Wisconsin "Cheeseheads"

We could get a 1 yard concrete mixer from a guy out in Cheyenne. Tow it home, use the concrete, wash it out and take it back. If you needed more than one yard, he would refill it for you.
Anybody have any connections to the Ready Mix companies around the Green Bay? Talk them into investing in a couple of these, would ya please? I have a number of projects that only need about a yard of concrete.
Morning all, arguing chickens had us up at 5:15 so my day is rolling. Running kids to town for weight lifting ( so overrated), 4 farm deliveries and volunteering at the botanical gardens while I wait. Hoping to go pick beans after I get home, we will see if that actually happens though. Hubby working 2 days in a row in Minocqua so I am on my own. I sense a frozen pizza night......
good afternoon,
I got the final grading almost done for the slab. then it rained.
GG, I can give your guys lots of things to lift, and I won't charge them much..

It sure is quiet here,,,,,,,,too quiet.
I suppose everybody switched to facebood ?

frozen pizza sounds good.
I like Lotsa Motsa.
Sure are cute puppies Jim.

My FB got hacked today and I can't change my password because it is on an old email account that I don't / can't access. Emailed FB and waiting to hear back. I don't go on it much at all, just to keep track of my dogs and stuff I do to the house.

My pullets are 18 weeks old as of yesterday...I want one of them to lay an egg soon
Got my first green egg from my spring chicks a couple days ago and nothing since. I figured I would have at least one more by now. Freeloaders!!! Been going like crazy here. Garden is starting to produce plus trying to keep up with everything else.

Adorable pups!!! We added a little german shepherd girl to our family. I will get pics up one of these days. She is a real sweetie. We brought her home at 4 weeks as the mom was not feeding them and the lady couldn't keep up taking care of them. She was really week the first couple of days but I am getting some weight on her and she is starting to play like a normal pup.
Gauge says we got 6/10ths last night, not sure if I remembered to empty after I watered a couple days ago so that may be a a bit of a generous reading. Flea beetles look like they may be ending as my arugula is not quite as hole filled as it has been. This is good. Means I can grow turnips again, they just mow those off entirely. Three classes and two deliveries as well as picking up money from yesterday. Had a couple people cancel their standing orders as I was delivering (sigh) but someone else placed a bulk order so at least I made what I wanted to for the week.
We are vacationing out in Colorado this week. Tuesday we hiked the Blue Lake Trailhead in the Rawhaw wilderness area. There were many beautiful wildflowers along the trail which crossed over a rushing mountain stream in several places.

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