Wisconsin "Cheeseheads"

I am sorry..can you be more specific? Have you lost your birds..they ran away? Are you looking to purchase chickens? I am lost and probably missed your original post.

Welcome to the group!!
I friend wrongfully sold 3 of my 4 show birds (there not actually qauity but its fun) and is refusing to tell us where they went...my chickens are also emotinal suport animals so I need them...There polishes and a golden lakenvellder so my little Spitz has been all alone at my house for 3 ish weeks. The worst thing is they had lice when they sold them (were in treatment process) and Im worried about how sick they may get. my spitz is now fine but I miss my little girls I mean I raised them from day old, spent weeks preping for fair. someone contacted us last night only a 1:45 drive from us and were going to go pick up a bird so hopfully theyll be nice it would really suck to go all that way for nothing...
Made it home alive!!! I think I need a new line of work!!!! I cannot WAIT to see what happens next! This is like a Soap Opera! 

I have been thoroughly enjoying my heirloom tomatoes. The difference between the homegrown ones and the ones in the store is amazing! I wish I had a bigger garden!!!

With all of the chaos today, tomorrow promises to be a VERY long day....... and tomorrow night I have to go to a party at the Dean's house.... :th  maybe I will get a nap in first......

I am glad you are home..safe.

Just keep your tatas covered this time Terri.
OMG, what did I miss !!! I remember TO having an avatar picture with her in a dress but I didn't see any Tatas hanging out !!! Assuming Tatas are what I think they are.
Just make sure you take a lot videos and Pictures so if you do have a wardrobe malfunction you can maybe make a few buck on AHV (Americas Home Video). Have a designated driver since you'll need some booze in you to get the best stuff !!!!

BL4 ... glad you and everyone else is ok. I wasn't home to watch the news. I called my nephew who is at UWOshkosh to see if he had to evacuate. Nope ! That was good news. I heard some background talking and asked if he had the TV on or a Girl in his room.....he replied BOTH.......ah to be19 again !!! .
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Chicken has been picked up and is doing well her name is Tiny Dancer she is a blue/grey with black specs batam wyandotte she has a low cluck and is not much of a talker, good forager though. Currently Chicken (the spitz) is being quite talkative (more so then usual shes very chatty) also is purring/growling? shes weird, but seems quite content with her new friend
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GR.... Wow, sounds like DH is still getting screwed over! He should be making way more than that! Unless he's buying that truck, he's getting screwed. Are your "live ins" taking care of the place while your gone?

Twiz... cute kids!

TO... Yes they do hire locals for many things. Many of the shops are owned by people that have stores elsewhere or own shops at other Ren. Fairs. They will hire extra help for the run of the fair as needed. That's how Jon got hired, he was hired as a hawker to get people in the shop. He did so well he sold some of the big ticket items and managed to sell hundreds of dollars of stuff a day. They liked him and decided he would make an good apprentice. So, he's learning book making with fancy leather covers. The company he works for has shops all over the country. They do art shows and other speciality shows too. It's called Poetic Earth. http://poeticearthjournals.com/ The owner is....." interesting" ....lol. He was over here a couple of times now. He owns several companies, is rather successful, and after meeting him you have to scratch your head and go "really?" LOL Well, gives hope for the rest of us I guess.

Violet...How and why could your "friend" sell your birds? Hope you find some you like.

Wow, that's unbelievable..... $217 for the whole week. Didn't he know what he would be getting paid when he started? How do they pay OTR drivers? Just curious. Years ago my BIL (who is a nurse) wanted to try something different. He went to work at Schneider Trucking. He hated it too. He was in Ohio on Christmas Eve and was trying to get home. He took the wrong turn (he was new) and ended up making a big loop.... didn't make it home for Christmas to his two little girls. Need I say it didn't last long. He went back to the medical field. Is Adam obligated to stay with them for so long ???? Maybe go with him every other trip? When you are home.... search for a new job for him ?? Just a thought, otherwise glad you are spending time with him. Cind, glad your baby had the surgery. How long for recovery?
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Violet...How and why could your "friend" sell your birds? Hope you find some you like.


they were at her house for a while they sold there chickens and mine went with...I told them they would be picked up in a week and when I got there 3 were gone and my lone chicken was just wandering around not penned up or anything...
HELP! - anyone know an American supplier for Flubenvet??? I can't believe I wasn't able to locate at least one.

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