Wisconsin "Cheeseheads"

They are pretty vicki. Now I know why you asked if my aussie was an orp. But it made me realise that orps are what we really like! And now we have more of a color variety.

Viki, is jo going to terri's for a kitty?...:-D
No, but she probably could talk him into one.
I culled my AM male. I need a replacement. He was simply not breeder quality. His legs were a mile long. He had that injury too and I doubt he could have bred very well. Big body and tiny head..ugh. He was tasty..lol
OK, soooo,, looks like I have a transportation problem. No way to get them down to Madison?? to Terri and she won't be coming north at all until at least spring. Anyone want a free, very good looking (but very off SOP), healthy and tame pure bred Australorp roo???
OK, soooo,, looks like I have a transportation problem. No way to get them down to Madison?? to Terri and she won't be coming north at all until at least spring. Anyone want a free, very good looking (but very off SOP), healthy and tame pure bred Australorp roo???

Good luck! We just got rid of our roo last week, Thursday.
Vickiw, I think your asking TO to take back chickens that have been very Ill is a lot to ask, honestly. She has a lot of birds at risk and many illnesses that chickens have seem to be gone, but they remain carriers for life. I think you need to just cull if you don't want to keep them.

I read the Aussie thread and I thought you were very mean there to TO. You didn't mention her name, but anyone who cared to look at your other posts could easily see who you are talking about. Please try not to slam people like that. I thought we were all trying to be friends here for the most part and we want to help you, but your post on that thread was not nice.

I tend to say what I think, especially after a few beers, so go back and look at what you posted and then think about how something like that can hurt someone's business or even just hurt then badly personally. Ouch...I am hurt for TO right now. I think you owe her an apology.

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Oh, and just because a chicken has SQ or breeder quality parents doesn't mean it will be SQ or even breeder quality. It ridiculous to think so. Buy grown trios or pairs and get breeder quality or SQ birds. Spend some real money . Getting a couple very young birds doesn't assure anything and is risky. Out of my Breeder quality birds I have exactly 2 hens and on e young rooster out of dozens I hatched that MIGHT be SQ. Combs are only worth 5 points so you don't necessarily cull a bird over a comb unless it has a leader or DQ.

Many breeders hatch hundreds to get a few good birds.
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Oh boy you all have alot going on. All we have here is the easy life with kids and parents and animals all doing what they do. LOL

I also must say that I am glad to not be breeding birds for show. I can just sit with my birds and enjoy their personalities without judging combs or legs. I am blessed.

BigZ== Any sign of rut in your area yet?

Of course, I was compelled to go to the Aussie thread and read Vickis posts. I don't think they were "mean". She seemed to be venting a little. More about her frustration about the two birds ending up being cockerels, which is nobody's fault. And, of course, not the quality she was expecting. Unless I didn't read back far enough, I don't think she was really out of line. I've.hatched Orpington eggs from top breeders that have had sprigs on their Combs and was frustrated. I also had that deformed SFH that I am convinced was a product of inbreeding. I posted about that. And yes, to get the best quality birds you usually want to go to a reputable breeder that has a record of show wins and whose breeder stock you can see meets the SOP. I think Vicki has come to realize that. And I also think that during her online vent she meant no harm to TO and actually assumed that she would remain anonymous. I guess if it were me being talked about in those post the only part that would make me upset is that she said she bought sick birds. But luckily the cocci and worms are treatable and not something that would scare people away from purchasing from TO in the future. As for quality, she posted pictures, so people can judge for themselves. I don't think TO is going to go bankrupt because a fellow Cheesehead didn't like her Australorps and mentioned it online. JMO
But, I can also say that after all of that, I wouldn't feel obligated to take those bird back.
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Vickiw, I think your asking TO to take back chickens that have been very Ill is a lot to ask, honestly. She has a lot of birds at risk and many illnesses that chickens have seem to be gone, but they remain carriers for life. I think you need to just cull if you don't want to keep them.

I read the Aussie thread and I thought you were very mean there to TO. You didn't mention her name, but anyone who cared to look at your other posts could easily see who you are talking about. Please try not to slam people like that. I thought we were all trying to be friends here for the most part and we want to help you, but your post on that thread was not nice.

I tend to say what I think, especially after a few beers, so go back and look at what you posted and then think about how something like that can hurt someone's business or even just hurt then badly personally. Ouch...I am hurt for TO right now. I think you owe her an apology.

X2 (and I didn't have any beers)

maybe a PM would have been a better way of dealing with the issue all around.

and everyone wonders where some of the members went.............
JJ, not too many deer have been hit by me yet so rut must be just starting. That is how I can tell when rut starts anyway...... ;)

H&R, all I can say is I am glad BYC now allows you to block people....... makes the visit here more pleasant.

Last day of work yesterday. I am looking forward to no longer having all of that stress.... :)

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