Wisconsin "Cheeseheads"

What's this you say? ANOTHER cherry tree? Boy, I don't know.
Great excuse to buy 2!
Dr H, I beleve the politically correct term is lesbian////
///The field manager called last night their going to try putting a dike in on the other end of this ditch and installing a temp diesel pump and pump the water into a ditch a half mile behind us.////

I think BigZ has enough experience that he could hoist a bottle blind-folded and not chip a tooth or spill a drop... LOL

Hurley,(cherries) why take the chance and waste a couple of years? plant a half dozen in case 4 don't make it.. BTW the chickens will eat anything they can jump high enough to grab..
and the wild birds will get all the higher up ones,,,just before they turn red. so on second thought, ou had better plant at least a dozen...
I am thinking the chickens were relegated to their dirt run, no roaming. And they questioned the 4 foot/bird space, they think it's too much.

Chicken tractor? what th'hell is that?
Thats about right. How much horsepower does a chicken have??

Hurley, yes you'll need more than one cherry for fruit. Darn, huh?
I say go as BIG as you can Amyable, suck 'em dry lol! then ship the kids out there for a play house and when their older it can be their house lol! Oh and build ur chicken tractor. lol I love the comment on chicken tractor, horse power! lol
Hope bigZ gets to felling better!
well my sweet DH, also known as the enabler, is outside building a summer "coop" in a shed thing that we have, heard him saws alling through the metal siding for a chicken door into the run that I'll be finishing up this weekend. then all the 6 week olds with go in there. right now they are in a covered chicken tractor. (is that kind of like a covered wagon?)
Boy were they loud last night! peep squauk come and eat us!
put the 2 week olds in the BIG brooder box and boy are they happy! flapping all over the place testing out there wings. doing a little

:sigh: back to dishes!
Man you guys are funny! Just came in from getting the tractor running AGAIN! Turns out that the carb didn't like the new and right points/timing settings. Took my dumb A all morning to get it right now don't feel like makin wood. Jim think that one is spelled dyke
ODrH what a fitting tribute to Maggie! When Bob goes I already know there will never be another cat like him. Sounds like you have a good plan for for your chunk of paradise. Speaking of leaving this world. Buster is one more attack from being Buster and noodle soup! My left shin looks nearly as bad as TO's horse whomping and I had my double thick wood making pants on. He just got his first and last A kickin that he'll get! Right now he won't come within 15 feet of me. I hate to see him go but if he doesn't straighten out..... I know Peatwo won't miss him. Still waiting to hear the pump running out back, they've been out there all morning. Gonna grab a beer and a lawn chair and watch the water go down when they fire that sucker up.
ever see blackberry rasberry bird poop? That is what we always get. :sigh: lol i'm on a late lunch break. (like as if) my feet are sore from standing at the dumb sink all day. I HATE dishes, sometimes I wish just wish there was enough space in this kitchen for a real dishwasher!

better get back to cleaning, dishes are almost done, gotta get this house 1 year old proof (which just means picking up and vacuming vaccuming vacumming (ahhhh forget it

DrH I would love to sit and watch MY water drop don't think that will happen any day soon. Have fun watching the water drop.
later all
Raimnel, I planted huckleberries last year, where the chicks could reach them. We got purple poo!

Haven't heard back from the Craigslist folks yet....
Raim was just out back visiting briefly [didn't want to impede his progress] with the end loader driver he said they'll be pumpin within an hour.
Do you want me to come over and make a phone call? That is all it took to get this fixed. Well a couple to the guvment which didn't amount to squat. But only one to real people! Geez I shoulda called 10 years ago
I'm not the sharpest hook in the tackle box. Jim their filling in the dyke, dike, diek, deik, d...
Jim their filling in the dyke, dike, diek, deik, d... I'm glad they are, I wouldn't know where to start..

we have gosling #2...

I went to Menard's for plywood.. looked at hinges etc.. came home without either.. I decided to plane some pine, redesign the nest plans,, and make my own hinges instead.. I did buy 5 pounds of 2" deck screws and a pint of Gorilla Glue..

we are switching the month old chicks to grower crumbles today..

the new latch on tailgate of the blazer broke already.. I figured out how to open it with a screw driver.. Latch handles do not cost so much, but they are a weak link in the whole scheme of things.. I have better things to do with my time,like,,,,nothing..

breakfast has worn off already, i am getting hungry.. No wonder, it's 5:3o already.. How come these nice days go by so fast ??

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