Wisconsin "Cheeseheads"

We did this today.... I think it is about 7' tall.

Well, unlike Cindy, we up Nort have snow to push around.
Over 6 inches in my driveway..

I am not is such a big hurry to get out there, yet.
Prolly will have to put the charger on Ollie for awhile.

The dogs were not too eager to go back out into the storm last night. I got Zeke to go out, but Frankie spent the night in the back porch.

Woke up to a beautiful world and a lot of work to do. Looks like a good 6 inches out there. We got almost that much then rain to knock it down then more snow over night to bring the total back up.
We got mostly rain down near the border. This morning was a little slick as it bounced between freezing and not freezing on the roads. Slushy!

My one hen seems to be doing better but I put electrolytes in the water for all. The run is so sloppy with muddy mess...wish I could help it. Put some sand down in one corner and fresh hay in their coop. Need to find a warmer day to do some cleaning out there.

otherwise not much new. Plotting and planning on hatching in March!

Cheryl... will check for mites too.. know I have at least one with scaleys still that wont go away. I also saw your email and need to reply!!!

that is all for now... have a good hump day everyone
Winter Wonderland here! Looks like we got 8 or more inches here. Hard to tell as some of it got shoveled during the first part of the storm. Bits of snow still drifting down.

You all be careful when you shovel or drive in this stuff today!!

The hubs is out plowing the parking lot so we can get to the barn but the critterz have plenty of water and feed so I'm not worried about them.
Between the house and the store/barn, clearing snow is going to be an all day affair! The hubs just came home for the snowblower and a little lunch. My asthma kicked in yesterday when I was shoveling so I'm staying indoors until it's time to settle the critterz in for the night.
After the clean up to everyone. Nice snowman bl4. It was perfect snow for makin one today. We had 9" of the heavy stuff and it was a chore getting everything here cleaned up. Tomorrow Camp is on the to do list. I had enough snow removal for one day.

I like the easy peasy omlet irish...I'm gonna give it a try soon.

Snow slid off the south side of the house already. That was a lot of snow in front of the back doors to remove.

Pork steak and kraut tonight...I'm starving after all the work today

Be Safe,,,bigz

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