Wisconsin "Cheeseheads"

Jim I'm not a pro but I think they started at the bottom and worked their way up. I was told they were going to run a big portable diesel pump, I'm waiting and waiting to hear it run thought maybe tomorrow. Then walked outside the water in the ditch is down 3-4 inches already, that sucker is gonna be MT by morning. Quite a feat it's 4' deep 6' wide and half a mile long. Congrats on #2 Gos! And all those chicks. The reason I went back out was to listen for the pump and to see if Buster wanted to tango anymore seems for now he's happy at least 15' feet from me. Hope he learned his lesson! Felt bad about not getting in the woods so I preweeded and turned over the 12x12 mater garden by hand. AND THE WATER IS GOING AWAY! Put some dill in the other day and now will plant some peas in the north fence line just for salads and to get rid of the seeds. Man I gotta go check out this pump it's down close to 8" now and the crawlspace is down an inch. The extra sump pump is gonna shut off! WHAT THE H IS GOWIN ON?
question... when do you usually change your chicks from starter crumbles to layer crumbles?
Any pics of easy small scale chick tractors you have made? We have 8 gals.
kristip if you have 8 gallons of chicks maybe a medium sized tractor might be better. Sorry I'm a bit giddy and tipsy. Dancin in the kitchen tonight to John Prine while L makes up a fresh batch of salsa! Areeebaa!! You might want to go from starter cumbles to finisher crumbles to layer crumbles then to layer pellets. Can't remember the time frame but it's on the BYC site. It's all about the protein levels. It's not written in stone. What a great evening!
Hi everyone, wasn't today a nice day.

My dog got loose this morning at 4:00am chasing a cat, she slipped out of her harness, I was not amused but she came back after she chased the cat away.
she never bothers our cat. This was our cats mom or dad. Maxine, the dog, fund our cat when she was a kitten on the side of the road and adopted her.

well I have had the chicks for a week, I have learned a lot.
1st they grow really really fast. The golden comets look like they have feathers on their wings.
2nd the bigger they get, the less the like to get handled.
3rd cleaning the brooder doesn't take long and if I do it every 3 days it doesn't smell
4th the older they get the more they eat, the goldens ate an entire feeder yesterday
5th you can become really attached to some of them.

I am adding electrolytes to their water, I will do it for a week and then wait until I transfer them to the coop for a week.
so far none of the chicks are as friendly has Bianca but hoping once they are out, they will get accustomed to me.
My eldest is chicken sitting this weekend. Our neighbor has 6 RIR. They are a bit broody but he loves eggs.

have a good night

we don't use a tight time frame.. we feed starter until they are all feathered out, about 4 to 5 weeks.. when the starter bag is empty, then we switch to grower until they are about 12 weeks old.. then we watch them,, when the hens let the roosters breed them, we figure they will be laying eggs soon.. then we switch to layer...

If we don't want the roosters and turkeys eating all the layer feed, we feed cracked corn ahead of putting out the layer feed.

then again, we feed whatever we have on hand.. kind of like the majority rules.. everything eats together, we sort of feed what we are striving for.. If we are going to raise a bunch for meat, then everybody eats broiler maker..
Nobody checked out the wedding?????
I have my sis DVR it for me so I can watch it later......

So sorry ODr.H about your kitty, she looks beautiful.

Otonoh I am sorry about your little chickie too.... that always stinks.

Jules is still setting those eggs! I will be shocked and amazed if they do hatch. If they do, do I have to separate the new momma and babies from the rest of the gang like you have to do with chickens?????

I think TO gave me her cold....... somebody gave me something, I have been feeling a bit off for a few days...... it better go away FAST! I want to enjoy the beautiful days when they arrive!

BigZ, get better fast!
I free range everything.. I let the mothers lead their babies away from the crowd..

I have found that the older young birds are meaner than the full grown birds..

I DVR'd the wedding for Annie.. I did not watch any of it.. with 2 billion people watching it, I figured nobody would miss me.. LOL
Sorry for the loss of your cats, it's so hard to loose family, sounds like they will be put to rest in very special places.

DrHaHa, so happy to hear your doing a happy dance
waters going down, waters going down

Amyable I agree free is a good price, take it ! Do what you want with it and make your own.
If and I hope not for your sake they have to live with you and your DH in the future they will have a nice little place of there own

Thanks for the heads up on BigZ, well wishes his way.

BL4, I saw some of the big wedding very cool. DH not interested either jvls, guess it's not a guy thing

One of the chicks loves to sit on top of the feeder, must thinks she's the Princess

What a great great morning everyone! The sun was peeking out for a little while, think that will be the last time today. Looks like a good day for canning salsa! L's sleeping in so I'll wait til she gets up to set the monsters free. Wondering if Buster remembers what happened yesterday. I sure hope so! Was thinking last night that if this place dries up I could get on with my life. That would be cool! If it rains I could actually enjoy it again. It boggles my mind. Begining to wonder if KAQ and BBCB didn't runn oft together. Hey Bigz can you see me now? Hope all of you have at least half as good a day as I'm having!
Hi everyone! Just checking in. Been crazy busy here and have been trying to keep up, but you guys sure talk alot. To much on my plate lately and can't seem to keep anything straight. We got a hundred pheasants a week ago. They are the cuties things!! So active in comparision to chicken chicks. They already have full wing feathers and are trying to fly around. Dh built me a beautiful pen for them. I'll post pics soon. Congrats to all the new additions and sorry for the losses. Losing a family (animal) member is so hard. DrHa-my fingers are crossed that the water keeps going down and all will be well. Ok I'm off. Take care all!!

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