Wisconsin "Cheeseheads"

There's also a small swap in Antigo tomorrow but I don't know anything about it other than where it's at. Franchie???

Oh I check in the incubator all the time. That d@mn duck tape gets in the way! (Don't ask me how my hatch is going either...
And you wonder why your hatches are bad. Like Amy said, keep your mitts off!
You had such a good hatch in the Brin only because it was at school where you didn't have access to all the time.
So sorry to hear about your aunt. Kinda hard to picture you doing shots with your dad, though. Now me & my dad, that's another story..............

Congrats on the eggs, dcba! I hope they all hatch for you! Although having all 7 trying to hatch in one of those little things is enough to make you crazy (just ask Bigfam). Good thing they get all fogged up so you can't see too well.

Psyco, why don't you get some ducks & turkeys from Jim or Terri? I'm sure they wouldn't charge as much? You better get to working on those coops, and whoever said to make them big wasn't joking. We all know from experience how addicting poultry is & we've all wished we had larger coops. Well, except maybe Bigfam. She seriously needs to work on filling those barns of hers. I can help with that, ya know.

Lisa, hope your chickie makes it...........

Gee Heather, aren'tcha glad you called today?
Make it 15 birds I think. I found Ladybird dead. My poor girl. I don't name all the birds, but the personable ones I do. She looked a little funny earlier today, now I know why. But don't worry, I've got lots of chicks CC. That is if I don't squeeze them all to death...:rolleyes:
Make it 15 birds I think. I found Ladybird dead. My poor girl. I don't name all the birds, but the personable ones I do. She looked a little funny earlier today, now I know why. But don't worry, I've got lots of chicks CC. That is if I don't squeeze them all to death...
That was not your fault!
Fish Fry Friday To Everyone...I just hate asking for help bl4...but if Ross Actually has some time to take a look...I'd be blessed for sure. I know he has a gift for workin on tractors. it simply doesn't start. The motor is strong and needs some tlc. I'm hopin to get it running before i die...kinda one of the bucket list items.Prolly have a little time yet, i'm hopein!

I thought i'd get some trees moved today. Ended up going in the woods and getting some hickory limbs for my native friend (also a proud marine). He will be making them into war clubs...quite nice when he is finished. They are either ball clubs or paddle clubs....another art starting to dwindle amoung the younger generations. I'll be doing the trees prolly tomorrow.

Suzie spent the day caring for one of the peeps. It was having trouble going bm...so she massaged it's bottom from the vent up and she could feel the knotted stuff....it worked and the peep pooped about quarter size doobie and felt so much better....it's running around like the rest now.

Suppose the grass is gonna need attention in another week or so. I always let it get extra long. It rakes up and gets baled into feed bags for next winters use in the coops. One needs to make sure that it is really dry before bagging up. Numerous sunny days work best.

Stay safe...bigz
Not the prettiest pic in the world, but here are some of my adults after they got slightly drizzled on yesterday. Out of their entire run, this is their fav spot.
That's Hershey on the top left.

Technically my coop can hold up to 60 birds, if its 3 sq ft per bird. I've got a few less... :lol:

Hey CC... I've got plenty of room for Hershey and her behind!!!
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