Wisconsin "Cheeseheads"

I have had such a busy and productive day!! Chickenscratch came for the second day and boy oh boy did she put me to work!! We completely emptied my second coop. You can actually see the floor in every room. I now have two additional room for my BCM and BLRW during breeding season. One room has nest boxes already. I just need about 20 gallons of Oxine. The last time those areas were used were for pigeons. She is one heck of a worker and save me tons of work and time. I am blessed to have her in my life! What a beautiful day!

I have 25 chicks out..4 doing nothing that I can see and the rest piped..A very busy busy day...glad I was busy..I was not glued to the bator.

I need a nap.
Bl4, that guy sounds like an uber dick.
I hope all the narrow minded folk get replaced.

Jim, if both of those dogs were in that dog house, I don't think you have to worry about any eggs hiding under the straw anymore. Ya might wanna think about some fresh straw, though.

Congrats on the chicks/pips, Kristi!

Ang or Del, if you have a black Eng. roo, preferrably pure black, I'd be interested. And fluffy is good!

zeke, 3 weeks for pures/time to clean the pipes, so to speak. A year ago, I would have jumped at the chance for some more aussies. Love those birds; extremely good layers and pretty too.

Saw my first robin of the year yesterday. Still pretty much snow on the ground down here, but at least it's melting.
Happy Easter, all!
I am pretty sure I will have several males..I think so far I have 3 blacks, 2 Blues, 1 Splash. I am not positive the splash is pure yet. I will have to wait at least a week. Marking eggs does not help when you end up with a incubator full of crawling chicks. I still have one more Orpington egg in the incubator.
Ok...so 9 of 30 hatched so far with more pips. Delisha...have one that was marked c for cherry eager I believe but baby came out black, the other one that hatched was yellow as planned...any clue of heritage of the black cherry egger? Looks like she has darker legs...
Ok...so 9 of 30 hatched so far with more pips. Delisha...have one that was marked c for cherry eager I believe but baby came out black, the other one that hatched was yellow as planned...any clue of heritage of the black cherry egger? Looks like she has darker legs...
She might be a wrong marked egg if the egg color is light pale rose. Those are pure English.
Quote: I would think it is a cherry egger and will look more like a bar rock, she throws both black and buff.Sometimes they look like dad more than mom. I am almost positive I was careful with your eggs and sent what you wanted. I make mistakes daily..so who knows.
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Good Friday...Fish fry friday..and Vietnam Vets Day In Wisconsin...Thanks again for your service, and risking everything for us to keep us free! We owe all our freedoms to you Vets! THANKS-YOU.

Welcome to the new folks....JT, I think the Dolphins are gonna be a force in the NFL before. Head coach Filben will have em winning soon.

The eggs are piling up fast now. Stopped by the neighbors and gave them 4 dozen. I still have 12 dozen in the fridge. Couple phone calls and they'll be gone.

Nice to see the snow soaking in and not running away.

Off to church in the morning to set up for Easter Breakfast...we expect close to 500. I'll be cracking eggs for quite awhile Easter morning.

Keep them hatching.... bigz
So English orp or barred rock? Any distinguishing Marks? Right now still wet, looks black with little white on wings and darker legs... Love a variety!
Delisha was not made to work today, I just helped her and she went along with it all!
But she definitely does have a lot more room for when she decides to separate out all of her breeds. Always a great time however, even when I am knee deep in mud and SH#T.

BTW-I got to see Delisha's little chickies and oh are they cute!
Got my babies and month olds each dust baths. You should see the babies, they are up to their eyeballs in wood ash

DH and I are going to a movie tonight
He wants to see Oz 3D. He really just wants popcorn I think.
Hello to everyone!! Glad to hear about all the hatching happening!

We just got home from a couple of days in the Dells. Wednesday night DH & I were without the kids and stayed at the casino hotel. Enjoyed a nice adult kind of day together. My mom kept the kids for the day with her in Nekoosa, then we picked them up on Thursday and did all the fun kids stuff there. Tanger mall, build-a-bear, Buffalo Phil's, swimming, Knucklehead's and Moosejaw's . Took the kids to see The Croods in 3D too, cute movie, but great popcorn!
It's our 10th anniversary today so this was our couple of days of celebrating and having fun for spring break. '

Checked on the eggs when we got home and I've got chicks popping out!! They were due to hatch today, but I'm not sure exactly when they started because we weren't home. So far I can see 3 BCM, 1 W/BW Ameraucana, and a bunch of SFH. It's much harder to see what's going on when hatching in the bottom tray of the cabinet incubator. Looking through the window with a flashlight trying to see what I can for now. The brooder is all set up and ready and I'm going to start a batch of FF for the chicks too. First time trying the FF and am hoping it improves the health of the SFH. They are known to have some issues and I give them vitamins in their water to help with that also.
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What a lovely day today. The flock was out and enjoying the weather and got to free range for the first time in a long time.

The boys spent most of the day outside, running in and out to the deck where I drew them some chalk railroad tracks. That kept them entertained for half the day, then we added some signs and water puddles and various other drawings, it was a hit.

Old rooster got nominated for my plan to try out Coq au Vin in some shape or form tomorrow, so he's plucked, cleaned, and soaking in a brine in the fridge at the moment.

Easter hatch is progressing. Out so far:

11 "Iowacana" easter eggers (Lav Am Bantam x Iowa Blue)
7 Iowa Blues
3 Silver Sussex
7 Olive Eggers
1 Lavender Am (LF)
2 Marans (1 black, 1 blue)

We'll see what I have by tomorrow.

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