Wisconsin "Cheeseheads"

Good afternoon after the rain...Sorry to hear about the problems and good to hear about all the good things going on.... the bash is a must event every year for those that care about our Cheesehead family.....I understand that life gets in the way sometimes....this event is a nothing but a positive event for the families and friends...hope you can still make it work in your busy schedule....this will be the best ever and you will all be missed....It gets better every year....you should be here!

One garden planted...one to go....wish I woulda worked yesterday when the soil was ready...now I need to wait for it to dry...sometimes lazy isn't the right thing to do...

Busy day at work today. We started construction and have been moving offices, labs, and classrooms over the last 7 days. I have moved in with the division admin and we got everything rearranged today. I still do not have a phone line and intermittently had internet today.

It has been raining all day here, really heavily too. At least everything is getting watered. There has been flooding, but not us.

I've got to find some file cabinets that look more like end tables to switch out our current end tables for the bedroom. Our new bed is really high compared to the last one and now the end tables are really low. Having file cabinets will help with our paper issues (meaning our paperwork that piles on top of the desk, dressers, etc). Is anyone has ideas, let me know.

New chick from Vicki isn't being welcomed at all. I am making sure it gets food, but otherwise letting everything works itself out.

Otherwise, nothing new here.
hi all==read 3 pages. our sitter said she couldnt come on Friday...we wanted to leave on thurs night...oh well--we will still be there...just later.
my compuyer is nearly dead...i can type with only one hand as i have to keep a twisting grip on the screen to maintain a connection...read what i could--looking forward to connecting real time! TO
good evening..
you people are making me nervous.. is there going to be ANYBODY at the bash ?

I have a new batch of chickens hatching.. Annie said they are marked BO .. I don't remember marking any that way.. I usually just do a due date or a lock down date.. I think what she is seeing is 5/30 .. I didn't bother to take a look.. I really don't care, as long as they are hatching..

getting late, nobody here , I think I will call it a night ..

it's a night ..

We are showing up, I have teenagers who are complaining mightily about it though.... anybody bringing teenagers? In the upper age range?

No rain here and we need it.

CS, I love the spray paint 'Stop Demo'..... very nice......

Do they donate the unwanted furniture or do they hold a sale?
We will be at the bash too, Jim.

Vicki, thank you again for your wonderful hospitality & generosity.
My sister was near tears when she saw all those eggs. I managed to squeeze all of them into the bator so we will see.

That is just sickening about Rudy & your neighbor, Staci. As Jim said so correctly, that is just wrong! I hope Rudy recovers quickly, the poor guy.

The rain didn't start here til almost 3pm. It kept passing to our south. I did manage to get some seeds in the ground before the rain so that was good. Nothing else new here. Sweet dreams, all!
Hello.......out there ! Just a heads up/warning.... Chuck and I and my 3 little mutts will be coming. We're trying to be there on Friday. Our critter sitter works out of town and won't be home until Saturday night but his wife said she could do it. The only thing that worries me is she has is a two yr old that I worry about. I don't want him to get hurt running around while she feeds. She said she'd leave him in the truck. So if I can get my arse in gear we'll see some of you friday. Save me a spot with electric hey!

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