Wisconsin "Cheeseheads"

Morning everyone :frow

YEP, I have a large landing net too but have never had to use it. Mine are such pigs that all I have to do is open the mailbox where I store their dried mealworms and they totally forget everything else.

LISA - thank you for all the great advice. I'm trying hard not to let my heart overrule my head but I am not sure yet whos winning. :rolleyes: my only real concern about just keeping the little one is the three amigas already chase them around so I am not sure little pepper is healthy enough yet to handle the stress alone. They already went thru the whole squaring off thing (my first clue I probably had two roos) and he is now totally submissive to the bigger one but once they figure out what those girls are for? :cd I really just don't have room two roos and I know it and am not even considering keeping both, I just don't know about keeping the one. Guess I have a little time to decide since I haven't heard from Terri yet and really have no clue how to get them back to her.

I love the horse pic!!! Made me miss watching my own horses run when I was on the farm. Yours are some beautiful animals and look like they totally love where they are!!!

Cuties - yes, get that baby a goat! Easier to keep than another horse and they will become best buds.

Cindlady - so glad you found poor Tommy :D

Boy, my egg count is down to zero!!! I am really second guessing my decision to not use artificial lighting this year. Really thought my red sex-links would keep laying, at least into November!!!
Vicki, I am sure that whatever you decide to do will work out. Are your girls ALL molting? That is a bummer to feed chickens and no Eggs. I guess every year you have to add some young girls that aren't due to molt in the fall to make up for the second year girls molt.
Thanks for the kinds words about my horsey picture all. I have had these three since they were babies and they are all between 8 and 15. They will never be sold. They are family. I have an older guy too not in that picture that will be 25 this year. He is wonderful as well. Here he is with my dad after a riding lesson. That's the one I'll teach you on cuties...

I hope everyone has a great day! Where are John and Frenchie? I miss reading their posts.
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Good morning!

Hey, it's the guy with the big fish! Only now he has a big horse. Great pic of yours BTW Lisa...were they running to something or away from something? When I was at work the other day her horses were getting very frisky! Chasing each other around and around. Mine dont do that too often--they probably think they will slip and fall in the mud!
Pretty chilly in here this AM. I have my jacket on! I looked at the wood stove and decided that it was way too much work to get it going so I am baking a squash and some potatoes in the oven--at least I've got a jump on dinner!

Had to share this with you all...I did decide to move furniture yesterday...how come it always gets way worse before it gets better? First I took the air conditioner out...and saw THIS in my little woods! It will be on the menu tonight for sure!

At this point (the worst) I had moved the black chair to the left and the parrot out of the corner.

Same point here, just the other way.

Starting to clear out here.

Got Tommy's cage set up under the fish tank. I think he will be coming in soon. The room pretty much still looks like this right now. I still have some work to do! I was planning on heading to Milwaukee today to visit my Mom and Dad but I will save that for Monday. I have the day off today so I plan to finish this up and get started on the kitchen? (no, I am not pregnant) When it is so chilly outside I just want to stay in and get the house cozy! At least the entire floor has been mopped in the living room and I can get the braided rugs down today. Makes it feel so much warmer. We have not had a frost here yet! I think it is coming next week though. Gotta get remaining tomatoes and basil in here for sure. Also the houseplants and the tortoises need to come in! Guess I will be working in the back room next week!

All this talk about work, I guess I better get to it! GF called and we are meeting for lunch at 12:45 in town...I guess I can eek out feed this morning so I only have to make one trip in.

Have a good one! TerriO
Great pic of yours BTW Lisa...were they running to something or away from something?

We set them to frolicking for the photo shoot. I can get them going by pointing them in the direction I want them to go and acting a certain way. They are trained from the round pen work. Mine run around A LOT at this time of year though, they just love the weather and have to do victory laps every day.

Have a nice day off and lunch in town! I don't have the day off so I should get my butt to working
The stuff I have to do for work today is incredibly draining mentally and requires a lot of focus which I just don't seem to have right now. It hurts my brain, ugh! I honestly am pretty lucky to work for a great company and great people and they pay me well, but I still fantasize all the time about being free! I dream of working with horses, raising chickens, growing coral and raising fish, doing my art, and just pursuing every interesting thing out there and being able to make enough money at it to live. I keep hoping I will have that great idea for a business and actually pursue it in a field I love. Lets face it, you don't get rich working for someone else...not that I need to be rich...just comfortable and doing something that fascinates me. RF Engineering doesn't fascinate me it is just what I do for a living and I would never want to do it in my free time, that's for sure.

I have one of those I use too if i need it...but he is under the house and out of reach.
what about a Rake ? or a broom ..Ill bet that will get him out ...
When they are in the next yard & not paying attention to me ...I am chasing them to come home )
I pick up the rake.. they know I mean business...away they scoot towards home
lol..he is new(2 months) and does not come to treats yet. He is so afraid of me. I was handling him a lot when he got here since Joe dropped him the day he brought him home and he broke his leg. I just took his cast off two days ago and now he is untouchable.

Good morning!

Hey, it's the guy with the big fish! Only now he has a big horse. Great pic of yours BTW Lisa...were they running to something or away from something? When I was at work the other day her horses were getting very frisky! Chasing each other around and around. Mine dont do that too often--they probably think they will slip and fall in the mud!
Pretty chilly in here this AM. I have my jacket on! I looked at the wood stove and decided that it was way too much work to get it going so I am baking a squash and some potatoes in the oven--at least I've got a jump on dinner!

Had to share this with you all...I did decide to move furniture yesterday...how come it always gets way worse before it gets better? First I took the air conditioner out...and saw THIS in my little woods! It will be on the menu tonight for sure!

At this point (the worst) I had moved the black chair to the left and the parrot out of the corner.

Same point here, just the other way.

Starting to clear out here.
Got Tommy's cage set up under the fish tank. I think he will be coming in soon. The room pretty much still looks like this right now. I still have some work to do! I was planning on heading to Milwaukee today to visit my Mom and Dad but I will save that for Monday. I have the day off today so I plan to finish this up and get started on the kitchen? (no, I am not pregnant) When it is so chilly outside I just want to stay in and get the house cozy! At least the entire floor has been mopped in the living room and I can get the braided rugs down today. Makes it feel so much warmer. We have not had a frost here yet! I it is coming next week though. Gotta get remaining tomatoes and basil in here for sure. Also the houseplants and the tortoises need to come in! Guess I will be working in the back room next week!

All this talk about work, I guess I better get to it! GF called and we are meeting for lunch at 12:45 in town...I guess I can eek out feed this morning so I only have to make one trip in.

Have a good one! TerriO
That is a lot of work. I am exhausted looking at it. Joe will be there Saturday am

Hi Terri!!!
here are some pics of some of mr. Urch's birds. These belong to rattlesnakeridgewv over on the Aussie thread and are 24 weeks old in these pics taken this past summer. Thought you might like to see them

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They are pretty vicki. Now I know why you asked if my aussie was an orp. But it made me realise that orps are what we really like! And now we have more of a color variety.

Viki, is jo going to terri's for a kitty?...:-D
Fish Fry Friday To Everyone....no outside cooker tonight
gonna just oven some swai and parmo spuds.... chances are a cold tall one too!

Worked in the garden some today...cut a 5gal pail of spinach and French breakfast radish that are huge and good and sweet...they do the best in the fall here.

Took the night off from hunting...must be the woosie in me that made me stay home. It is actually a good night for the roaming bucks...another evening perhaps.

Nice pics...thanks for sharing.

Love the lived in home pics TO....seems way to familiar here..LOL!

Be Safe..bigz

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