Wisconsin "Cheeseheads"

Confirmed! We have a new Mayor! Thank goodness too! They guy we had as Mayor was going to be 80 by the time he was finished. Not that there is anything wrong with that, but I think it was high time for someone younger with fresh ideas.

Took my youngest DD to the Oral Surgeon yesterday for a consult appointment. I was surprised at what it is going to cost to get that impacted tooth to come down; it was much less than I thought! She of course is not thrilled at all with any of this..... and I can't say that I blame her. Soon it will all be over and done with and be nothing more than a memory.

Off to work for me, everyone enjoy this lovely weather!
shouldn't that be

Unk 1 Raccoon 1


nawww I changed the point system, when I score it cancels any previous "escape points"
nawww I changed the point system, when I score it cancels any previous "escape points" ;)
Hahaha typical man move ;-)
I thought it was really great if you are just moving the chicks into the coop by themselves, but I need to know about adding them into an existing flock. Don't pipe down- I need all the help I can get
I keep the youngsters in a rabbit cage that is low to the ground. Put straw in for their feet. A box and perch. Light if it is cold. I wait untill ths ladies pay them no more attention. Then I always pick a weekend night, set the youngens on the perches next to sachother, and mixed in with the adults. Im sure to be into the coop b4 light that next am. Turn on the light and give treats to wake everybody. If any girls show too much interest, I give them a little push away. The ladies are usually so busy starting their day...they dont even notice the babies. The little ones dont usually come out of the coop for a few weeks. I leave it at that. Hubby alaays wants to bring them out. I dont let him. I also make sure were home all day that first day to ksep checking on the babys. And I periodically bring them to food and water the first few days. Sometimes the ladies kick them away so I want to make sure they get some :) hope this helps!!
sunshine is out already, I have half the chores done- guess I should go finish the rest

hey Jim! did you get anymore done on your pen for your peas? When do they typically start to lay eggs for the season?

well so far Terry O has 3 quail out from the eggs she brought us- they are in a temporary brooder until she comes to pick them up- DD had fun holding them last night- said they were fast suckers! Will see what the day brings for the remaining quail eggs- how many days should we give them yet?

We are at day 20 for the eggs in our wine-bator- fertility seems to be the big issue here this year-either that or the birds just don't like each other
of the 67 eggs set, only 19 showed any signs of life at day 18
Temp and humidity have been steady all along- really like the new thermostat that we got, brings it right up to temp.

Off to finish chores, enjoy the sun!
Good Morning!

Great pics of all the new babies!!! I do have a quick question....I went out to the coop this morning...and something caught my eye, and it must be new because I can't believe I didn't catch this before, but one of my 4wk olds is walking very odd....like not on feet but on the long part of it's legs....waddling almost and it's feet are curled under, almost like it has had a stroke or something. I picked it up, and it doesn't appear anything is broken...and it's getting around very well like this. I've researched a bit quickly, don't see anything that "looks" like it could be the issue. I took a picture of the chick sitting....as this is how it looks when it waddles also. Any ideas, or suggestions anyone?
Don't help hatching eggs is my advice.

Delisha you are forming a conspirator group against/for me running for office. I actually have thought about it several times but wouldn't run until we bought the house. You took a nap and I was dragging hard all day at work I was so tired.
I am ..I am..

I also concure with the no assist rule. Not only do you risk the one, you risk the rest of your flock. The weak should not survive.

ugh, just read one forward and one backward leg is a sign of Marek's.

Now what?!?! I am just sick :(
Cull the chick and send it to the Madison Lab for testing.

You can log onto the web site and find out who to call for information and where to send the culled chick.

I am ..I am..

I also concure with the no assist rule. Not only do you risk the one, you risk the rest of your flock. The weak should not survive.

Cull the chick and send it to the Madison Lab for testing.

You can log onto the web site and find out who to call for information and where to send the culled chick.

This give me just the option to send it to Ames, IA or Idaho? Ugh... :( this is not a good day by far!!

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