sayin' ..

You will all know me,, I will be wearing a tutu and sandles with white socks..

I better get going.. I have to pack after cleaning out the tools from the Blazer.. and I have to set up all the birds with two day's worth of food.. Annie will pop in and out to water them between her jobs..

I am leaving it up to Puppy to protect them.. they will not be getting locked in for a couple of nights.. I tried it out for the past 3 nights and nothing sneaked in and got anything as long as Puppy is out at night..

see you later today..or tomorrow..or whenever........-
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Bash Morning To Everyone. Sorry you can't make it this year Doc. Tough about Taz.

Holy crap we had a bad storm last night. I shut this box of bolts down just in time....the power was off almost 3 hours.

Watch for the turnoff off hwy 45....coming from the south, it's the first right after the pigeon river....coming from the north, if you cross the pigeon river ....you just missed the turn.

Might have a camp phone today...depends. Going with sprint...I guess.

There is a grill for over the fire-pit...skip the tripod...no need to bring grills...we have a gas grill, and there are 2 park type charcoal grills if you need them...bring charcoal if you want....prolly won't need to though.

Forgot to mention bbp...last refill was $18.95....I like your deal better....heck I could even afford to refill my fish fryer tanks at your price....just sayin

So sorry about Taz, DrH :hugs
Thank you all for the birthday wishes!! Should have clarified my birthday is this weekend so do get more wishes??? :D. Meant that now I can get a whole weekend of pampering instead of just one day :thumbsup
Hope you all have a great bash!!

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