Wisconsin "Cheeseheads"

thanks, it has been scary to say the least but he is making steady progress

we have quail- jumbo browns, they are just starting to lay or a few adults. I know TerryO also has quail.
Thanks I Private Messaged Terry but she seems to be busy with all her jobs you being in cottage grove area would be pretty convenient this guy lives in Westport. I will PM you also.

So glad rain is in the forecast no need to water all those darned transplants. Enjoy the day even though it means heading to work :(

Stacy, I can not believe they allow this mean SOB to keep his guns... wonder where he scored on mental stability? Most dogs unless silly full size pups know the meaning of "go home" when then wander into someones yard/property. Those full grown pups see it as an invitation to play... Still cant imagine the heartache and hope the County Deputies do their job, and confiscate the guys guns.

Envious of all of your building skills and the duck condos... I need new steps. We refinished all the floors and they left the "Fir" treads on them, not fond of them. I have painted the risers white and tried a stain\and urethane finish in one... not the look i was going for so thinking solid color stain and then a urethane finish... Thoughts all? To top it off also they squeak (hate that squeak) Tried shims the stairs are covered from underneath so no way to put screws in from the bottom up... Its a tri-level, maybe i should just lay carpet and expect to replace it every 5 years and screw the he$$ out of the stairs... suppose new treads but.... Oh well thoughts and suggestions appreciated!
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good morning, I was totally surprised to hear the deputy did anything to the guy ..

my patience paid off ,, I can see a guinea peeking at me from the hatcher.. this is a white one.. I almost tossed those eggs yesterday,, sometimes a day of grace pays off..

If my new pup insists on following me into the house, a potty training session is to follow.

she is such a little dickens.. she even provoked a snarl and a snap out of Dora.. she pesters , just wants somebody to play with her ,,

It rained here last night,, I was thinking of dragging the garden.. now it will be too wet for that..

I am trying to decide where to start my new compost/manure pile.. somewhere close to the garden, but still out of the way ..

I have to drag up a spot to plant the millet, too..

we ran out of corn in the freezer and Annie ha been serving store bought corn.. It tastes like field corn to me.. now I have real incentive to plant some Serendipity .. I get it at Jung's.. awesome corn ..

Quote: you could to this : it is a little work intensive, but looks nice after you are finished..
drill a 3/8 inch hole in four locations on each step.. make the pattern uniform,,
drill the holes only about 3/8 inches deep..

run a screw into each hole.. then get some plugs from the plug store, (Menard's) or wherever you shop.. do not use dowels.. dowels would give you end grain,, plugs are cut with the grain..
glue the plugs in each hole and then sand them flush with the tread.. Now stain the treads.
the plugs might stain a different color, but it adds a little accent to the step..

do not use drywall screws.. get the expensive deck screws.. I prefer the gold screws with the star drive heads.. and do not get the smallest number screw,, the #8 screws have no holding power at all.. go with the #10 at least ..
I didn't have much time to go thru the posts I missed but thanks for the suggestions on the friend.

Chicks are hatching steady right now over half of them are out and today is hatch day.

Now for the BS that hit us yesterday. While working on the garage all day for starters I'm so sunburnt the blisters popped in my sleep and my shirt stuck to my back, had to rip it off. OMG pain, now I'm wearing one of my aunts table doilies(sp) for a shirt. The kids were riding wheeler with my sil son(his wheeler). Tasia and her bf went down to the river about a mile and half from the house. Rudy our dog followed. He likes to hunt mice and such so it didn't alert me when he didn't come back right away. Well at about 3:30 he come walking up the drive covered and I mean COVERED in blood. It was running from his chest, sent Tasia in to grab my sewing kit and Ethan to get the peroxide and some towels. Ty turned on the outside faucet to hose him down with cold water to find the spot. I found one hole in his side and cleaned all the hair around it. I was filling with blood under the skin so I called my sil(shes a vet tech) to confirm my thoughts of not stitching it and she also agreed. When he got up I noticed my leg and shoe was covered in blood, looked more and found an exit wound. He had been shot, right thru the gut and also found another shot in his foot that shattered his back paw. I stitched that up the best I could. Everyone went on a hunt to find out as while cleaning up the dog we had heard shots coming from our one neighbors place but noone lived there only used it for a "cabin" a few times a year. The only one there was a young boy about 13, he admitted to shooting a bb gun but this was not bb gun, looked to be a 22 hole. After talking to all the neighbors and confirming that was the house it came from as we didn't want to false accuse, they all said they came from that house. Hubby went over and notified the boy that if his parents didn't come over we were notifying the cops. Well 7:30 rolled around and still nothing. We drove over and parents still weren't home. I called the cops. A sheriff come over and we did our statements and Tyler showed him the blood trail coming from their driveway that he had marked with rocks leading all the way to our place(about a 1/2 mile, smart kid) Cop left and went over to talk, we soon noticed the dad go home finally.(he had been in the bar all day down the road) Cop came back and told us that the dad shot our dog as he crossed thru their place and he pays taxes and it wasn't his dog. Rudy must of wondered thru his 40 on his way back home from following the kids to the river. So that's his excuse for shooting him, in front of his son. Teaching his son not to come talk to people about a problem just shoot. I'm so furious I told the cop that we are no longer good neighbors. He advised us to not start a war, well I won't, but I won't be nice either. He said the guy may get charged, he's not sure as our dog was not following the leash law. He said we could file a civil suit against him. I told him that will take more money we don't have. And the cop didn't think we were out much as Rudy is a mutt(Jack Russel Terrier x Husky) well he is still our dog. Rudy has his rabies and is neutered and well he's completely a harmless dog other than he likes to hunt for mice all day in the field. He would never bite a kid or another dog. He eats with the chickens and the kitties here. What happened to country life when you either go to the source or pick up the phone and call. No warning nothing. Rudy is alive so far but even if he does live it will be a long road ahead to heal. Sorry if this is jumbly as I'm quite upset over this.

OMG! I'm so sorry for your dog and for your neighbor troubles! Not the kind of neighbor I would like to have! I hope Rudy gets better soon!
Deputy called this afternoon and first asked if I wanted to press charges. Hell yes I want to and also said he was being charged with criminal animal cruelty but wants me to wait and see how Rudy does as if he dies the charges will be more harsh. I don't normally let my dogs run, I do understand the leash law. Not that their should be a but to this, but he had followed the kids to the river and just cut back thru the neighbors yard on his way home. If you knew his personality on how easy going this dog is you would more understand how disturbing this situation must of been as Rudy would of come right up to anyone wanting to be petted. I'm sure he had no idea what was happening to him. And the guy admitted to the reason for shooting him had nothing to do with him attacking him or anyone or anything at his house other than the dog was in his yard and wasn't his. It really makes me sick that a person could do this to a defenseless creature. Anyhow, next week will be spent building a huge kennel for Rudy and Pooches so this will never happen again. Rudy is still alive, he's not acting himself but it's to be expected. I sure hope he makes it thru, my sil said it's so hard to tell right now as you can't see what was hit on his insides. He hasn't bloated yet or shown any raspy breathing or bloody which is a good sign that the bullet missed his lungs. He is walking around some but very slow, he's limping on the shot foot and I suspect that he will always have problems if he does pull thru as the bones are shattered. I stitched what I could to keep the wound closed but nothing else I really could do. It's open enough so that it can drain but not pull the wound open. My husband said I should call tv13 and tell them what happened to us so people can know just what this guy did for no good reason.
At least he wasn't smart enough to claim he shot the dog b/c he was chasing deer or threatening him! Maybe some justice will come out of this in the end.
I let a couple of my bantams hatch some eggs. I sold all but three. I realized today that one of the little blue cochin pullets is getting gold lacing on her neck. I have a little lemon blue :) I usually sell them, but I think I'll keep this one.
Cindlady, they already have a pool! We built one last year, about 4x6' and up to 4' deep. Plus, due to all the snow and rain half of our yard made a pretty good size "lake" that most of them have been using this past month thoroughly. I guess we spoil them babies too much... Lol

We also thought that after the non-hatching eggs of our Rouen/Pekin girls that they should slowly start laying again now as we had gotten nothing so far. Won't you guess? They already started on the next nest and have already 6 eggs in it now!!! Sneaky little buggers! And we thought out Pekin girl just likes staying in their pen, not liking to walk around on her cute crippled feet...

After yesterday's heat wave of around 86F it has been raining all day today and still didn't get any warmer than 65F here. And there we were just starting to see the first grass poking through in our "lake" yard... We shall see as it's supposed to heat right back up coming tomorrow.
Good afternoon,
Annie just presented me with 21 guinea eggs that she snatched from a setting hen.. IDK how long they were sat on, but I added about a dozen guinea eggs from the rhubarb patch and put them all into bator #2. I have only enough room for one more tray of eggs.. (48 eggs). I transferred a tray to the hatcher today.. they are due either Wed or Thur of Fri..

How come when I type hatcher, on a chicken site,(BYC) ; it comes up underlined as if it were spelled wrong ? same with keet and poult .. ?

have 2 keets in the chick TV .. sold 14 of them yesterday..

anybody else selling keets ? how much are you getting for them ? I am getting $4.oo/each.. I am wondering if that is enough ?


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