Wisconsin "Cheeseheads"

Happy bday Vicki!
Sorry to hear about taz!

Enjoy the bash and safe driving everyone. Have an adult beverage for me! Had one round of mini golf with kindergarten era, going back for round two in an hour and then a picnic that hopefully will not be rained out. Sow tonight and kindergarten graduation tomorrow! Always exciting
Morning all---just popping in quick---gotta get stuff done outside and then pack the camper. Told DH it would be 1 when we leave...he is not willing to do anything this morning (groceries or picking up the feed for the weekend) so I guess I will do it all again....*sigh*

Jim--you are an evil man! I want guineas NOT orps! LOL!
I hope I dont have to reintroduce myself to you....
Later folks! TerriO

Hugs to you DrH about Taz...we had one with that cancer too. I decided to put her down while she was still purring and happy. The Dr said she would only get skinnier and skinnier since she couldnt close her mouth all the way because of the tumor. Good on you that you had them take it out. Gives Taz a bit more time to love on you! I will miss your big hug at the bash!
I think I may never get out of here.. I got my 29 eggs set and have the Blazer cleaned out.. then the neighbor shows up with 3 cartons of americana and guinea eggs to set..

I hope I don't forget anything..

I am bringing only what chicks and eggs what people have asked for.. nothing extra.. If anybody (Angiebubs) wants BO's let me know quickly.. they are a month old and $3/each..

I took some pictures,, will post them on another post..

HAH thanks BigFam lol I am just soo oin love with my BO "Jamica" right now!!! She is 6 or 8 weeks old
EKK Need to go back and check when I go them!!!! However, bringing along the better half and am sure he wont liek the idea of bringing home chicks for a 4 hr drive...kinda warned him though. With that said, I won't ask Jim to bring any (but am sure they would find homes!!!) And I will take care of them over the weekend so you wouldnt have to worry about them if needed.
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Pretty much ready to go. Just waiting on a call that the Yukon is ready (had to have the a/c compressor replaced) and he said the part would be in at 6 am this morning. Hoping he calls soon so we can pack it up, grab DD12 from school hand get on the road.

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