Wisconsin "Cheeseheads"

Incubating is enough to drive a person crazy! I had about a 98% hatch rate for a while. I don't remember what happened but suddenly my chicks were all hatching on day 19 and had huge navels. So I lowered the temperature. 3 thermometers can also drive a person crazy. Now I've been having fully developed chicks die in the egg and they're hatching on day 24 and 25. Temp is going back up. I've had about enough of this LG. Too bad my Brinsea only holds 24. Next year I'll invest in another Brinsea, if I had room for the cabinet incubator I would already have it.
Good morning! I hear ya on the incubating thing BBP! That is exactly what happens with mine--the later hatching of the not at all hatching part. My last one wasnt too bad...but darn it, I want them ALL to hatch! My hens do it all the time...why cant I?

Soooo--I read all the pages I missed and then went to bed andthis morning I cant remember much of what I read! Oh well. Was it you that said something about a Black Bear? I thought they were vegetarians? I know that they defend their cubs...but I guess I wouldnt see a chicken as a threat! Maybe it was after their food? One was spotted in the Watertown area eating at a bird feeder...I thought that was pretty amazing! WHen DH was fishing up north he and his friends got hustled off by a mom with cubs....THAT would be scary!
Glad to hear you are finally doing some work outside DrH!
I guess P2 is becoming the dominant roo? That is good for Buster...it will keep him out of the pot!
My neighbors worked up the land next to me and I saw my guineas out there looking for bugs and stuff. Of course he called me right up and said I needed to keep them out of their cause they were going to be seeding alfalfa and they would eat up all the seeds! I told him they only eat bugs
the problem is, if the crows go into the field and eat the seeds then my birds will get blamed any how...I really need a fence. (too bad guineas will fly over any fence I put up!)
Raiquee...it is too bad that people are judging you on what you do. I personally would not update stuff on FB! I joined so I could keep up with what my kids are up to...I dont share too much though...nobody's business! Pretty much seems like a gigantic high school on there any way!
I will stop now!
Well--gotta move on! Have a fantastic day! Terri O
Thanks guys--sorry for being such a baby about it. I'm over it now. I de-friended them. Not worth me crying over! I have much more important things to cry over, like...the dishwasher!

So I am still super mad that none of my seeds have popped up. I'm still thinking its just a bit too cold, but it's frustrating! I check everyday. Oh well. I also lost my canning book (aka, misplaced it. Which I am super fantastic at doing.) I still have like..a million seedlings I need to transplant, and a few seeds still to start. I just haven't had a chance!! I am doing it today. I am I am I am!

I also need to pay a bunch of bills, order foodsaver bags and do some shopping (ed says I need to, retail therapy I guess?) for bread pans and some gardening stuff.

Hubby says Damien needs to go to daycare another day this week, cause I need to "chill out". I won't be putting that on FB. I will probably put him in daycare Fri, try to get into the doctor for this post partum crapola.

Talk later.
Ooo what a nice day! 'Bout time, I thought we had been beamed to Canada.

Terri, bears aren't vegetarians, they're omnivores like us and chickens. I'm sure you've seen pics/video of bears sitting in streams catching fish. There was a story about a guy a few years ago who went to Alaska to live 'as one' with the bears. There was a scarce, dry summer and they ate him!!

Have fun in Madtown Raimnel, the Vilas zoo is a good one.

Ya know, BCC, with info like that, we expect pics.

Week 1, Broody Incubation Trial 1 complete. I think I may candle tonight and see what's happenin'. She broke one egg
and I had to pull her off the nest Monday - she hadn't left in 5 days! Ever see a constipated chicken?
Not gonna let her do that again. Silly broody, she's taking her job a little too seriously.
Well guys, five eggs hatched, five still in the incubator...do I keep waiting? The first hatched in the wee hours on Monday morning, the rest followed pretty quickly. Guess I'll wait a little while longer and see what happens.

YAY for SUN! And happy International Respect for Chickens Day, all!!
I may not have posted here but they did find my goat behind the grocery store yesterday. There were like 6 employees trying to surround and catch her. I just ran home and she followed. I think the bear smelled the molasses from their feed and was after that. He tore down the corner where the feeder is hanging. I decided to be smart and dump 15 lbs of cat food on the South end of our property and set up a trail camera. All I got pictures of was a gray fox catching a mouse. It's kind of cute, he's looking right at the camera with the mouse hanging out of his mouth. What a beautiful animal.
I just came in for a break.. I am at the point where I am going to start to assemble the nests.. I took the last chick and one turkey up to the chickTV.. I threw away 2 clears.. I do not hold out much hope for the remaining 10 eggs..

BBP, I was thinking about your goat today,,, wondering if you found it.. I am glad she is home again and all in one piece..

That guy who lived with the bears was an idiot.. The bears ate him because they got tired of waiting for him to fatten up..
I wonder what stupid tastes like..??

we gave one turkey 13 duck eggs.. the remaing 8 eggs are going under the tossle headed chicken..

I am going back to the shop to see how far I can get yet today..
jvls thanks for the laugh I needed that!

BBP SO GLAD you found your goat unharmed!

Keedokes they are adorable!
I am done for the day.. I got the nests all screwed and glued..
tomorrow I just have to make the drop doors for cleaning, and the hatch door to collect the eggs from the outside of the coop..

we gave the chicken 8 duck eggs and the turkey finally settled into her new nest so we gave her 13 duck eggs.. there are two other turkeys who seem like they want to set.. we will keep pushing duck eggs at them..

I have a goose egg due to hatch soon.. we are thinking of moving that egg to a Delaware hen who thinks she wants to set. It would be only a 4 or 5 day set for her..

I tossed a stinky egg today.. but it still smells like there might be another one.. I think it is one of the unhatched chicken eggs from yesterday/today..

I am supposed to play cards tonight.. but I am not used to putting a whole day of work in.. I am beat !!! LOL


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