Wisconsin "Cheeseheads"

Excrement excitement! We who have children and critters all have it every now and then! Nice job Casha!
Snowy afternoon everyone
started around 1 pm here- DH will probably being removing snow early tomorrow morning.....

glad to hear that your little girl is having a better day-delisha!

had a buddy with me today- kept DD home today as she is still not feeling good- managed to get her into the doctor's office mid morning and they figured out she has walking pneumonia, she is now on an antibiotic and we'll have to see how she feels. She is not liking missing school as they pile on the homework... so far her teacher's that I have talked with are telling not to worry and get better, they will make sure she has time to get it all done. Of course she has a band/choir concert tomorrow- told her we would see how things go- not sure how she can sing and play her instrument when she has no voice and is coughing!

Best go take the dogs out and check the chickens again
Hi all---got caught up on youtube while eating my soup...watched a couple of amazing episodes of Oprah and a documentary about kids who fail to grow...fascinating! I did chores when I got home from work at 4:30. That is when I really like to do them, before it gets too dark! My client had a tired day today so I didnt have to go in until 2...made it at 2:30--all are happy!

Jim--glad Dora is getting better slowly...at least she is getting better. Are you still giving her the Flavocin? I am starting Liza on it too.

MXM--I cannot keep up with my egg customers! This weekend when I usually get enough for today they all ended up frozen! The dumb birds didnt lay in the morning and by the time I got to them in the late evening they were all cracked! I hate when that happens! Plus I made eggs for dinner and also some banana bread...I guess customers will just have to wait...we should be able to eat out own eggs right?

I hope no one is driving tonight...the roads were craptacular on the way home from work. I just hope there is not too much for me to clear out of the driveway tomorrow!

Well--I am totally tired now so I am heading to the sack...I am feeling really lucky that I have the bed all to myself for a few nights! I am brine-ing the wild turkey that JJ supplied; using his suggestion for Alton Brown's method. I think it will be delish! I will let you all know!

Nighties! TerriO
Terri you will not be disappointed with AB's turkey, it is the only way I cook my turkeys now.

MXM! Nice to have you back! You are missed both here and FB!

High School band/choral concert tonight. It was pretty good!

I tried to upload a pic of all the cookies but BYC mobile will not let me. :(

Deli glad Casha is doing well!

Had a phone interview today and I have another on We'd. Both jobs would be nice to have......
RB-I appreciate that you're willing to take one for the team....it allows me to continue watching!

Deli-give Casha hugs for me please! I also agree that more winter layers are needed. We are getting one egg a day :(

News on the ordinance change request: it had made it to the zoning, planning, and development committee. I'll let you all know when I hear more! One small step for all illegal chicken keepers and for those that follow the rules.

Glad that they Ravens won tonight!

I'm off this week...well actually working from home. Today, I bought a bunch of board & card games, got some groceries, and bought a new washer & dryer (which will be delivered on Wednesday).

Tomorrow, I have my first performance evaluation in 4 years. The boss hates them, but the new president wants 100% participation so he is forced to do one. I created the rubric myself, my job description and tasks, and the weight. I had to list all of the things that I did in the last 3 years as my previous years goals and list this years goals. What a joke!

Nite all!
Casha sends her thanks for all the prayers and well wishes..she said she is not ready to kick the bucket quite yet, she is going to try another camp out. She seemed a little better today. I have her on herbs for her pain along with some pain meds. I am pretty sure it was a stroke of some kind.

I have too many cracked and frozen eggs lately. Not only that.... I boiled some eggs and they are now decorating my ceiling..lol
RB-I appreciate that you're willing to take one for the team....it allows me to continue watching!

Deli-give Casha hugs for me please! I also agree that more winter layers are needed. We are getting one egg a day :(

News on the ordinance change request: it had made it to the zoning, planning, and development committee. I'll let you all know when I hear more! One small step for all illegal chicken keepers and for those that follow the rules.

Glad that they Ravens won tonight!

I'm off this week...well actually working from home. Today, I bought a bunch of board & card games, got some groceries, and bought a new washer & dryer (which will be delivered on Wednesday).

Tomorrow, I have my first performance evaluation in 4 years. The boss hates them, but the new president wants 100% participation so he is forced to do one. I created the rubric myself, my job description and tasks, and the weight. I had to list all of the things that I did in the last 3 years as my previous years goals and list this years goals. What a joke!

Nite all!
lol..sounds like you will get a good performance review..

Casha is all hugged up..if you get bored ..give me a call..maybe we can do something..wanna make christmas cookies and candy?
Hi All!

Glad Casha is doing a bit better! Dora too!

So Tommy got his 15 min. of fame! LOL cute!

The rooster that was out last night must have gone in by the turkeys some time, he was in his usual place tonight but another one went to the neighbor's pines tonight. Speaking of roosters.... George managed to get string wound around his feet today. He was NOT happy when I "rescued" him.LOL You would have thought I was trying to wrap it around him! Well, once I got it off one leg he figured I was helping and calmed down.

Everything else OK here....... Night All!
someone suggested to me that I should put two 40W light bulbs in the heater base.. that way, if one bulb burns out, there will be a back-up one..
that sounded like a good idea, but I am going to run with what I have for now.. how often does a light bulb burn out ?.. yeah UnkaDan,, I know, "just once"..
So when "they" outlaw incandescent light bulbs are you going to be delving into the black market of light bulbs?

Glad everyones' faithful companions are doing better. One day at a time.

Yes to the excrement excitement...
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We are having a heat wave!! I wonder if my waters will stay liquid all day today..that sure will be a nice break. The chickens were happy about it too..if it was not snowing so hard they would have all played outside longer this morning..They just sort of ate and ran even after I shoveled them a nice spot..

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