Wisconsin "Cheeseheads"

The local feed store uses the old burlap at times and I use those. I have also sewed a small one if I want to do a small amount of sprouts.
You can purchase burlap and just sew up all the sides but a small space to add your feed.

I have not tried millet..give it a shot and tell me how it goes..I will give it a go if it works for you...those fresh little sprouts are so nice for the birds in winter. I have let it get a tiny little green shoot too. The roots stick real nice in the burlap.
My chocolate orp hatched this morning. I brought my silkie/cochin hen with her 2 babies into the garage. I'm hoping she accepts this one. Its probably a week younger than the others. It would be so convenient if she could just raise it up for me. It would really help with integrating it into the flock, too. I'm hoping for a rooster!
I have a chocolate cuckoo LF Imported Orp..she is beautiful..I hope you have a male

I know
can't believe everything I went thru with it to only have it turn out to be another roo

someone on the Austrolorp thread pretty much said the same thing. looks like I am going to have to take Terri up on her very generous offer to take them back if they turned out to be roos. That is if I can even figure out how to get them to her. I really, REALLY wanted it to be a "her".
Can you tell how totally bummed I am????

ETA - it's official. Three very knowledgeable breeders voted. Cockerels. Now I have to go have a good cry, then figure out how to get them back to Terri. After as hard as I worked to save them, there's no way I can cull them, I just can't.
So sorry :(. I wouldn't be able to cull them either after all you went through. Can't you keep just one?
My stupid bantam Cochin that wouldn't go in the coop at night finally got eaten. I found a big pile of feathers and her beak in the yard. I'm thinking it must have been a raccoon. It had to climb a wire pen to get her. And she wasn't a normal chicken that just sat there as you grabbed her in the dark. She put up a fight. I tried to catch that sucker a couple of times after dark, she always got away. Oh well. Her little faverolles buddy must have witnessed it, because she finally went in tonight. Lol
So sorry :(. I wouldn't be able to cull them either after all you went through. Can't you keep just one?

I actually thought of that but you would not believe how bonded these two are! If I thought it would work, I would actually keep the little one I worked so hard on which oddly seems to be closer to the SOP than his brother (per a breeder on the Australorp thread) but they are totally inseparable with the bigger one always acting as the sick one's protector. The little one, Pepper, is the more inquisitive and trusting of the two. I wonder if he could adjust by himself to being the newbie without his buddy to protect him? now you've done it! Got me thinking again!!!
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My stupid bantam Cochin that wouldn't go in the coop at night finally got eaten. I found a big pile of feathers and her beak in the yard. I'm thinking it must have been a raccoon. It had to climb a wire pen to get her. And she wasn't a normal chicken that just sat there as you grabbed her in the dark. She put up a fight. I tried to catch that sucker a couple of times after dark, she always got away. Oh well. Her little faverolles buddy must have witnessed it, because she finally went in tonight. Lol

:hugs hope you get the pred before it can strike again.
My stupid bantam Cochin that wouldn't go in the coop at night finally got eaten. I found a big pile of feathers and her beak in the yard. I'm thinking it must have been a raccoon. It had to climb a wire pen to get her. And she wasn't a normal chicken that just sat there as you grabbed her in the dark. She put up a fight. I tried to catch that sucker a couple of times after dark, she always got away. Oh well. Her little faverolles buddy must have witnessed it, because she finally went in tonight. Lol
I hate it when they wont go in..my Silver laced Wyandotte male hides at night under the coop. He sleeps out every night and will not let me catch him by scooting under when he sees me.
Hi, here's my 3 molty girls.... nice of them to sit together for me!

coming in..........almost in..............ewwww! LOL

Her (the black) back is still a bit rough, you can kinda tell the new feathers.

The darker one got out of range when she realized I was taking pics! LOL
Hi, here's my 3 molty girls.... nice of them to sit together for me! coming in..........almost in..............ewwww! LOL Her (the black) back is still a bit rough, you can kinda tell the new feathers. The darker one got out of range when she realized I was taking pics! LOL
wow, scruffy, lol. Good molt pics! Vicky, I know they are right now, but in a few months they'll start scrapping with each other and driving you crazy anyway (most likely) if you have hens and especially if you don't have enough hens. Mine do ok, but they have separate sleeping arrangements and usually stay in different areas if the yard. Only the top rooster does whatever he wants. They will get over being separated.
I would like to add that I have three same age roosters in a bachelor coop (so they aren't all separate) that are brothers and very close to each other. They are about 5 months old and they are staring to have some brawls. Had to shut the lights off on them tonight at bedtime because they were challenging each other. I also have several real young Roos and pullets in the barn with my main roo and dominant hens. The big boss roo keeps the peace in there.

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