Wisconsin "Cheeseheads"

Hi All!

A friend of my son's friend was looking for a couple of roosters for his girls, I had to turn him down because I will not take the chance of infecting his birds with Mereks(sp)

Jon is back in Hawaii.

Night All!
I have 5 chicks & 3 adults. What colors do they want?
Rainy morning here, and suppose to continue all day. Sounds like a great set-up cuties.
Cute pups Jim....looking like a lazy day here...wish I was in Hawaii.

Jim- what cuties!

Happy Father's Day (a day early, I know) to all the dads :)

Nothing really new here except that I'm on summer vacation now (yay teacher schedule, boo no pay over summer).
Nice looking pups!!

Sounds like a great setup Cuties

We put a fourth wall up on a three-sided shed (with windows and doors), put hardware cloth all around the outside, installed automatic pop doors, and partitioned it into three areas. One side for the chickens, one for turkeys, and the center for storage. Each side has their own 1/2-acre woven wire fenced pasture that they easily go in and out of (foxes do, too
). Last winter each side had a "sun room" (lean to with greenhouse skin) with heavily mulched ground added on the outside to go into during the day if they chose. Saved me a lot of hassle of shoveling snow for a spot for them.
this is one of the females.
I took a few pictures of the call ducks, too..

this white one is a drake, I am quite sure.. that black and white one is a ham,,she
got into almost every one of the pictures..

this is the mallard colored drake.. all the black ones are hens..
in the back is the mallard colored hen..

these are all females.. of course that one on the right you already met..
Well, they do at Fleet Farm!
I have gotten a couple of strange looks asking about them, but when I say nipple waterer's it gets even stranger.
Those ducks are so cute! You going to hatch some eggs?
I like the pups too, they are growing so fast.

DH and I were talking about digging a pond - where we want to put it, what to do with the dirt we dig out. So he turns to me and says "so, you going to get ducks?" How is that for an enabler!

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