Wisconsin "Cheeseheads"

I'm new here. I have chickens, ducks, geese, donkeys, mini ponys and horses. I also have two dogs and 1 1/2 cats-I co-own miss kitty. I've raised various different kinds of animals, and mostly I prefer chickens-they're the best! I also can pickles and jam!

Welcome chickenlady313!!!!
Pull up a roost and perch for a spell. Always room in this coop for one more. Just be aware it is quite a mixed flock in here :oops:. We have a couple young chicks, a few old hens, several mother hens and a cuckoo or two. :gig. Several roos on here too. Very wise and struttin their stuff but watch out for the old crows :lau.

Tell us more about you and your flock and the rest of your critters. We love pics here too by the way. :D
I am going to answer this now.. I have 3 pages to read and I will forget by the time I get through all that..

TerriO,,I did make a non slip loop around the base of the plant to anchor the string.. I don't think Dan does it this way.. then carefully wrap the string around the plant.. I included as many branches as I could,, ?? I think that is what you are supposed to do.. and then you are correct, as the plant grows. just give it another twist around the string.. I might have my strings too tight, but I left extra at the top so I can lengthen them as I need to.. Dan is the expert about this method,, I just did it as I understood it should be done..
I am going to answer this now.. I have 3 pages to read and I will forget by the time I get through all that..

TerriO,,I did make a non slip loop around the base of the plant to anchor the string.. I don't think Dan does it this way.. then carefully wrap the string around the plant.. I included as many branches as I could,, good idea ?? I think that is what you are supposed to do.. and then you are correct, as the plant grows. just give it another twist around the string.. I might have my strings too tight, but I left extra at the top so I can lengthen them as I need to..if you work the plants when soft/plyable you'll have no problem Dan is the expert about this method,, I just did it as I understood it should be done..

yep that works, I like the stakes at the base to tie off on just as insurance in case I have strong winds (yes even in the tunnel it can happen when the sides are open) the mater plants carry 30 lbs or more. For cukes I loop the stem because these you pick fast and the load is never much....outside I would use a stake on everything,,,I do have a wind problem here created by the plantation and large trees that surround my 1 acre garden.
good morning again.. very impressive chickens.. still laying at 20 .. throw Mama from the train a kiss..

Unka Dan, should I go and unwrap my tomatoes and wrap just the stems ?? I will be staking the peppers soon.. they seem quite stable yet.. I hope my nephew didn't use up all my rebar stakes for his tomatoes..

I have to go get some more guinea keets from Marlene,, I have some people coming down from Minocqua today.. IDK what time.. or how many they want ??

this last hatch was a complete failure.. I think the power outage we had must have hit it at a critical time.. over 50 eggs and not a single pip.. chit happens..

my mind just went blank.. must need another cuppa.......
Sugar, my broody that got attacked by shadow, has been going down hill. She just doesn't look good. I know brooding is hard on a bird. But she's been itching at her face and eyes a lot and her muff/beard looks dirty. (Could be ff) anyway, one of her eyes doesn't seem to want to open today. What do you suggest I do for her? She is still sitting, with hatching expecting this week.
Sugar, my broody that got attacked by shadow, has been going down hill. She just doesn't look good. I know brooding is hard on a bird. But she's been itching at her face and eyes a lot and her muff/beard looks dirty. (Could be ff) anyway, one of her eyes doesn't seem to want to open today. What do you suggest I do for her? She is still sitting, with hatching expecting this week.
I would quit the FF for now. Get a wet cloth and wipe her face. Look closely for Northern fowl mites around on her face and rump. All over for lice as long as you are at it. Give her some electrolytes in her water in this hot weather.
Mites can bring down a bird very quickly.

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