Wisconsin "Cheeseheads"

Good afternoon all ~ i expected today to feel warmer. Must be this darn wind. :(
Most of my five kinds of cookies are done. I have pepper nuts(pfeffernuesse?) and sugar cookies to finish.
Has anyone used "Eggies"? I bought some at F&F to try. MIL asked me to bring deviled eggs Sunday for Christmas brunch.
Had a cracked molar extracted last Wednesday and have been dealing with "delayed healing " aka dry socket. The pain is much worse than my cracked tooth and can hardly wait to be done with this!
I hope for the best for all of those with sick pets.
~have a good evening
Good afternoon all ~ i expected today to feel warmer. Must be this darn wind.

Most of my five kinds of cookies are done. I have pepper nuts(pfeffernuesse?) and sugar cookies to finish.
Has anyone used "Eggies"? I bought some at F&F to try. MIL asked me to bring deviled eggs Sunday for Christmas brunch.
Had a cracked molar extracted last Wednesday and have been dealing with "delayed healing " aka dry socket. The pain is much worse than my cracked tooth and can hardly wait to be done with this!
I hope for the best for all of those with sick pets.
~have a good evening
Hi Amy,

Thanks for the well wishes..
What are eggies?
Marg and Zeke are back!
Now that is more like it. And welcome back, cedar. Glad you could rejoin us.

Not much new here. Trying to get this house in shape for the holidays. It seems we will be having DH's family here on Christmas Eve & my fam on Christmas Day. No pressure.
So if you don't hear from me much, you'll know why. Check the loony bin.................

Chickens are doing good. It must have been a bit warmer out there today. The boys were crowing their heads off all day long. The girls are still sporadic in their laying: one day 2 eggs, the next day 5, then back to 2 again. We aren't filling too many egg orders these days.

Glad to hear the doggies are feeling a little bit better. Having sick, older pets is hard enough, but having it happen around the holidays just stinks. I'm hoping the best for them.

Sweet dreams, all!
Oh yes, I forgot about the phone interview I had this morning. I think I did well, it was about half an hour so it sounds promising. I will know by Friday if they want me to come in for a face to face interview or not.
It would be a very nice position, flexible hours and decent pay.

DH is watching Top Gear UK AGAIN..........
Hi All!

Just checking in.... Wish some of our other people would come back.

Any way.... cold and slow here. My Wilsummer roo got frostbite on his comb.
Guess I didn't get it lubed up enough.
Guess I should have made him a stocking cap!

Night All!
Hi Amy,

Thanks for the well wishes..
What are eggies?

Eggies are plastic cups that you crack your egg into,boil it then you just unscrew it and out comes a hard boiled egg that you don't have to peel! Yes,I've gotten my hopes up that they work! Peeling fresh eggs is always a pain and tedious.
I'll report back to give my review. :)
Have a good day! One day closer to Friday,but then again.....no school for two weeks.......i look at it bitter sweet.
I'm not sure which would take longer, cracking & boiling a bunch of eggs or boiling and peeling???? Hmm, let us know how it works.

2 of the kiddos are gone and on their way to Florida for Christmas break, the 3rd will leave on Friday to head to Indiana.

Glad it's gonna be a bit warmer to a few days

Welcome Back everyone!

BL4-good luck with the job
BL4...good luck with the interviews! Potluck at work tomorrow I need to prep for and then I have to get my menu together for the three days I have visitors before Xmas adn Xmas food. I love hosting holidays it is the cleaning and sho[pping that stink. I figure while my nephews are here on Sunday they can help my kids make and decorate cookies. This year we are just doing the cutout cookies and the gingerbread cookies. that shoul dbe plenty of fun for the kids. I made chex mix last night which is my favorite. Now I need to enlist the kids to help clean the basement up and to wrap dads presents. Suppose I should go ahead and have them wrap mine that I bought because my hubby does not think of these things. He thought that since I had to buy an emergency crock pot at thansgiving when mine died adn I made a comment like, guess that is part of my xmas present that he did not need to buy me anything else. MEN!! no offense guys...just frustrated with mine.

otherwise I am excited. I love the holidays. Christmas music blasting and yummy foods that I normally should not be eating! And the kids excitement with christmas! Love it. And I only work Monday and friday next week.
On a chicken note I have one chicken who is not enjoying teh cold this year...I am guessing age is catching up to her. She is a sweet little bantam leghorn, but she is three and just looks cold. poor baby. Frostbite getting her a little too, even though she is vaselined every few days. oh well, what can you do... maybe after the holidays she will move into the garage in the dog kennel.

Hey Rberry!!!! Happy Retirement...tomorrow is her last day!

ok back to the grind!
good morning,, not much news here,, 8. 13, 2 , 8, 7 , that is the numbers of eggs we collected in the last 5 days..2 all new pullets laying,, I got rid of all the old ladies..

If you put a tiny puncture in the egg shell and then boil them, they will peel easily.. I have taken them right out of the nest and boiled them..

Mel, tell Heather to post a little more often .. at least let us know she is alive..

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