Wisconsin "Cheeseheads"

I have 30 cornishx coming on 7/23. Will be my last batch of the year.

These are cockerels coming from Sunnyside ( beaver dam ).

Have never had problems ( losses ) with broiler chicks from them.
Sugar, my broody that got attacked by shadow, has been going down hill. She just doesn't look good. I know brooding is hard on a bird. But she's been itching at her face and eyes a lot and her muff/beard looks dirty. (Could be ff) anyway, one of her eyes doesn't seem to want to open today. What do you suggest I do for her? She is still sitting, with hatching expecting this week.
Are her eyes maybe just caked with the FF ? With this hot weather I would go off the FF just in case. Scramble her some eggs if she'll eat them. Did you look for any wounds on her?
I have 30 cornishx coming on 7/23. Will be my last batch of the year.

These are cockerels coming from Sunnyside ( beaver dam ).

Have never had problems ( losses ) with broiler chicks from them.
Do you know what their minimum order is? Can't believe I'm helping someone get chickens to eat !!!! Shhhh don't tell my chickens !!!
Well Sugar seems to be doing better. Her eye is open now. I did take out some scrambled eggs and fed it to the broodies in the nesting boxes, in which the chicks also partook. I did do the risky deed and moved her and Miss Mama Marans with their eggs and chicks to the nursery. Hopefully it won't mess them up. Staggered hatch with eggs under broody...:rolleyes:

Ooooooohhhhh Deli.... I got to see the 2 chicks that hatched from what you brought to my place. One is black, but one is black with a distinct chocolate undertone to it. :D It did hatch under Sugar, but Miss Mama was clucking away at it, and trying to convince it to come over to her nest box. Sugar wasn't clucking or anything. After baby jumped out of the nesting box, looking for Miss Mama, I said screw it and quick shoved it under her. Mama is a wonderful and experienced mom.

Now Pepper my black copper marans think she should go broody! I just keep kicking her out and shutting the door. We'll see if she keeps this up. I could buy some hatching eggs for her. We'll see...

Ok, back to work. It's big project Sunday. NO funday Sunday.

(No infections that I can see on Sugar. She just isn't eating or drinking enough. Having fresh food and water will allow her to get more easier and get to the nest faster)
Hello there. My question is can u let 4 week old chicks out of brooder. They have feathers and its up in mid 90 's in the day and 70's at night
They only stayed a week under a light
Sounds like perfect timing!
Well Sugar seems to be doing better. Her eye is open now. I did take out some scrambled eggs and fed it to the broodies in the nesting boxes, in which the chicks also partook. I did do the risky deed and moved her and Miss Mama Marans with their eggs and chicks to the nursery. Hopefully it won't mess them up. Staggered hatch with eggs under broody...

Ooooooohhhhh Deli.... I got to see the 2 chicks that hatched from what you brought to my place. One is black, but one is black with a distinct chocolate undertone to it.
It did hatch under Sugar, but Miss Mama was clucking away at it, and trying to convince it to come over to her nest box. Sugar wasn't clucking or anything. After baby jumped out of the nesting box, looking for Miss Mama, I said screw it and quick shoved it under her. Mama is a wonderful and experienced mom.

Now Pepper my black copper marans think she should go broody! I just keep kicking her out and shutting the door. We'll see if she keeps this up. I could buy some hatching eggs for her. We'll see...

Ok, back to work. It's big project Sunday. NO funday Sunday.

(No infections that I can see on Sugar. She just isn't eating or drinking enough. Having fresh food and water will allow her to get more easier and get to the nest faster)

* Chocolate Male X Chocolate Female = 100% Chocolate

* Black Male X Chocolate Female = 50% Black Males carrying Chocolate, 50% Black Females

* Chocolate Male X Black Female = 50% Black Males carrying Chocolate, 50% Chocolate Females

* Black Male carrying Chocolate X Chocolate Female = 25% Chocolate Males, 25% Black Males carrying Chocolate, 25% Chocolate Females, 25% Black Females

* Black Male carrying Chocolate X Black Female = 25% Black Males carrying Chocolate, 25% Black Males, 25% Chocolate Females, 25% Black Females.

This is the chart
My black male does not carry chocolate, my hen might. She comes from the chocolate project that Sacre was working on.
It is not in the chart at all. I doubt you can get a chocolate at all. The offspring might carry the gene. You need a chocolate to get chocolate.
According to this chart you need to keep a male and get a chocolate female. You might get some chocolates than. That might be a big might too since LF chocolate is so new.
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I am new here. I was told about this thread by someone I bought some guinea keets from today and thought I would check it out. I live in Minocqua, WI. We have rouen ducks, broiler chickens, turkeys, black copper marans, welsummer, Americana, and partridge rocks. We also have three dogs, guinea pigs, Senegal parrot and now some new additions with the new eight guinea keets.
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I got my broilers from sunnyside in beaver dam and only had one loss. They are looking great. I don't think they have a minimum order but they do charge $6.00 for orders under 100.
I am new here. I was told about this thread by someone I bought some guinea keets from today and thought I would check it out. I live in Minocqua, WI. We have rouen ducks, broiler chickens, turkeys, black copper marans, welsummer, Americana, and partridge rocks. We also have three dogs, guinea pigs, Senegal parrot and now some new additions with the new eight guinea keets.
Welcome to the group! Congrats on getting great birds from Jim.
Hi im new here I live near Wisconsin Dells/Lake Delton/Reedsburg/Baraboo kinda in the middle of them all. Lol. I have 5 black and gold easter eggers one is my rooster, 1 light brahma, 3 cinnamon queens, 2 buff orphintons, 4 female guineas, 1 easter egger/light brahma, 1 easter egger/buff orphington, 3 black jersey giants, 4 cats, 1 dog, a 2 year old girl and another baby girl due august 13th! Hoping to add 2 grey toulouse geese and 2 cayuga ducks next spring!
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