Wisconsin "Cheeseheads"

good happy Easter morning,
just waiting for the call to go pick up my eggs..

I just had chick #2 hatch.. 18 more to go.. I don't expect 50% for these early eggs.. I suspect some of them were frozen..

the first two are going to be quite colorful,, I am quite sure the first one is a roo ..

I fixed the humidity problem.. don't need the wet towels anymore.. there was an air bubble in the plastic tube from the reservoir pail.. my fault for letting all the water run out.. it will prolly happen again.. I guess I should have a pail of water down here and ready at all times to top off the reservoirs.. I go through about a quart per day in each bator..

DD$1 decided that we should have a ham dinner here today.. I have to make a batch of bread rolls or she won't come .. that makes no sense,, but you have to know her.. where would be the down side to the threat ?

I have to get a chick TV set up..

my next lock down is April 4.. 31 chickens,, 13 guineas..
the next one is April 7, (poor timing on my part) I should have had at least one more day between.. that one will be 43 chicken..

I have to devise a cover for the hatching tray.. the second chick is already out of it and running around on the bottom of the bator.. looks like another roo.. I hope Pang has a lot of chicken pluckers..

UnkaDan, DD#1 said she has a roll of heavy gauge plastic.. I checkes at Menard's.. they have a UV resistant rigid plastic panel.. quite pricey ..$$$$$$$$

I dreamed that I was looking for a job, and I was driving a white 2000 Lincoln Town car convertible.

Good morning and happy Easter to my favorite cheeseheads!
I'm waiting to hear about all of the hatches.
One of my babies is roosting on the edge of the dust bath. It's amazing to me how quickly these are moving along compared to my last batch. The first batch must have been inbred. lol
Good morning and Happy Easter! Tommy says so too--he is crowing up a storm. I have just a minute--gotta get chores done and then off to Appleton to my bro's place. It is going to be a small crowd today; my other brother and his family arent coming.
COngrats on all the new babies! Does that mean you had a 100% hatch Deli or did you pull quitters earlier? Great job in any case! I just hate looking at that one last egg in the bator and wondering....

OK gotta go...dd is reminding me every minute about the time! LOL!
Happy Day! TErriO
Happy Easter folks, the sun is out here making the weather liars look bad but making me look happy!

this hatch may be done, 17 out of 20 hatched, strong healthy chicks at this point, I'll let the last 3 cook for the day just because 85% adds to the happy for the day

bigfam I think you missed some aliee or lueyahha's in there

Jim the outfit that is the international distributor for that material you saw at Menards is in De Pere they sell over runs and damaged sheets for better prices, I'll send you the info, I am checking for a project here


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I have call ducks trying to hatch today. I hope they hatch. None have managed to so far this year. Not sure what I'm doing wrong. I had good hatch rates last year. :(

Hopefully I'll be posting pictures of a couple of cuties tomorrow.
I have a few more chicks. I don't know if I'll have any to sell at this rate though. I had a few EEs hatch, a lav ameracauna, a Swedish flower. I had to pitch one because it bleed and died in the egg (others trampling on it before the vessels shrunk). A chick pipped yesterday and never zipped, dead today.

Funny story, before lockdown I was candling eggs. I dropped an egg. It was fine but the egg it landed on wasn't. It was a lavender so I was pretty ticked at myself. I went and got the super glue and put it all over the cracks. I glued my fingers to the egg. As I'm painfully peeling my fingers off and I pull some shell off the egg and outer membrane is showing! Sh!t. So I go put neosporin ointment on the membrane to keep it from during out. Not a lot of hope for it, but I set that one upright to protect the weak parts of the shell. Guess which lavender is the only one to hatch so far? I saw it pipped and partially zipped. But it couldn't get through the super glued areas. I helped it zip through that section and out it popped! Childbirth in my hands. Wonderful feeling after all I did to keep that egg good to hatch.
Happy Easter!!

Our ham is in the oven and cheesy potatoes will go in later. Just us at home this year. Decided to stay home instead of heading to my Grandparents this year. We did enough driving around this week for spring break already.

One more chick is out this morning, making it 27 out of the 33 that went into lock down. No more pips so this might be it. Of the 6 left 5 are shipped eggs so I'm very happy over all with this first hatch in the Dickey. Some of the shipped eggs were mis-labeled. There were 5 coronation susssex and 5 salmon faverolles from the same person, but I hatched 7 Fav's and 3 coronation.
I had those two in one section of the hatcher together knowing that the 5 toes and feathered feet would set the two apart. Those Faverolles are so cute! They are the fluffiest and have the biggest chubby cheeks of them all!

So my hatch summary is: Set 46 -Locked Down 33 - Hatched 27 (still keeping the last few in just in case)

Set Pulled at LD LD Hatched
SFH 9 1 clear, 1 quitter 7 6

SFH 7 2 clear 5 5

BCM 8 1 clear 7 3

Salmon Fav 5 0 5 7

Coronation 6 1 blood ring 5 3

W/BW Am 11 7 clear 4 3
TOTALS 46 13 33 27

58.7% from set
81.8% from lock down

I like to keep records of this kind of stuff.
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