Wisconsin "Cheeseheads"

TO, they probably implanted 3 fertilized eggs, all three split making three sets of twins. Losing two at birth could have been the other twin of the two fraternal babies..... or she could have had an idiot doc who put 5 fertilized eggs in and they all took with one splitting into twins....

I just read an article the other day about a couple who was using IVF and are pi$$ed off because they are having twins. Seriously? Why are idiot people like this even having kids? Did they not understand that the odds of having a multiple pregnancy with IVF are HUGE?

Nice to see you CC, we love you!

I have three grocery bags of apples sitting in my kitchen. They have been there since Monday. Maybe I will be able to get them made into applesauce on Saturday or Sunday.......

Off to work. Everyone have a great day. Sorry about Latte Judi and congrats on the new birds Deli and Irish!
How do they keep the grass growing in there? All I have to do is show the grass to my chickens and it's dead!

That's just what I was thinking. Actually, I was thinking they only put the chickens in there to take the picture. The ground around it looks like chicken ground.
I just read an article the other day about a couple who was using IVF and are pi$$ed off because they are having twins. Seriously? Why are idiot people like this even having kids? Did they not understand that the odds of having a multiple pregnancy with IVF are HUGE?
X2 bigtime! I read a similar one about a couple very upset because they were having twins with their 2nd pregnancy (and possibly all the kids were boys). So so so sooooooo selfish!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Children are blessings!
Well, it's 2:02am and I'm here all by my lonesome !!! We just got back from the memorial service for my cousin over in Woodruff. They had a small gathering at Perkins after that. Then I stopped at Walmart to see what they had for fabric and to my surprise they don't carry fabric at that Walmart.

So we got home about 1am. Poor ET has to get up at 5:30am......

My poor Aunt and Uncle. My uncle broke down several times and watching my aunt saying goodbye to her son was just heart breaking.

Now I'm all buzzed up on coffee..... who knows how long I'll sleep tonight.

Judge, care to share your apple sauce making routine ??? Are you sure that hen didn't have a rooster visitor ??? lol Poor girl, don't eat her just because she is a loner :( She can make you some nice Easter Eggers !! Wish I lived closer, I'd take her. I love my Am's.

AngieB, I'm having one of my moments..... remind me was Latte the hen you were carrying around at the bash ??? Either way..... poor Latte

TO, you're funny.... 99 bottles !!!! 99 Quarts !!!

I see they have apple cider in the stores now. I paid $2.99 a gallon at Aldi's for Apple Cider. Walmart wants $4.48.. Bought two, so I can make some more apple pie shot drinks.

I also read in the paper that the UW Extension is having a canning class for learning how to can venison. It is from 9-4pm on an upcoming Saturday. $12.00 to take the class.. I'm thinking about it..

I see the chokecherry's are ripe. I popped one in my mouth today and it was very bitter, didn't strike my fancy. So I think I might just have to concentrate on doing something with the apples. I see the geese that are free ranging really love the apples.

Anyone care to share how to dry them using just one of those round dehydrators ?

Jim, why aren't you posting........ someone tick you off ??? Hope it wasn't me ?????

SClark, wow, 50 lbs is a lot to lose. You had better start drinking that Ensure. I'd drink more then one a day if you aren't eating anything else. You need that protein to heal.

Oh, Amyable. ET says you are going to have a BOY on Monday September 9th. (that is the same day I said) He said 8lbs 2 oz.... 21" long.

He didn't say what time.

I went to the Doctor's yesterday too. Actually the NP in Cardiology. She was very nice Speaking of babies. She moved her from because she didn't want her 4 children going to the Arizona schools. Get this..... all of her children are whatever you call 4 multiple births. She was carrying 6 but lost 2 at birth. She had undergone embryo transplant. She has a pair of identical twin boys and a fraternal set of twins. Nothing like getting it over with all at once hey !!!

Well, I think I am officially falling asleep here. I had better go... for now anyway !

Sweet Dreams All !!

Hi there- we cut the apples into quarters but do not core or peel them. Then we put it through a Sauce Master.There are several different brands. I got mine at FF. The sauce comes out one part and the seeds and peels come out in another. If you put the peels back through you can get more out. We taste it and if needed put in some sugar. We reheat the sauce until boiling and then put in jars and process in a hot water bath 15 min for pints. Here is a link to what we use. It is also really awesome for tomatoes. No peeling!
ETA: oops! Forgot to say that we cook the apples until they are soft, and then put them through the strainer.
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So basically a fancy food mill hey ? I think I might have one of those..... it looks so familiar....the cones...... Hmmmmmm... if I do it's been so long..

I've never canned applesauce before. I tried making apple pie filling and I over filled the jars or something and it over flowed when I bathed them...

So just to be safe. How far do fill them ?

Any recipes for apple pie filling ?

Anyone making apple cider or apple juice ? I'd love to make some cider and juice so we can make the apple pie shots.

The choke cherries are all ripe but I tasted one yesterday, did nothing for me... the seeds are huge, wouldn't know how to go about using them.

Oh and any advice on drying the apples with the elcheapo round dehydrator would be nice. I'm always afraid that they aren't dry enough and not safe to eat ..... lol
The geese sure love the apples. Thought if I dried some it would be a nice winter snack to rehydrate them in winter.

Yeah, TO ET was suppose to sleep on the way home but he didn't. Guess me talking didn't help..... They just had coffee and pie at Perkins so the sugar had us buzzed.

My cousin is being Cremated now and his ashes are being scattered over White Fish Lake where my late Auntie Esther (his aunt too) had a cottage. Nice big lake.

Thinking of you MamaG a sad time for sure saying goodbye to a loved one.

Speaking of loved ones....... Jim......who ticked you off this time???? Where are you......???? Miss you.....

And Dan the man......where are your funnies ???? Come on guys..... step up.... Oh and you too JJ Mr Wise Guy?????? Well I guess you need Heather Girl to post more to get you guys in the mood ???? Come on Heather !!! lol

Going to have a bowl of healthy cereal for breakfast...... yum.

Don't forget Amy.... baby is coming on Monday.... better get that birthing room ready. That is way to cool that you and BL4 are having them at home !!!
FT - I just peel, core, chunk up the apples into.a big pot, pour in a g all on or so of Apple cider and let it cook away until out gets to the thickness I want. Adding the cider eliminates the need to add sugar.

Have a batch of applesauce on the stove right now. Just finished putting up some pints of chili starter. Hopefully I get enough more tomatoes to do another batch at least but the blight hit so hard and fast I doubt it. So frustrating, I should have more than enough to be giving some away right now. The vines are loaded but dead and the fruit is turning black faster than it can ripen. What a waste. Oh well, I was blessed with such a huge crop last year that even after being raided by the kids we still have a couple dozen jars of salsa and several quarts of sauce. We just need a few more pints of chili starter and we will be good for the winter anyway. What is it the bible says about putting away in the fat years to protect yourself in the lean? ;)
So basically a fancy food mill hey ? I think I might have one of those..... it looks so familiar....the cones...... Hmmmmmm... if I do it's been so long..

I've never canned applesauce before. I tried making apple pie filling and I over filled the jars or something and it over flowed when I bathed them...

So just to be safe. How far do fill them ?

Any recipes for apple pie filling ?

Anyone making apple cider or apple juice ? I'd love to make some cider and juice so we can make the apple pie shots.

The choke cherries are all ripe but I tasted one yesterday, did nothing for me... the seeds are huge, wouldn't know how to go about using them.

Oh and any advice on drying the apples with the elcheapo round dehydrator would be nice. I'm always afraid that they aren't dry enough and not safe to eat ..... lol
The geese sure love the apples. Thought if I dried some it would be a nice winter snack to rehydrate them in winter.

Yeah, TO ET was suppose to sleep on the way home but he didn't. Guess me talking didn't help..... They just had coffee and pie at Perkins so the sugar had us buzzed.

My cousin is being Cremated now and his ashes are being scattered over White Fish Lake where my late Auntie Esther (his aunt too) had a cottage. Nice big lake.

Thinking of you MamaG a sad time for sure saying goodbye to a loved one.

Speaking of loved ones....... Jim......who ticked you off this time???? Where are you......???? Miss you.....

And Dan the man......where are your funnies ???? Come on guys..... step up.... Oh and you too JJ Mr Wise Guy?????? Well I guess you need Heather Girl to post more to get you guys in the mood ???? Come on Heather !!! lol

Going to have a bowl of healthy cereal for breakfast...... yum.

Don't forget Amy.... baby is coming on Monday.... better get that birthing room ready. That is way to cool that you and BL4 are having them at home !!!

1/2" headspace. Don't forget to add a little water to the pot when cooking the apples.
I forgot to post results of my detox diet. I went from 142lbs to 129lbs. I have more energy, mental clarity and the eczema on my hands has cleared up! I'm very happy. And I plan to keep grains, dairy and sugar out of my diet, forever. I officially signed up for the Rock and Roll half marathon in Vegas in November. So that just gives me more motivation to eat healthy and stay active.
I Got The Blues!

I met Connie Hurley and son in Portage and came home with these beauties! Thanks Connie!!

Eric Clapton, Billie Holiday, Bessie Smith, Etta James & Pearl (Janis Joplin)


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