Wisconsin "Cheeseheads"

I would love to have a battery chicken or two....how do you find or get them? (I know that my taking one or two doesnt make any impact, its more a selfish desire to watch a chicken go from that to being allowed to run around and free range etc.)
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morning folks, cold and rainy in the north

glad the bash went well, thanks for sharing the pics, info, and stories,,,someday maybe but it hits at one of my busiest times

Jim when was the last time you and Annie hooked up in a parking lot? and in the middle of the day,,,tsk tsk

I think it's the USDA that sets those standards for egg classification and yes those are the "organic cage free eggs" that are over $4/dozen in the supermarkets,,,another reason to raise your egg prices. There is a board doing comparitive research on Europes egg production with a chance that the criteria might get changed here in the US, don't hold your breath we all know that big money talks here these days

finally have some success with a duck hatch, got 2 out and another 2 pipped, when these are done I think I will set another batch now that I have the humidity dialed in better

A few days ago I fixed a Chantecler that got stuck in an old rabbit cage, superglued a 1.5" tear in it's skin,,,amazingly it worked. Not as impressive as JJ but still ,,,,,,


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Well isn't that nice . . . I don't have any buckets with lids to start my FF in. Some girl at the bash won most of them . . .

any container will do and it really should not be covered with a lid. I have a glass bowl on the counter for the chicks FF. I also use tupperware inside. The FF bucket outside is a square plastic tote. A towel draped over it, since It needs to breath and ferment.
To, I hope to get to at least 3 ;-)

If anybody knows anybody looking for a bunny, these are females born 3/26. I was holding them for a girl in the hospital :-( I've been in touch wwith her sister. She's informed me that they've now decided to wait. Their pretty friendly with syd always toting them around!
How do they taste?
I have one batch of 20 eggs set,, not mine,, they are for JP.. guinea and Americana..

I have turkeys hatching almost hourly.. up to 4 now and watching 2 more pips.. they have a tendency to hang from the turner after they hatch.. the guineas just fall to the bator floor.. one guinea died, but another hatched to take it's place..

I am starting to stack hatching trays.. good thing, or else I would be out of room.. 3 bators full,almost..

am going upstairs to rewrite my egg records.. might have to doe si doe some racks to keep track of who's are who's.. hatch dates sometimes are too close to each other when you are mixing long term eggs with shorter term..

I will be glad to get rid of those turkeys on Friday.. I have plenty of their eggs "cooking"..
I have 9 more to set today..

Frenchie - I hear ya on the sleep driving! I've got a whole laundry list of things I should talk about to my doctor, that is, IF I ever see one at some point. (I'll see one when I'm dead - you know how the saying goes! LOL)

Cindy - so glad you guys liked the bell! (and the paper! LMAO!)
- it took me awhile and several readings to figure out you meant the cat stepped on the COMPUTER mouse. (I didn't read the end part until the last time I read it). I'm all "Why is she panicing? Was it a PET mouse? You'd think she's WANT her cat to get the mice.. it must've been a pet. But who cares if the cat STEPPED on it, not like a cat can kill a mouse just b/c it walked on it. Unless it's one of those morbidly obese cats and a dwarf baby mouse?"

Delisha - rabbit meat is delicious! Plus it is far more superior a meat than even chicken is! By far very very healthy!

~ Once again - too dang rainy to plant my garden. GRR!!!

~ I was gonna taketh tha doggehs out, but t'was raining so I waited a bit. Lo! and behold! it ceased! So I done told me-self ta get ta gettin' dem out 'fore it started up again. Wouldn'tcha know it! 10 mins after we came back in...it done gone and started up rainin' again!
ETA: what the heII is this "ovation" notification all about ?
It's all Zeke's fault. He's a troublemaker, I tell ya.

An "ovation" is when someone reads one of your posts and clicks on the "thumbs up" icon in the bottom right corner of your post as a way to tell you they found your comment helpful.
U guys are horrible!!!!!

They dont taste good at all! Besides their MINI rex. Wouldnt be worth the effort. Maybe I should jack up the price so nobody gets any bright ideas! You would all make poor sydney cry again!
:'( :'( :'(

Too sad on those "free range" chickies. I saw a video on the smart phone once. Its so inhumane.

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