Wisconsin "Cheeseheads"

funny thing,today I just received about 8 different packages of different colored ties from my bro in law.. I do not band particular birds, except sometimes.. I usually band flocks of purchased birds.. or bunches of this year's layers.. turkeys get banded left leg for males, both legs for females.. different color for year of birth etc.. "lifers" don't get banded.. we know them by sight..

Amy I have muscovy ducks.. chocolate and buff and one black hen.. I kept a trio of the two colors but I am short of breeder cages, so they are all mixed up.. they sort of segregate on their own, but that doesn't stop the drakes from stepping out on his girls once in awhile..

Annie likes the lighter colored buffs for butchering.. The chocolates are harder to clean, for some reason.

I have a 3 week old chocolate in the brooder along with a 3 week old goose.. I wil be very glad when it gets warm enough to put them outside..
Look out world, there's no stopping Sweetfolly now!!

No kidding! And I don't even live where I can legally have birds right now!

I told Will it's an "investment".
He was actually excited about it too - his grandparents own an antique shop, so he has an appreciation for all things old, and I think he's psyched to help restore it. Not that it needs THAT much restoring - all superficial, exterior things. I'm planning to plug it in this weekend and put a batch of duck eggs in it to give all the electrical a test run. This thing still has the original egg trays - I'm just in love with it. And this'll free up one of my Brinsea's for Will's quail eggs. We're collecting several a day now. We had a problem with them eating their own eggs for a little while - but we separated all the extra males out into their own pen (and no, they're NOT fighting at all) and now we have INTACT eggs every morning!

I put my first batch of pure Stanbridge White eggs in the Brinsea Ocatgon 20 a couple days ago. I'm really anxious to see if they develop or not.

OOH - and the couple I bought the incubator from today gave us a guinea egg. No idea if it's fertile or not - Will expressed an interest in their guineas, so they gave us their VERY FIRST guinea egg of the year that they just pulled out of the nest this morning. I suppose I'll have to throw that in the 'bator too.

And WIChookchick - I'm pretty sure I have a female Blue Fawn Call duckling for ya. Just starting to feather out.
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Good morning everyone,
Hope all is well and we see sun for at least 1 hour today, lol

my flock is getting large, I think the golden comets are about 3-4 weeks old, tail feathers have emerged and wing feathers are there, The silver lace Wyandottes I got frm dr Ha ha
are approaching their 3rd week, They are slightly smaller but have wing and tail feathers. They are eating like piggies. I have a few questions. When do roo's start crowing? I am really hoping that all the Wyandottes are female. Hopefully I guessed right with the comets with the color sexing. My neighbors chickens have been out for a few weeks. I am going to wait about 2 more weeks to let mine out in the coop overnight. Hopefully by then we will be in the 70's during the day. I have another orchestra concert for son number 2
tonight, so hopefully this weekend I can finally finish the coop and extended run

thanks, have a good day

@ Amy; WCC can tell you what she saw and we can compare notes. When I saw the horse gelded we had a halter and lead rope on him, the vet gave him the shot to put him night-night and he pretty much went down like a rock. Once he was completely out we took the lead rope and tied the top hind leg to the halter with it (just in case). Once the vet got going snipping open the tissues and crimping off the cords, the horse was snoring-loudly. A good rinse with iodine and we let him wake up (the vet also took out his wolf teeth since he was out cold...). Poor baby was hurting at both ends!

Another day at the rat race. At least the sun is out right now.

Good Morning Everyone! So much to remember, not happenin! Nice job on the coop otonoh! If one of those slw's turns out to be a roo I might have to use him as a replacement. Buster went on the attack again yesterday. Couldn't catch him to give him a reminder of who's top roo around here. WELCOME Celtic Druid! old HD rider here even though the bike is gone it's always in your heart. Sf your terrible you downsize then get a 600 egg bator.
Jim I have that taste in my mouth all the time. Tastes like stupid!
ODrH sounds like your gonna have quite the breeding program
Anyone hear any news on Bigz? Don't know how long it takes to recover from something like that? Gonna haul the fridge and freezer that we lost to the flood for recycling today stop at the shop to get some replacement parts made for the splitter and maybe git the oil changed on the Jeep plus some shopping. Supposed to rain think it'll be a good day for that stuff. Got the first load of wood in the shed, it's a start. Only 20 more cords to go
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Good morning all!

CFC and SF, beautiful chickens, were I there and ready for them I'd help you out
You new bator sounds awesome SF!
BBP so sorry about the goose.
Hurley, wow, that's some system, so organized it made my head hurt!

Welcome Celtic!

Have a fantastic day all! I'm off to take SD to school and then tackle sorting and packing, fun day ahead!
Mornin' all!

Otonoh-roos start to crow usually between 5-8 months of age. I've had some start as young as 31/2-4 months old but those were my American Games. They are rather loud rather early!

A big welcome to the new people Celtic Druid and C4C!!!

Hurley-good job on the ID system. My head hurts just thinking about it!!!!
Have you though about wing bands? They come in a bunch of colors and you can get them numbered in whatever you need or you can get them bar coded. I used a numbered leg band system, but that was back when leg bands were easy to find in lots of colors and sizes and you could buy as little or as many as you wanted to.

SF-that bator sounds wonderful! What a great find!!!

Ok, now off to finish my coffee and feed the chickie girls. Then start on painting the wood for the fence!!!
good morning, company just walked in so I won't be long here..

Annie chased a fox out of the yard this morning,,..

That new incubator sounds cool.. I would just remove the paint and see what you get.. stain is hard to get out, so I think you might just end up with the right color.. that color of paint must have been on sale one day a long time ago.. LOL

I don't want to rain on your parade, but the first eggs of the season do not alway come out fertile.. but go for it,, guineas are not normal birds..

speaking of guineas,, one hatched in the incubator this morning.. Once again, I am taken by surprise !!!! I just have to start writing this stuff down..LOL I have a good memory but it is short,,

Dave, have you noticed that your wife is encouraging you to work on the coop ? Don't you get it?? LOL Ahhhhh David is outside ,, now I can relax.. . That is where the "ToDo" list originated..
Morning! I took too long to read and I have to go to work but wanted to say hi! I really did think that BLACK bears were vegetarians....hmmm...great job on the numbers ODrH--you definitely have earned your Dr title there! I always wanted to be that organized....maybe we sure rename you Scientist H?
I am in awe of your coop David, and also your incubator SF! My neighbor had one like that in his barn...I wonder if he ever sold it? I didnt think I would ever want to hatch anything...Man, I have to go! Later all! Terri O

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